精華區beta GRE 關於我們 聯絡資訊
http://xination.pixnet.net/blog/post/22513142 星期日休刊 ------------------------------------------------- fleeting fleet-ing adj.轉瞬即逝的 [passing swiftly; vanishing quickly] ex. I got only a fleeting glimpse of him. 我只是瞬間看到他一眼。 ps. fleet n.艦隊 adj.快速的 fleeting <> perennial adj.四季不斷的;終年的 ---------------------------------------- 字根 flect flex == bend flexible adj.易彎曲的、柔韌的 // 否定 in-flexible adj. flexibiltiy n.易彎曲、柔韌 deflect v.使轉向 [to bend or turn aside] inflect v.使曲折 [to modulate (ex. voice)] (inflect point 反曲點) reflect v.反射、映出、深思反省 reflection v.反射、倒影、深思反省 ---------------------------------------- flexible flex(bend)-ible adj.易彎曲的、柔韌的 [Capable of being bent or flexed; pliable.] flight n.飛翔,飛行 n.飛機的班次 ex. passengers on flight 123 flimsy flim(film的變體)-sy (注意字型唷) adj.輕而薄的 [Light, thin, and insubstantial] ex. She felt cold in her flimsy dress. 她穿著單薄的衣服覺得很冷。 adj.脆弱的 [Lacking solidity or strength] ex. a flimsy table. 聯想:film + sy flinch v.畏懼;退縮 [to draw back or shrink, as from what is dangerous, difficult, or unpleasant.] ex. never flinch from difficulties. 聯想:fl(y) + inch 一寸一寸飛回來 review clinch v.釘牢 [用釘子定牢,且在最後時還把釘子打成L型加強固定效果] flint n.原始人用的打火石 [A very hard, fine-grained quartz that sparks when struck with steel.] ps. Flint 也是個地名,在底特律,在1819建立原以毛皮貿易為主,後來變成汽車城 flint n.打火石 flirt v.調情 原始人送打火石(flint)來調情(flirt) flirt v.調情 [To make playfully romantic or sexual overtures.] v.以玩弄的方式處理 [To deal playfully, triflingly, or superficially with] ex. flirt with the idea of marriage. flip v.輕彈;輕拍 ex. He flipped the ash off his cigarette. 他用手指彈掉了菸灰。 ex. flip a coin adj.【口】無禮的,魯莽的 ex. a flip answer to a serious question. flip:respect 魯莽的沒有尊敬 flit v.輕快地飛(ex.鳥) [to move lightly and swiftly; fly, dart, or skim along] ex. bees flitting from flower to flower. 聯想:fl(y) + it 輕快地飛過它 flock n.羊群、鳥群 [a number of animals of one kind, esp. sheep, goats, or birds, that keep or feed together or are herded together.] ps. Flock (羊、鳥)is the popular term, which applies to groups of animals, esp. of sheep or goats, and companies of birds Drove (牛、豬)is esp. applied to a number of oxen, sheep, or swine when driven in a group Herd (用於大型動物、牛、大象)is usually applied to large animals such as cattle, originally meaning those under the charge of someone; but by extension, to other animals feeding or driven together Pack (用於一群動物在攻擊、防禦時用)applies to a number of animals kept together or keeping together for offense or defense school:fish=flock:birds=herd:animals 魚群由魚組成=鳥群由鳥組成=獸群由動物組成 floodgate flood-gate n.水閘 [a gate designed to regulate the flow of water.] flora flor(flower)-a n.植群(尤指某一地區或某一時期的植群) [ the plants of a particular region or period, listed by species and considered as a whole.] n.花神芙羅拉 Flora 西方古希臘神話中的花神叫Choris,到了羅馬時期被稱為Flora。她嫁給了西風之神 Zephyr,丈夫送給她的是一座充滿各種花卉的園子。春天時,Flora會隨著丈夫Zephyr的 腳步來到園子裡,一路上是百花齊放 -- ※ 發信站: 批踢踢實業坊(ptt.cc) ◆ From:
fishtom :推推推 02/28 23:41
beban :pack可以比上wolf嗎? 03/02 12:29
xination :可 pack 可以 比上 wolves 03/02 13:40