精華區beta GRE 關於我們 聯絡資訊
http://xination.pixnet.net/blog/post/22688590 明天我表姊婚禮 又要休刊了... sorry -------------------------------------------- generation n.世代,一代 [the entire body of individuals born and living at about the same time] ex. the postwar generation. n.產生 ex. The waterfall can be used for the generation of electricity. 這瀑布可用以發電。 generator n.發電機 [a machine that converts one form of energy into another, esp. mechanical energy into electrical energy, as a dynamo, or electrical energy into sound, as an acoustic generator(發出聲納的機器).] "教你怎麼做 water generator" generic gener-ic adj.種屬的 [Of or relating to a genus.] adj.[文法]總稱的 [ applicable or referring to both men and women] ex. a generic pronoun. adj.一般的 generosity gener-o-sity n.慷慨 (就是給的很大方) [Liberality in giving or willingness to give] ex. Thank you for your generosity. 感謝您的慷慨。 ps. generous 字源:1588, from M.Fr. généreux (fem. généreuse), from L. generosus "of noble birth," from genus (gen. generis) "race, stock" (see genus). Originally "of noble birth," secondary senses of "unselfish" and "plentiful" were both present in Fr. and perhaps in Latin. generous這個字,是由字根gen"生"所組合而成,在拉丁文中它指的是"of noble birth 屬於高貴的出生的",而後來演變成有慷慨大方之意"unselfish, plentiful" genesis n.起源 [an origin, creation, or beginning.] ps. Gensis 《創世記》;是舊約聖經的第一卷書, 「創世記」的意思便是「萬物的起源; 誕生」, 這本書的英文名字(Genesis)採自希臘文《七十士譯本》替該書所起的名字(原 本是希伯來文)。 genetics n.遺傳學 [(used with a sing. verb) The branch of biology that deals with heredity, especially the mechanisms of hereditary transmission and the variation of inherited characteristics among similar or related organisms.] ps. genetic code geneticist n.遺傳學者 genial adj.和藹的,親切 [Having a pleasant or friendly disposition or manner] ps. genius [geni-us] n.天才 genital [geni-t-al] adj.生殖的 genial [geni-al] adj.和藹的,親切 review (前面加個con意思又不太一樣了唷@@) con-geni-al adj.意氣相投的 [suited or adapted in spirit, feeling, temper, etc] con-gen-i-tal adj.天生的(ex.病等) [of or relating to a condition that is present at birth] (a congenital heart defect) 其實這兩個字來源有點不同唷 congenial --> con + geni[us] (n.天才,引申成才能) + al --> 有共同才能的-->意氣相投的 congenital --> con + gen (生) + i + tal -->生下來就有的-->先天的 (加強語氣) genome n.基因組 [a full set of chromosomes; all the inheritable traits of an organism.] genre n.【法】文藝作品之類型 [a kind of literary or artistic work] ex. 像"文風"的概念 ps. xination時代的高中國文課本有一課好像是【典論論文】是曹丕寫的,就是討論 genre的唷(如果沒記錯的話 -_-) 字源:1770, from Fr. genre "kind, sort, style," from O.Fr. (see gender). Used especially in Fr. for "independent style," as compared to "landscape, historical," etc. gentle n.溫和的;和善的 [ kindly; amiable] ps. gentleman; Ladies and gentlemen welcome to .... 字源:gentle,於法文中跟"noble birth"有關 genteel adj.彬彬有禮的;有教養的 [Refined in manner; well-bred and polite.] ex. It was a place to which genteel families came in search of health and quiet. adj.冒充上流的 [affectedly or pretentiously polite, delicate] 字源:genteel 是由 gentle變化過來的 gentry n.上流社會人士 [people of high social status or high birth] ex. Our children is only like so much dirt compared with Gentry's children. 我們的孩子和上等人家的孩比起來,那真好比是一堆垃圾! ex. Better be the head of the yeomanry than the tail of the gentry. 寧作自由民之首,不為貴族之尾。 n.仕紳階級 [(in England) the class below the nobility.] 字源:gentry 是由 gentle變化過來的 genuine adj.真的 [not fake or counterfeit; sincere ] genuine <> feigned review ---------------------------------------- gen == produce生 genuine adj.真的 [天生的未經琢磨的] ingenuous adj.天真無邪的 ingenue n.天真無邪的少女)【法】 genius n.天才 ingenious adj.聰明的 ( 擁有創造性天才和想像力的 ) ingenuity n.創造性能力 gen-i 跟聰明有關 genu 跟真的、天真無邪有關,除了in-genu-ity ---------------------------------------- -- ※ 發信站: 批踢踢實業坊(ptt.cc) ◆ From:
cicaca :現在我已經變成你的忠實讀者了,感謝你無私的分享 03/14 00:52
fishtom :推~~~ 03/14 05:11
fliegen :謝謝您! 03/15 03:56
newwilly :推推 03/15 14:48
peterluo :感謝你的分享! 03/16 23:20
redlance :推 03/19 02:39
iverson52000:念完推~~ 03/25 19:37