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http://xination.pixnet.net/blog/post/22688577 ------------------------------------------ gadfly gad(趕家畜用的尖頭棒)-fly n.牛虻(一種蒼蠅,會咬家畜) [Any of various flies,(especially of the family Tabanidae), that bite or annoy livestock and other animals.] n.討厭的人 ps.蘇格拉底自比於牛虻(gadfly),碰到人就不斷地提出問題來困擾人。 annoying:gadfly 討厭的人是煩人的 gad gadfly gadget n.小巧的器具;小玩意兒 [ A small specialized mechanical or electronic device] ex. A bottle opener is a kitchen gadget. 開瓶器是廚用小器具。 字源:1886, gadjet (but said to date back to 1850s), sailors' slang word for any small mechanical thing or part of a ship for which they lacked, or forgot 原本是水手間的俚語,指任何船上機械的東西,他們所缺的,他們忘記的 gadget:tools 小器械是一種小工具 ps. widget 是由gadget所創造出來的唷 gaffe n.【法】失禮,失態(尤指社交、外交上的出醜) [A clumsy social error; a social blunder] ex. 在升旗典禮時候,國歌還有一大段,旗就已經上去了,結果所有的長官面面向噓 在xination當兵的時候,就曾發生過這慘事,該死的天兵,結果那天大家都很慘 字源:French, from Old French, hook; see gaff. gaffe來自於法文的gaff,但連結不明 gaff n.魚叉 gaffe n.失禮,失態 gaggle n.鵝群 [A flock of geese] n.咯咯聲吵的一群 [an often noisy or disorderly group ] ps. gaggle是象聲詞 review swan n. 天鵝 cob n.雄天鵝 [原意是玉米棒] pen n.雌天鵝 [源於pen 鵝毛筆 ---> 雌天鵝] cygnet n.幼天鵝 gaggle n.鵝群、一群多嘴的婦女 goose n.雌鵝 [geese複數] gander n.雄鵝、傻瓜 gosling n.小鵝 鴨、鵝、天鵝 gainsay against-say v.否認; 反駁[to speak or act against; oppose.] ex. beyond gainsay 無可否認, 不容置疑 ex. She is a fine woman - that nobody can gainsay. 她是個好女人-無人能否認。 (XD..發好人卡) 字源:"to contradict," c.1300, lit. "say against," from O.E. gegn- "against" + say. "Solitary survival of a once common prefix" gain原本是個很常見的字首,當作against,不過現在僅有gainsay留存下來 gait n.步伐,步態 [a manner of walking, stepping, or running.] ex. He had a strange rolling gait, like a sailor on a ship. 他走起路來怪怪的,左右搖擺,就像船上的水手一樣 wait gait 等待(wait)別人注意自己的步伐(gait) -- 邯鄲學步 字源:gait來自於gate唷,gate是門欄的意思,你跨過gate是不是需要步伐呢,所以gait 因此而來 galaxy n.星系 n.銀河系 [Milky Way; 地球與太陽所在的星系] 字源:gala在希臘文中是指milk唷,另外以xy結尾的只有4個單詞,xy表示交織在一起, 象坐標線一樣,銀河系也像星星交織在一起 gall n.膽汁 n.怨恨 [bitterness of spirit; rancor] ex. the gall of defeat [聯想:臥薪嘗膽--怨恨] wall gall 走路撞到牆(wall),心有怨恨(gall) gall <> assuage v.緩和,減輕(病痛等) v.滿足(食慾,慾望等) review 當膽汁時 choler = bile = gall 但做衍生義的時候 bile n.壞脾氣 // bilious adj.易怒的 easily angered choler n.壞脾氣 // choleric adj.易怒的 easily angered gall n.怨恨 bitterness of spirit; rancor gallant gall-ant adj.英勇的 [ brave, spirited, noble-minded, or chivalrous] ex. a gallant knight ex. These gallant soldiers will protect our country. 這些勇敢的士兵會保衛我們的國家的。 adj.對女子慇勤的 [exceptionally polite and attentive to women] n.豪俠; 慇勤的男士 聯想:可以想成有膽色的男子是gallant的 字源:c.1420, from O.Fr. galant "courteous," earlier "spirited, dashing," prp. of galer "make merry," from gala (q.v.). Sense of "politely attentive to women" was adopted from Fr. 17c. The noun, "man of fashion and pleasure," is from 1388. gallant最先的意思是"有風度的,有禮貌的courteous",跟gala字根有關,意味者結婚, 而後來發展成對女子現慇勤 galley n.船上飛機上的廚房 [a kitchen or an area with kitchen facilities in a ship, plane, or camper.] ex.像在飛機上、船上的廚房我們都可以稱為galley n.單層甲板大帆船 [A large, usually single-decked medieval ship of shallow draft, propelled by sails and oars and used as a merchant ship or warship in the Mediterranean.] galley n.船上的廚房 gallery n.走廊、畫廊 走廊(gallery)的盡頭就是船上的廚房(galley) galley:ship=kitchen:house 船上的廚房在船上=房內的廚房在房內 gallon n.加侖(In Britain, it is equal to 4.564 litres. In America, it is equal to 3.785 litres. ) heat:calories=liquid:gallons 熱量單位是calories=液體單位是gallons galvanize galvani(人名)-ize v.用電流刺激 [To stimulate or shock with an electric current.] v.刺激 [To arouse to awareness or action; spur] ex. The news galvanized them into action. 這消息促使他們起而採取行動。 galvanize:stimulate 通電刺激是刺激 故事 青蛙腿的啟示: 義大利波洛尼亞大學的解剖學教授Luigi Galvani (1737..1798)經常利用電擊研究生物反 應,1780年秋天無意間發現,即使沒通電源的情況下,剝下來的青蛙腿也會發生痙攣的現 象,後來經過十年的研究,在1791年發表成果。他一直認為這是一種由動本身的生理現象 所產生的電,稱為動物電,因此開發了一支新的科學 電生理學的研究。同時也帶動了電 流研究的開始,觸使電池的發明 義大利利帕維亞大學的物理學教授伏特(Alessandro Vlota 1745..1827),反覆重做 Galvani的實驗,仔細觀察後發現電並不是發生於動物組織內,而是由於金屬或是木炭的 組合而產生的。 gamble v.賭博 [to play at any game of chance for money or other stakes(賭注).] ex. He gambles on the stock exchange. n.賭博 invest:capital=gamble:stake 投資是投入資本=賭博是投入賭注 -- ※ 發信站: 批踢踢實業坊(ptt.cc) ◆ From: