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http://xination.pixnet.net/blog/post/22513139 never give up !!! ----------------------------------------- finicky adj. 過分講究的;愛挑剔的 (簡單地說就是龜毛) [excessively particular or fastidious; difficult to please; fussy.] ps. fuss n.大驚小怪;小題大作 [an excessive display of anxious attention or activity] ex. Everyone made a fuss over the new baby. v.大驚小怪;小題大作 finite fin(範圍)-ite adj.有限的 [ having bounds or limits] ex. a finite life span 有限的生命期 firearm fire-arm n.火器,槍支(特別指手槍、來福槍) [ A weapon, especially a pistol or rifle, capable of firing a projectile and using an explosive charge as a propellant.] firefly fire-fly [有火的蒼蠅] n.螢火蟲 fiscal fisc(money)-al adj.財政的;會計的 [ of or pertaining to financial matters] ex.The U.S. government fiscal year legally ends on September 30. 美國政府會計年度法定為九月三十日結束。 adj.國庫的 [of or pertaining to the public treasury(國庫) or revenues] review confiscate v.將...充公;徵收 fissure fiss(cleft;裂縫)-ure n.裂縫 [A long narrow opening; a crack or cleft.] ex. a fissure on the wall. 字源:1375-1425; late ME < L fissūra cleaving, cleft, fissure, equiv. to fiss(us) divided (see fissi- ) + -ūra -ure ps. fission n.分裂 n.[物] 核分裂 fixate fix(v.使固定)-ate v.注視 [To focus one's eyes or attention on] v.固定 [to fix; make stable or stationary.] ps.(補充) fixation 固著;在心理學上指的是滯留作用 弗洛伊德認為5 歲以前是人的一生中發展的重要階段,在這幾年內,本能的發展過程中很 可能會產生多次的失敗。一個人在某個發展階段如果得到滿足太少,那麼他會害怕不敢進 入下一個階段;如果得到滿足太多,也沒有動機再往前進,滯留作用於是發生。一旦發生 滯留現象,個人雖然發展到後期,但仍然努力希望得到和早期階段相同的滿足。 flaccid flac(=flab)-id adj.軟弱的 [ soft and limp; not firm; flabby] ex. flaccid cheeks 鬆弛的臉頰 flacc-id flabb-y 字源:1620, from Fr. flaccide, from L. flaccidus "flabby," from f flag n.旗 v.無力地下垂;萎垂 [ to fall off in vigor, energy, activity, interest] ex. Her interest in music has begun to flag. 她對音樂的興趣逐漸淡薄了 flag:vigor=waver:resolution 衰弱缺乏精力=動搖缺乏決心 flagging flag-ing adj.下垂的 [drooping] adj.衰弱的 [Declining; weakening] ex. flagging strength. ex. Despite numerous failures, they continued to conduct the experiment without flagging. 儘管實驗幾次都失敗了,他們仍毫不氣餒地繼續進行。 flaggy flag-y adj.下垂的、衰弱的 [drooping; flagging] flagrant flagr(=flame;burn)-ant adj.罪惡昭彰的 [Conspicuously bad, offensive, or reprehensible; blatant] ex. Flagrant crime 滔天大罪 ps. 聖安東尼奧馬刺隊的 Bruce Bowen c.f flagrant adj.惡名昭彰的 fragrant adj.芳香的 [把r想成 = rose] review conflagration [con-flagr-ation] n.大火災(ex.森林大火) flail n.連枷 [an instrument for threshing grain] ex. To thresh using a flail. 用連枷脫粒 v.用連枷打(穀類) flail n.連枷 [有"l"的比較像棒棒] frail n.脆弱的 // frail 延伸出--> friable adj.易脆的 -- ※ 發信站: 批踢踢實業坊(ptt.cc) ◆ From: