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http://xination.pixnet.net/blog/post/22688569 ----------------------------------------------------- functionary function-ary n. 公務員(尤指政府的)[a person who functions in a specified capacity, esp. in government service; an official] ex. civil servants, bureaucrats, and other functionaries. fundamental fundament-al adj.基本的 [serving as, or being an essential part of, a foundation or basis] ex. the fundamental laws of the universe. adj.基本原則、原理 [a basic principle, rule, law, or the like, that serves as the groundwork of a system] ex. Fresh air is fundamental to good health. 空氣新鮮是身體健康之必需。 ps. fundament [found-ment] n.基本原理 fungi / fungus(single) n.菌類; 蘑菇 ps.1 Wow! Fungi plant growth - The Private Life of Plants - David Attenborough - BBC wildlife ps.2 fungi wiki fungi:ecologist=motivation:psychologist 生態學家研究菌類=心理學家研究動機 fungicide fungi-cide n.殺真菌劑 [A chemical substance that destroys or inhibits the growth of fungi.] furnace furn(burn)-ace(地點) n.熔爐 [ a structure or apparatus in which heat may be generated, as for heating houses, smelting ores, or producing steam.] furor fur(burn)-or n.騷動,喧鬧 [A general commotion; public disorder or uproar.] n.轟動 [A fashion adopted enthusiastically by the public; a fad.] ex. this book creates a furor. n. 狂怒 [Violent anger; frenzy] ps.1 furor celtica 塞爾特狂熱 (攻城器製造所單位生命值加 50%) 塞爾特狂熱是在英雄威廉華勒斯出現以前,塞爾特人居住地-當今愛爾蘭,一直受到英國 之強力壓迫,直到的威廉華勒斯出現,他激起了塞爾特人的民族意識,此稱塞爾特狂熱。 威廉華勒斯就是William Wallace,電影《英雄本色》就是說他的故事 ps.2 Furies 複仇女神;Furies決不罷休地追究每一件兇惡殘暴的事,特別是殺害親屬。高傲專橫、違 背誓言和怠慢客人也要遭到懲罰 furrow n.犁溝 [a narrow groove made in the ground, esp. by a plow.] ex. to make a furrow in the ground v.犁田 [to make a furrow or furrows in.] v.使起皺紋 [to make wrinkles in (the face)] 整理: burrow n.地洞 (兔子、鼴鼠挖的) furrow n.犁溝、皺紋 harrow n.耙 ( 用於打碎犁過的泥土的農具 ) v.使遭受巨大的悲傷和折磨 plow n.犁 = plough[英式用語] v.犁地 fallow n.休耕地 adj.休耕的 fellow n.夥伴 [沒有夥伴(fellow)一起幫忙,只好讓地休耕(fallow)了] hoe n.鋤頭 ( 用於割草、耕作及園藝 ) hew v.用斧砍伐 furtive adj.偷偷的;鬼鬼祟祟的 [taken, done, used, etc., surreptitiously or by stealth; secret] ex. The man's furtive manner made the policeman follow him. 這人鬼鬼祟祟的舉止引得警察跟蹤了他。 1480-90; < L furtīvus, equiv. to furt(um) theft (cf. fūr thief) + -īvus -ive fusillade n/v.連續齊射 [ simultaneous or continuous discharge of firearms.] ex. attack with fusillade. ex. A fusillade of insults. 接連不斷的侮辱 聯想:fus(e) + ill + ade 一起開火齊射(fusillade)是生病(ill)的導火線(fuse) fusion fuse-ion n.熔化,熔解 [The act or procedure of liquefying or melting by the application of heat.] ex. when heating, the fusion of ice occurs. n.熔合 [The merging of different elements into a union] ex. The fusion of copper and zinc makes the metal brass. 銅和鋅的熔化製成黃銅。 ps.1 fuse n.導火線 n.保險絲 v.融合 ps.2 fission n.分裂 n.[物] 核分裂 fuss n.大驚小怪;小題大作 [an excessive display of anxious attention or activity] ex. Everyone made a fuss over the new baby. v.大驚小怪;小題大作 fussy fuss-y adj.大驚小怪的;難以取悅的 [Easily upset;requiring great attention to sometimes trivial details] fusty adj.發霉味的 [having a stale smell; moldy; musty] adj.守舊的;過時的 [old-fashioned or out-of-date] fusty adj.發霉味的、腐朽的 dusty adj.滿是灰塵的 (古舊房間裡滿是灰塵且發了霉味) ps. 在flickr上有個名叫 Fusty Box的攝影家 futile fut-ile adj.無效的,無用的 [ incapable of producing any result; ineffective; useless] ex. Any added word would have been commonplace and futile. 再說任何話都會是平凡無聊,毫無價值的。 音:fut(few)-ile ps. futility n.無效,無用 -- ※ 發信站: 批踢踢實業坊(ptt.cc) ◆ From:
peterluo :推一個!! 03/14 22:25