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http://xination.pixnet.net/blog/post/23266752 這頁也是滿長的... 花了不少時間製作 ----------------------------- illegal in-legal [leg(law)-al] adj.不合法的;違法的(被法律禁止的) [forbidden by law or statute.] ex. Terminating pregnancy is illegal in this country. 墮胎在這個國家是違法的。 illegitimate in-legitim-ate adj.私生的 [ born of parents who are not married to each other] ex. an illegitimate child 私生子 adj.不合法的;違法的 [ unlawful; illegal] ex. illegitimate use of public funds. ps. legitim 此字是個法律上的用語,指的是"小孩或可以拿到的部分財產"。 legitim來自 L. legitima legi=law, -tima是個suffix legitimate adj. [born in wedlock or of legally married parents] ex. He is the legitimate heir to the property. 他是這宗財產的合法繼承人。 adj.合法的 [ according to law; lawful] illicit in-licit adj.非法的,不法的 [Not sanctioned by custom or law] ps. illicit 也是指非法的意思,差別在於,它的字義可以包含的更廣,不僅可以指法律上的 ,也可以指風俗上的。 比方說 illicit love affairs "非法愛的事物"-->偷情 licit 本身是指"合法的",它來自L. licite lic(=leg;law)-ite 字根leg特輯 **leg == law 法律 (ps.leg 還有appoint的意思 或是 字根lect的變化型) legal adj.合法的 legitimate adj.合法的 (可以用在繼承權上) legisl-ate v.制定法律 [enact laws] legisl-ation n.制定法律 legisl-ature n.立法機關 al-legi-ance n.忠誠 [lawful-->faithful] [特] litigation n.訴訟 lit + ig + ation. (lawsuit) (do) n. ---------------------------------------- illiterate in-liter(letter;文字)-ate adj.不會讀寫的 [ unable to read and write] ex. Being illiterate,he had to learn the stories by heart. 由於不識字,這些故事他都得背下來。 adj.未受教育的;知識淺陋的 [showing lack of culture, esp. in language and literature.] 字根liter == letter 文字 liter-al adj.照字面的、逐字的 il-liter-acy n.文盲 liter-ate a.能讀寫的、受過教育的 (有文學知識的) // il-liter-ate a.不 會讀寫的 liter-ature n.文學 liter-ary n.文人[-ary 為集合名詞] adj.文學的 liter-atus n.文人、學者 // liter-ati 複數 ---------------------------------------- illuminate in-lumin(light)-ate v.照亮 [ to supply or brighten with light; light up.] v.闡明 [ To make understandable; clarify] ex. even wrong guesses illuminate the problem. ps. lumen 光的能量單位 1 lumen = 1/683 Watt [焦耳/秒] illuminati in-lumin-ati n.光明會之會員 [Any of various groups claiming special religious enlightenment.] ps.1 illuminati來自L. illuminatus, "enlightened"的意思。 光明會可以指某些宗教團體,從古代到現代有很多團體都稱呼過是光明會,它通常是種秘 密的組織。Dan Brown的小說《Angels & Demons》裡面就是敘述光明會的小說(ps.誰是 Dan Brown...就是小說《達文西密碼》的作者) passward:123 ps.2 雙像圖 illuminati:instruct 先覺者指導 illusion in-lus(play)-ion n.幻覺;假象 [something that deceives by producing a false or misleading impression of reality.] n. [Psychology. a perception, as of visual stimuli (optical illusion), that represents what is perceived in a way different from the way it is in reality.] 廣義來說,illusion, hallucination, delusion都是幻覺;假象。若要細分的話, * illusion是指大腦正常的運作下,曲解我們的感覺,是一般人都會有情況。 ex.PTT上的簽名檔 一十大女支三金一十大女支三金一十大女支三金一十大女 * hallucination是指在神智清醒時,沒有外來的刺激,可以會聽覺、視覺的情況。 * delusion是指像偏執狂、狂熱分子的那種"false belief" illusive in-lus(play)-ive adj.幻覺的;假象的 = illusory ex. illusive hopes of of finding a better job. illusory in-lus(play)-ory adj.幻覺的;假象的 [causing illusion; deceptive; misleading.] ex. But the tranquillity was illusory. illustrate in-luster(n.光澤)-ate [使東西有光澤] v.說明 (用圖,實例等) [to furnish (a book, magazine, etc.) with drawings, pictures, or other artwork intended for explanation, elucidation, or adornment.] ex. The teacher illustrated his lesson with pictures. 這位教師用圖片來講解課文。 ps. Adobe illustrator 向量繪畫的軟體---應用於製作插圖、廣告小冊子 illustrate:pictures 用圖說明用圖畫 imbibe in-bibe v.喝 [ drink] ex. Barley grains imbibe water. 大麥粒在水中吸漲。 v.吸收,接受(ex.思想,知識) [To absorb or take in as if by drinking] ex. imbibe fresh air, knowledge ex. imbibe and appreciate a country's culture 聯想:in + pipe(管子) :"進到管子中"-->吸收 imbue v.灌輸;深深影響 [To inspire or influence thoroughly; pervade] ex. imbue a mind with patriotism 將愛國心灌輸進人心 v.滲透 [To permeate or saturate.] 音:input -->灌輸 imbroglio in-brogilo(mix) n.複雜的情況 [A difficult or intricate situation; an entanglement.] ex. The film is according to relation imbroglio between several adolescent students and teachers. ex. emotional/love imbroglio between A and B. (曖昧關係) 聯想: embroil v.刺繡 --> imbroglio n.複雜的情況 imitate imit(copy)-ate v.模仿 [To copy the actions, appearance, mannerisms, or speech of;] ex. I wish you would imitate your brother a little more. 我希望你多學學你的兄弟。 字源:1525-35; < L imitātus ptp. of imitārī to copy, presumably a freq. akin to the base of imāgō image imitation imitate-ion n.模仿 [The act or an instance of imitating.] n.複製品/仿製品 [Something derived or copied from an original.] ex. The paint is an imitation of the one in the museum. imitative imit(copy)-ative adj.模仿的 [imitating; copying; given to imitation] ex. acting is an imitative art 演戲是模仿的藝術 ex. Monkeys are imitative. 猴子愛學樣。 adj.複製的/仿製的 -- ※ 發信站: 批踢踢實業坊(ptt.cc) ◆ From:
sovereignty :推 imitate。 06/08 22:21
youbet :謝謝分享!! 06/08 22:46
hopesing :感謝分享 06/09 16:46