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http://xination.pixnet.net/blog/post/23266734 晚安~ ----------------------- hyperactive hyper(over)-active adj.活動過度的; 活動亢進的 [ unusually or abnormally active] ex. a hyperactive thyroid gland. 分泌過多的甲狀腺 ps. hyper 與 hypo都是來自希臘的字根 hyper- == over hypo- == under hyperactivity hyper-activity n.活動過度; 活動亢進 [the condition of being hyperactive.] ex. attention deficit hyperactivity disorder 注意力不足過動症 hyperbole hyper(over)-bole(throw) n.誇張的語句 [obvious and intentional exaggeration.] n.誇張法 [ A figure of speech in which exaggeration is used for emphasis or effect, as in I could sleep for a year] exaggerated:hyperbole hyperbola hyper(over)-bola(從bole變化而來) n.雙曲線 ex. x2/a2 - y2/b2 = ±1. hyperbolic hyper-bola-ic adj.雙曲線的 adj.誇張的 hypertension hyper(over)-tens(stretch)-ion n.過度緊張 [excessive or extreme emotional tenseness.] n.高血壓 [ elevation of the blood pressure] hyphen n.破折號 [a short line (-) used to connect the parts of a compound word or the parts of a word divided for any purpose.] 字源:hypo(under)-hen(Gk one) --> under one hypnosis hypno(sleep)-t-is [ t-is --> sis] n.催眠 [An artificially induced altered state of consciousness, characterized by heightened suggestibility and receptivity to direction.] ex. The most important factor in hypnosis is suggestibility. 催眠術中最重要的因素是暗示感應性。 hypnotic hypno-tic(希臘的字尾 from tikos) adj.催眠的 ex.The noise of the wind took on some kind of rhythm, becoming hypnotic. 風聲像一首有節奏的催眠曲。 hypnotic <> conscious hypocrite hypo(under)-crit(批評)-e [在下面批評人] n.偽善者,偽君子 [ a person who pretends to have virtues, moral or religious beliefs, principles, etc., that he or she does not actually possess, esp. a person whose actions belie stated beliefs.] ex. Be a hypocrite, if you wish; but don't talk like one. 如果你喜歡,那就去做偽君子吧,但拜託千萬別說起話來像個偽君子 ex.岳不群 hypocritical hypo(under)-crit-ical adj.偽善的;偽君子的 [Being a hypocrite] hypotenuse hypo-tenuse(stretch) [從底下拉伸上來的斜邊] n.直角三角形的斜邊 [the side of a right triangle opposite the right angle.] ex. Light enters and leaves at right angles to the hypotenuse of the prism. 光垂直地入射和出射於棱鏡的斜面 hypothesis hypo(under)-thet(put)-is [t-is-->sis] n.假說 [A tentative explanation for an observation, phenomenon, or scientific problem that can be tested by further investigation.] ps.當hypothesis被證實後,它就變成了theory。 hypothesis:confirmed 假說沒有被証實 hypothetical hypo(under)-thet(put)-ical adj.假設的,假定的 [assumed by hypothesis; supposed] ex. these estimates are hypothetical. hysteria [Gk. hystera 子宮] n.歇斯底里 [ an uncontrollable outburst of emotion or fear, often characterized by irrationality, laughter, weeping, etc.] ps. hysteria其表現為在一定精神狀況或存在外部誘因的情況下,病人由於恐懼而無法控制自 己的行為。發病年齡多數在16至30歲之間,女性遠多於男性。希臘文hystera(子宮), 古代西方人認為此症病患所以會呈現出奇怪各式各樣的症狀是因為子宮在女性體內四處移 動所導致的。 譬如典型的歇斯底里球是一種在病人的喉嚨部位發生的急性阻塞感,它使病人既無法說話 又會引起嘔吐現象,好像有一個球升到喉嚨那裡,於是大家就認為這種征侯是因為子宮壓 迫到喉嚨而引起的。 此外由於歇斯底里症病患會呈現一些如痙攣、月經不順、噁心、嘔吐、頭痛、頭昏、全身 乏力等的症狀,而且多發生於年輕未婚女性中,因此大家較易以子宮的移動來說明此症, 並根據子宮的原名來為此症命名。 icicle ice-icle n.垂冰 [A tapering spike of ice formed by the freezing of dripping or falling water.] ex. She walked in, as chill as an icicle, and as high as a princess. 她走進來了,跟個冰柱似的,冷冰冰的,又象個公主似的高不可攀。 ex. The drops fell very slowly, as they fall from an icicle after the sun has gone. 血滴得很慢很慢,仿佛是太陽落山後的冰柱滴下的水珠。 -- ※ 發信站: 批踢踢實業坊(ptt.cc) ◆ From:
fishtom :推 有看有推~~~ 06/08 01:09
turecolors :大推 06/08 01:12
Mirranda :推~感謝X大 06/08 09:15
sovereignty :Very good post. 06/08 11:23
cuhi :對了 版主 x大大該系列文章 有一篇沒m到... 06/08 12:12
pizza740909 :推 感謝X大 06/08 12:32
sovereignty :Which one? 06/08 13:53
pizza740909 :#19aM0C3r 06/08 14:31
pizza740909 :我搜尋X大有發現那一篇沒M可是輸入#19aM0C3r又有M 06/08 14:34
sovereignty :m 了就好XD 會慢慢收錄至精華區中。 06/08 14:46
gigaliszt :有看有推 06/08 18:34
xination :..well 收錄 但希望不要砍文 06/08 19:18
sovereignty :ok. 但之前有一些已經砍了= = 06/08 19:42