精華區beta GRE 關於我們 聯絡資訊
http://xination.pixnet.net/blog/post/23148871 睽違六天 終於有錄音啦 呼呼 xination 這陣子牙齒痛阿 人生是黑白的 冏rz...躺者也會瘦呢 現在已經好了 ^^ 本頁推薦單字--halo ------------------------------------------ hallow v.把...視為神聖 [to make holy; sanctify; consecrate.] ex. people hallow this old 榕樹 as a patron saint(守護神) ps.1 hallow v.把...視為神聖 // Halloween n.萬聖節前夕(10月31日) hollow a.空的 ps.2 萬聖夜「Halloween」,為「All Hallow Eve」的縮寫 萬聖節是怎麼來的 其實在天主教會裡面,十一月一日是諸聖節 (All Saints Day),隔天十一月二日則為萬 靈節(All Souls Day,或譯為追思亡者節 ),可以說是萬聖節的起源。 早在西元前數世紀,凱爾特人(Celts,居住在蘇格蘭、威爾斯及愛爾蘭等地)便在十月 三十一日的時候,慶祝一個名為「 Samhain 」的節日。因為在十月底,活人世界跟死人 世界之間的界線會變得模糊,因此死人的靈魂很容易進入活人的世界,跟我們農曆七月開 鬼門的傳說很像。在那一天,大家會穿著奇裝異服,在外面遊行,希望能把外面的孤魂野 鬼給嚇跑。 hallowed hallow-ed adj.神聖的 [regarded as holy] ex. hallowed ground 聖地 hallucination n.幻覺 [Perception of visual, auditory, tactile, olfactory, or gustatory experiences without an external stimulus and with a compelling sense of their reality, usually resulting from a mental disorder or as a response to a drug.] 同義詞有illusion ["movie":"http://www.youtube.com/v/C3yIhgRUU_s&hl=zh_TW&fs=1","allowfullscreen":"true","allowscriptaccess":"always","src":"http://www.youtube.com/v/C3yIhgRUU_s&hl=zh_TW&fs=1","type":"application/x-shockwave-flash"] halo n.光暈(建議看一下wiki,裡面很豐富) [A circular band of colored light around a light source, as around the sun or moon, caused by the refraction and reflection of light by ice particles suspended in the intervening atmosphere.] ps. halo主要是由大氣的對流層內的ice crystals 所造成的,當光線打入這些ice crystals內的時候,會有折射與反射的現象,使得不同頻率(顏色)的光被分出來,而產生 相似rainbow的光環。 n.在宗教繪圖中環繞在神聖者的身上或頭上的光圈 halt n.暫停 [A suspension of movement or progress, especially a temporary one] ex.在當兵時的口令"立定"英文版就是 halt v.使停止 [To cause to stop] ex. Don't halt here; move on, move on! 不要停留在這裡,往前走,往前走! ps. 如果你有設定過BIOS,你應該會看到halt這個字唷,不然你可以試試看 ex. Halt on "All but keyboard" halting halt-ing adj.躊躇的, 猶豫的 [faltering or hesitating, esp. in speech.] ex. What he said was confused, halting, and verbose. 他說的這些話既雜亂無章、吞吞吐吐,又囉里囉嗦。 hammer n.鐵鎚 v.鎚打 hamper v.妨礙,阻礙 [To prevent the free movement, action, or progress of; hinder; impede] ex. The snow hampered my movements. 雪妨礙了我的行動。 ex. There is still a long road ahead of you and dont let this moment hamper your excellent progress. (通常rejection的信都會有這類型的話...) n.有蓋大籃 [A large basket, usually with a cover.] ex. a picnic hamper laundry:hamper 提籃用來裝衣服 handle n.把手 [A part that is designed to be held or operated with the hand.] v.操作;處理 [To operate with the hands; manipulate; To cope with or dispose of] ex. to handle knotty problems. 對付棘手的問題 字源: handle這個字,是由hand所架構而成的,最先的意思就是"用手處理" hangar n.飛機庫 [A shelter especially for housing or repairing aircraft.] ex. The plane nosed into the hangar. 飛機緩緩地進入機庫. 聯想:把飛機吊起(hang)來修理的地方叫 hangar ps. hangar n.飛機庫 hanger [hang-er] n.衣架 hangdog hang-dog adj.可憐的 [defeated; intimidated; abject] ex. It was a painful, hangdog progress for him. 對他而言,那是一個痛苦而受屈的過程。 adj.內疚的 [ showing a sense of guilt] 整體來說,若你用hangdog這個字形容人,通常指那個人,看起來是sad的,而且有sense of guilt的感覺在。比方說,因為賭博而傾家蕩產的人 has a hangdog face/ look. hanker v.嚮往;渴望 [To have a strong, often restless desire.] ex. to hanker after the dance with you. (介係詞用after唷) ps.一般說"嚮往;渴望"用desire就可以了,如果你想說的是那種強烈、又停止不下來的渴 望,你可以用hanker這個字。比方說想吸菸想的不得了,to hanker after the cigarette.,或是想見你想見的不得了to hanker after/for meeting you. 字源:字典說hanker這個字,與hang有關,我的推測是指那種魂牽夢縈的渴望而來的 hankering hanker-ing n.嚮往;渴望 [a longing; craving.] ex. getting a hankering for something a little different. hap n.幸運 [Fortune; chance.] v.發生 [To happen.] ex. if it so hap. 字源:1150–1200; ME < ON happ luck, chance hazard n.機會(有風險的那種) [A chance of being injured or harmed; danger] ex. Space travel is full of hazards. ex. moral hazard v.冒危險 [To expose to danger or harm.] ex. Rock-clibmers sometimes hazard their lives. 攀登岩石的運動員有時要冒生命危險。 字源:Middle English hasard, dice game, hazard這個字原本指"骰子遊戲" haphazard hap-hazard adj.隨意的 [characterized by lack of order or planning, by irregularity, or by randomness; determined by or dependent on chance; aimless.] ex. in haphazard order. ps. haphazard由hap, hazard兩個字所組成,這兩個字都帶有chance的意思,所以結合起 來就是指"隨chance所發生的", "隨意的"意思 harangue n. 自大傲慢的演說[A long pompous speech, especially one delivered before a gathering.] ex.harangue指的是種演說,特別是指那種"長"、"強烈"、"傲慢"的長篇大論演說,通 常是為了強迫要人群接受某個想法。 比方說,當兵的時候就會聽到很多次長官的 harangue,要大家去做一些不可思議的蠢事。 v. [ to deliver a harangue] harass v.煩擾 [To irritate persistently.] ex. Our mission is to harass the landing of the main Japaness expeditionary force. 我們的任務是騷亂日本遠征軍主力的登陸。 ex. sexual harassment = 性騷擾 -- ※ 發信站: 批踢踢實業坊(ptt.cc) ◆ From:
fishtom :看完 推 04/23 21:14
fishtom :x大該不會也是拔四邊阻生齒吧 04/23 21:21
meteor711 :推!! 04/23 23:03
d123xxx :推! 04/24 01:11