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http://xination.pixnet.net/blog/post/22688608 .....科科 似乎很久沒發文了 (汗) --------------------------------------------- gibe n/v.嘲笑 [to utter mocking or scoffing words] 音: gi + be (台語;不太文雅;就請讀者自己理解了) "gi bai"一詞是用來嘲笑用的 ps. gibe n/v.嘲笑 jibe n/v.嘲笑 v.相一致,符合 [to be in harmony or accord; agree] ex. My view jibes with yours on the issue. 我對這一問題的看法與你一致。 giddy adj.暈眩的,眼花的 [ affected with vertigo.] ex. We were giddy from the summer heat. 暑熱使我們暈眩。 adj.輕率的,輕浮的 ex. a giddy life of pleasure 尋歡作樂的放蕩生活 音:極低 字源:giddy跟God是有關的唷,giddy早期的意思是指被神擁有,也就是陷入一陣白光之 中,所以giddy有當"暈眩的,眼花的"的形容詞用 giddy <> grave adj.嚴重的;嚴肅的 giggle v.咯咯地笑 [to laugh in a silly, often high-pitched way, esp. with short, repeated gasps and titters] gild v.把...鍍金; 給...塗上金色(或金箔) [to coat with gold, gold leaf, or a gold-colored substance.] ex. Sunshine gilded the rooftops. 陽光把屋頂抹成了金色。 v.虛飾 字源:gild 其實就是 gold變化而來的 gild <> represent accurately 精確地表達 ps. Idiom gild the lily(百合花) to add unnecessary ornamentation, a special feature, etc., in an attempt to improve something that is already complete, satisfactory, or ideal: ex. After that wonderful meal, serving a fancy dessert would be gilding the lily. gimmick n.花招(商家的吸引人的小花招 ) [an ingenious or novel device, scheme, or stratagem, esp. one designed to attract attention or increase appeal.] ex. an advertising gimmick 廣告噱頭 ps.似乎有部漫畫叫hot gimmick ginger n.薑 n.【口】精力 [Informal Spirit and liveliness; vigor.] gingerly adv.極為謹慎地;輕手輕腳地 [ With great care or delicacy; cautiously.] ex. He ginerly opens the door. adj.極為謹慎的;輕手輕腳的 聯想:想成切薑(ginger)要極為謹慎地(gingerly)的切 girder gird-er n.【建】大樑 [A beam, as of steel, wood, or reinforced concrete, used as a main horizontal support in a building or bridge.] bone:body=girder:skyscraper 骨骼支撐身體=大梁支撐大廈 ps.1 gird v.束腰、束帶子 v.使做好準備 gird one's loins 束緊你們的腰 (意指: 準備行動) gird one's sword 佩帶寶劍 不要將 gird 與 grid看錯了唷,注意i與r的位置 ps.2 girdle [從gird演變過來的] n.束腰 girth n.圍長(ex.腰圍、樹圍)[the measure around anything] ex. a tree 10 meters in girth 周長十米的樹 字源:girth 也是從gird變化而來的 gist n.要點,主旨 [the main or essential part of a matter] ex. I was able to follow its gist. 我可以聽懂大意 list v.列出 gist n.要點、要旨 to list the gist glacial glaci(ice)-al adj.冰河的 [Of, relating to, or derived from a glacier.] adj.冷淡的 ex. She gave me a glacial smile. 她對我冷冷地一笑。 glade n.林間空地 [An open space in a forest.] ex. The family had their lunch in the glade. 全家在林中的空地上吃了午飯。 字源:glade從 glad而來,早期人認為森林中的空地有陽光能透進來,看起來就是明亮的 、歡喜的,因此用glad來創造"林間空地;glade"這個字。 glade n.林中的空地 blade n.刀鋒 林中的空地(glade )是用刀鋒(blade)砍出來的 gladiator n.羅馬角鬥士 [(in ancient Rome) a person, often a slave or captive, who was armed with a sword or other weapon and compelled to fight to the death in a public arena against another person or a wild animal, for the entertainment of the spectators.] 聯想: glad + iat + or 使高興的人 字源:gladi(us)=sword - ator ps.2000年的《神鬼戰士》 glance n/v.簡略一瞥 [to look quickly or briefly.] ex. At first glance the problem seemed easy. 乍一看問題似乎很容易解決. n/v.輕輕擦過 [To strike (a surface) at an angle; graze] glare v.眩目地照射 [to shine with or reflect a very harsh, bright, dazzling light.] ex. A hot sun glared down on the desert. v.怒目注視 [to stare with a fiercely or angrily piercing look.] ex. They stopped arguing and glared at each other. 他們停止了爭論,相互怒視著對方。 cacophony:sound=glare:light 刺耳是聲音刺耳=刺眼是光刺眼 glaze [from glass] v.給...上釉(可使使光滑) [ to give a vitreous surface or coating to (a ceramic or the like), as by the application of a substance or by fusion of the body.] v.給...裝玻璃 [to furnish or fill with glass] n.釉 glaze v.給...上釉、給...裝玻璃 n.釉 // graze v.牛羊吃草、放牧 gaze v.凝視 (凝視美麗的彩釉) glaze <> rumple v.弄皺 glean v.拾落穗 ex. glean in the fields v.點滴蒐集(消息、材料等) ex. glean information 收集信息 gleam n/v.發微光 glean v.拾落穗、點滴蒐集(消息、材料等) lean v.傾身、傾斜 在微光(gleam)的黃昏,傾身(lean)拾落穗(glean) ------------------------------ http://www.plurk.com/xination -- ※ 發信站: 批踢踢實業坊(ptt.cc) ◆ From:
fliegen :謝謝您! 呼~努力追趕進度中 大感謝!! 03/31 00:57
laba1014 :推~ 03/31 03:34
peterluo :未看先推!! 04/01 21:11
aids2 :用心推~~ 04/05 04:02
Hjordis :感謝您的用心整理與分享 (>口<)/ 04/05 19:26