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http://xination.pixnet.net/blog/post/22513146 最近好像很多人出國機考呢 --------------------------------------- forage v.搜索糧秣 [To wander in search of food] ex. A dog foraged in the garbage. n.草料,飼料 [ food for horses or cattle; fodder] 聯想:for + age 為了成長-->找飼料 forager forage-er n.搜索糧秣的人 聯想:AOC的村民:「是! 糧草徵收員」 review for.bear v.克制 [to refrain or abstain from] forebear n.祖先 bear bear bore born v.承擔 (Mrs. Ann bears all expenses.) v.忍受 (I can't bear this weather.) // for.bear v.克 制 v.生小孩 (She has born five children.) // forebear n.祖先 n.熊 bearing n.忍耐 (His behavior was beyond bearing.) n.關係 (What you have said has no bearing on the subject .) n.方向、方向感 (The sailors lost their bearings last night.) forbearance for-bear(忍受)-ance n.忍耐,自制 [Tolerance and restraint in the face of provocation; patience] ex. craving his forbearance a little longer. 希望他能再度寬容一段時間 ex. You must treat the child with forbearance. 你必須寬恕這孩子。 forbearance <> impatience n.急躁;不耐煩 forbid v.禁止 [To command (someone) not to do something] ex. The new law forbids smoking in pubic places. ps. forbidden city=紫禁城 forbidding forbid-ing adj.險惡的;令人生畏的 [grim; unfriendly; hostile; sinister] ex. his forbidding countenance(face). ford n.淺灘 [a place where a river or other body of water is shallow enough to be crossed by wading.] v.涉水(淺灘)而過 [to cross (a river, stream, etc.) at a ford.] ps. Ford福特→美國汽車製造商,他改進了汽油為燃料的汽車,並大量生產最早的大眾擔 負得起且廣泛使用的T型車,這種車成為第一輛可以涉水而過的車﹗如果仔細看ford廣告 就會發現涉水的鏡頭 forebode fore(前)-bode(壞的預示) v.預示 [To indicate the likelihood of; portend] ex. to forebode disaster ex. The dark clouds forebode a rainstorm. 烏雲預示著暴風雨即將來臨。 凶兆三兄弟 (凶兆;壞的預示/是可以用於好的預示啦,但多習慣用於壞的方面) omen n/v. ex. an omen of defeat bode v. ex. This bodes us no good. portend v. ex. What do these strange events portend? forecast fore-cast(v. 投) n/v.預測,預報 [To estimate or calculate in advance, especially to predict (weather conditions) by analysis of meteorological data] 使用forecast時,表示是經過事前計算的、分析的那種預測,比方說天氣預測 weather forecast. ex. The teacher forecast that twenty of his students would pass the examination. 老師預測他有二十名學生能通過考試。 ex.Marx and Engels scientifically forecast the collapse of capitalism. 馬克思和恩格斯科學地預言了資本主義的滅亡 foreknowledge fore-knowledge n.預知 [ Knowledge or awareness of something before its existence or occurrence; prescience.] 非科學的性的預測,是屬於直覺型的預測,比方說預知對方是否喜歡你,同義詞有 prescience. ex. Did you have any foreknowledge of the scheme? foreshadow fore-shadow v.預示 [To present an indication or a suggestion of beforehand] forerunner fore-run-er n.先驅 [ predecessor; ancestor; forebear; precursor.] ex. Dr. Sun Yat-sen was the forerunner of Chinese revolution. 孫中山先生是中國革命的先驅 。 n.預兆 [a sign, or indication of something to follow] ex. Warm rains are the forerunners of spring. 暖雨是春天來臨的前兆。 foresight fore-sight n.遠見(能看到未來之事,並事先準備) [ability to see what is likely to happen in the future and to take appropriate action. ] ex. During the blizzard I was glad I'd had the foresight to buy enough groceries. 在那場大風雪中,我慶幸自己深謀遠慮,事先買了足夠的食品雜貨。 forestall fore-stall(停) v.預先阻止 [ to prevent, hinder, or thwart by action in advance] ex.To forestall is better than to amend. 與其補救於已然, 不如防範於未然。 v.壟斷 [to buy up (goods) in advance in order to increase the price when resold.] forestall <> abet ps. 字根stall 有停止、安置的意思 stall n.牲畜欄中的一欄、小房間 [意味把牲畜安置的小地方] v.熄火 install v.安裝、使就職 // installation n.安裝、就職 [in(加強語氣)-stall(安置)-->就職] installment n.分期付款、分期連載 [in(不)-stall(停)-ment-->不停的給-->分期付款] forestall v. 預先阻止 [fore(前)-stall(停)-->預先阻止] forest-ry n.森林學;林業 [the science or skill of growing and taking care of trees in forests, especially in order to obtain wood. ] forestry 包括野生生物保護,實行防止雜草、蟲害、真菌病、侵蝕和火災。森林經營計 劃起源於中世紀早期的歐洲,許多國家都有關於森林的立法、管理林木的砍伐及狩獵活動 。19世紀歐洲成立了私立的林業學校,1891年美國政府批准了第一個林地保護區,到了20 世紀,許多國家開始從事造林或再造林計劃。 -- ※ 發信站: 批踢踢實業坊(ptt.cc) ◆ From: