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http://xination.pixnet.net/blog/post/22513143 又來到星期一了 大家好阿 -------------------------------------- florid flor(flower)-id adj.華麗的(有過份、不好的意味在) [excessively ornate; showy] ex. florid writing. ex. florid tone adj.鮮紅色的;氣色好的 [ reddish; ruddy; rosy] ex. a florid complexion. florid的字源:1642, "strikingly beautiful," from Fr. floride "flourishing," from L. floridus "flowery, blooming," from flos "flower" (see flora). Sense of "ruddy" is first recorded 1650. Meaning "profusely adorned, as with flowers," is from 1656. florid最早的意思是"strikingly beautiful",後來才有"ruddy"的意思 flourish flour(=flor; flower)-ish n/v.茂盛,繁茂 [to be in a vigorous state; thrive] ex. This type of plant flourishes in hot countries. ex. a period in which art flourished. n/v.繁榮,興旺 [ to be in its or in one's prime] flourish的字源:c.1300, "to blossom, grow," from O.Fr. floriss-, stem of florir, from L. florere "to bloom, blossom, flower," from flos "a flower" (see flora). Metaphoric sense of "thrive" is c.1340. Meaning "to brandish (a weapon)" first attested 1382. The noun meaning "literary or rhetorical embellishment" is from 1603. flourish最原始的意思是"to blossom, grow"開花成長,後來有比喻上的用法表示 "thrive繁榮" fluorescent fluor(flor;flower)-esc(become)-ent adj.螢光的 ps. fluorescence n.螢光 flounder v.掙扎 [To make clumsy attempts to move or regain one's balance.] ex. flounder in the deep snow 在深雪中掙扎 ex. She could only flounder through her song. 她只能慌亂地唱完她的歌。 n.比目魚 聯想:flo(w) + under 在下面流動-->掙扎 flounder <> slide v./n.滑行 flout v.藐視 [To show contempt for; scorn] ex. Deliberately flout the law 明知故犯 聯想:fl(y) + out 輕蔑地飛過去 flout的字源:Perhaps from Middle English flouten, to play the flute, from Old French flauter, from flaute, flute; see flute. flout最原始的意思可能是"to play the flute(橫笛)",想像一下別人在說話,你很輕蔑 的吹笛子的場景 fluctuate fluct(=flu;flow)-u-ate v.波動 [to change continually; shift back and forth] ex. He fluctuated between hope and despair. 他時而充滿希望時而失望。 ex. The price of vegetables fluctuates according to the weather. 蔬菜價隨著天氣變化而波動。 ps.fu, flu的發音有流動的意思 fluffy fluff(n.絨毛)-y adj.絨毛的 fluke n.意外的幸運 [ an accidental advantage; stroke of good luck] fluke得字源:"lucky chance," 1857, originally a lucky shot at billiards, of uncertain origin. fluke源指撞球中偶然成功的一擊 ["movie":"http://www.youtube.com/v/qyq1fhe5mn4&hl=zh_TW&fs=1","allowfullscreen":"true","allowscriptaccess":"always","src":"http://www.youtube.com/v/qyq1fhe5mn4&hl=zh_TW&fs=1","type":"application/x-shockwave-flash"] flush n/v.臉紅 [ a blush; rosy glow] ex. a flush of embarrassment on her face. n/v.湧流 ex. a flush of anger. n/v.用水沖洗 [ to wash out (a sewer, toilet, etc.) by a sudden rush of water.] ex. She flushed the toilet. 他沖洗了廁所。 flush v.沖水、臉紅 blush v.臉紅 日本人上廁所沖水(flush)時,被人聽到了很不好意思(blush) irrigate:flush 沖洗傷口(or灌溉)是種沖水 flustered fluster-ed adj.慌張的 [ being nervous or upset.] 例如考試忘了帶准考證, you feel flustered. ps. fluster n/v.慌張 ex.The honk of horn fluster the driver. 汽車喇叭的響聲使司機感到慌亂。 聯想:flus(h) + er -->臉紅到慌張了 flutter v.鳥拍翅 [To fly by a quick light flapping of the wings.] v.顫動;激動得發抖 [To wave or flap rapidly in an irregular manner] ex. Her heart began to flutter with fear. 她的心因害怕而開始怦怦跳。 聯想1:把其中兩個tt想成翅膀 聯想2:flatter是拍馬屁;flutter是拍翅膀 -- ※ 發信站: 批踢踢實業坊(ptt.cc) ◆ From:
jack2030 :頭毛推 03/02 20:47
tatlacz :眉毛推 03/02 23:18
yoruhoshi :那...我要什麼推呢? ...推推~~ 03/03 13:05