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http://xination.pixnet.net/blog/post/22513152 今天有股化不開的抑鬱 橫梗在胸 好沉 好重 不能找出源頭 也不能找出開口 ------------------------------------------------ frenetic [also phrenetic] adj.發狂似的 [frantic; frenzied.] frenzy n.發狂[ extreme mental agitation; wild excitement or derangement.] ex. In a frenzy of hate he killed his enemy. 一股仇恨湧上心頭,他殺死了他的敵人。 convulsion:contraction=frenzy:emotion 痙攣是收縮加劇=瘋狂是感情加劇 frequency [also frequence] n.頻率 frequency:pitch=wavelength:color 頻率決定音高=波長決定顏色 frequent adj.,頻繁的 ex. A few of these have received frequent usage. 其中有些已經得到廣泛應用。 v.時常出入於 [ to visit often; go often to; be often in] ex. John likes to frequent the bars. 約翰喜歡經常出入酒吧。 fresco 源於 fresh新鮮 n.濕壁畫 [The art of painting on fresh, moist plaster with pigments dissolved in water.] fiasco n.完全失敗 fresco n.濕壁畫 這幅壁畫(fresco)真是個大失敗(fiasco) fret n/v.苦惱; 煩躁 [to feel or express worry, annoyance, discontent, or the like] ex. Doubts began to fret his mind. 疑慮開始使他心情煩躁。 n.迴紋飾 ex. fretwork ps. fretful adj.苦惱的; 煩躁的 friable adj.易碎的;脆弱的(容易變成粉的) [easily crumbled or reduced to powder; crumbly] ex. surface soil near river is commonly friable. friable:crumble=malleable:alter 易碎的容易打碎=可改變的容易改變 friction frict(rub)-ion n.摩擦;摩擦力 [The rubbing of one object or surface against another.] ex. Friction causes a rolling ball to stop finally. 摩擦力使得一隻滾動的球最終停了下來。 frieze n.【建】帶狀裝飾 [A plain or decorated horizontal part of an entablature between the architrave and cornice.] "sculptured horizontal band in architecture," 1563, from M.Fr. frise, originally "a ruff," from M.L. frisium "embroidered border," variant of frigium, probably from L. Phrygium "Phrygian, Phrygian work," from Phrygia, the ancient country in Asia Minor known for its embroidery. Folk etymology is Fr. drap de Frise "cloth of Friesland." Meaning "decorative band along the top of a wall" was in O.Fr. Phrygia n.佛裡幾亞→小亞細亞中西部古國,位於今天的土耳其中部。受到過呂底亞古 國、波斯、希臘、羅馬和拜占庭的統治,所以其建築風格有一點Byzantium frieze n.【建】帶狀裝飾 freeze v.冰凍 frigid frig(cool)-id adj.嚴寒的 [ very cold in temperature] ex. a frigid climate. adj.性冷感的 (of a woman) exuberant:happy=frigid:cool 非常高興的是特別高興=嚴寒的是特別冷 frigidity frig-id-ity n.嚴寒 [the state or condition of being frigid.] ex. The frigidity of her manner melted away at once. 她對人冷漠的態度馬上消失了。 fringe n.穗 [A decorative border or edging of hanging threads, cords, or strips, often attached to a separate band.] n.邊緣 ex. They put up tents on the fringes of the woods. 他們在樹林邊緣搭起帳篷。 n.劉海 ps. flange n.凸緣 [A protruding rim, edge, rib, or collar, as on a wheel or a pipe shaft, used to strengthen an object, hold it in place, or attach it to another object.] frisky adj. [Energetic, lively, and playful; frolic, gambol] ex. a frisky kitten. frivolous adj.輕佻的 [characterized by lack of seriousness or sense; inappropriately silly] ex. At age of 18, he's still frivolous and needs to grow up. frivolous:gravity=brash:discretion 輕佻的不嚴肅=倉促的不謹 -- ※ 發信站: 批踢踢實業坊(ptt.cc) ◆ From: ※ 編輯: xination 來自: (03/05 21:39)
Sgenius :辛苦了!! 謝謝你 03/05 22:01
meteor711 :辛苦你了!!加油^____^ 希望你能有好心情 :) 03/05 23:10