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http://xination.pixnet.net/blog/post/22926410 這頁推薦看看halcyon 的故事 滿有趣的 --------------------------------------------------------- gutter n.(道路旁的)排水溝 [a channel at the side or in the middle of a road or street, for leading off surface water.] n.簷槽 [a channel at the eaves or on the roof of a building, for carrying off rain water.] ex. The gutter took away the rain-water from the roof. 簷溝把從屋頂流下的雨水帶走。 聯想: gut + ter 像腸子一樣的排水溝/簷槽 ps. gut n.腸 n.[口語]勇氣,膽量 之前PTT上有流行用語"你有沒有gut=你有沒有膽" guy n.【口】傢伙 [Informal. a man or boy; fellow] ex. He's a nice guy.(oh~no 好人卡 get!) n.支索 [A rope, cord, or cable used to steady, guide, or secure something.] guy:pylon 支索支撐高壓電線塔 guzzle v.狂吃狂喝 [eat or drink sth greedily] review (p.223) **狂吃狂喝(這個系列不太好記呢~ 記得要把eat,drink 分別一下唷) guzzle v.狂吃狂喝 [eat or drink sth greedily] gobble v.狂吃狂喝 (且發出聲響地) [eat or drink sth greedily and noisly] gulp v.狂吃狂喝 (用吞的) [swallow food or drink quickly or greedily] slurp v.大聲地吃喝 [to make loud sucking noises while eating or drinking] guttle v.狂吃 [eat greedily] quaff v.狂飲 swill v.狂飲 [from 豬在吃東西的模樣,豬swine] ---------------------------------------- gyrate v.迴旋 [ to move in a circle or spiral, or around a fixed point; whirl.] adj.漩渦狀的 [Biology In rings; coiled or convoluted.] ps. g-factor habitat habit-at n.棲息地 [ the natural environment of an organism; place that is natural for the life and growth of an organism] ex. I prefer to see animals in their natural habitat, rather than in zoos. review ---------------------------------------- habit n.習慣 // inhabit v.居住 habit-at n.棲息地 habit-ant n.居民 habit-able adj.可居住的 ---------------------------------------- habituate habit-u-ate v.使習慣於 [To accustom by frequent repetition or prolonged exposure] ex.to habituate oneself to hardship getting up early hack v.劈,砍(大砍、大刻) [To cut or chop with repeated and irregular blows] ps. hacker n.熱衷電腦的人/駭客 n.出租的馬;老馬[A horse used for riding or driving; a hackney ;A worn-out horse for hire; a jade.] n.惟命是從的工作人員(僱傭文人) [A writer hired to produce routine or commercial writing.] v.雇...寫文章 hackneyed hackney-ed adj.陳腐的;平庸的 [made commonplace or trite; stale; banal] 來自倫敦近郊城鎮 (Hackney) 養的哈克尼馬用來當出租車 ︰由於過於頻繁的使用而變得 陳腐和平庸 hail n. 冰雹 [Precipitation in the form of spherical or irregular pellets of ice larger than 5 millimeters (0.2 inches) in diameter.] ps. 冰雹和雨、雪一樣都是從雲裡掉下來的。不過下冰雹的雲是一種發展十分強盛的積 雨雲,而且只有發展特別旺盛的積雨雲才可能降冰雹。 v.向...歡呼 [to cheer, salute, or greet; welcome.] 字源:"greetings!" c.1200, from O.N. heill "health, prosperity, good luck;" and O.E. hals, shortening of wæs hæil "be healthy" halcyon adj.平靜的;寧靜的 [Calm and peaceful; tranquil.] n.(傳說中的)神翠鳥 [a mythical bird, usually identified with the kingfisher, said to breed about the time of the winter solstice in a nest floating on the sea, and to have the power of charming winds and waves into calmness.] ps.希臘人有一個著名的「人變鳥」故事。他們說,從前風神的女兒海爾賽妮(Alcyone)和 晨星的兒子刻宇克斯(Ceyx)是一對恩愛夫妻。有一趟,刻宇克斯出海溺死了,天后憐憫整 天惦記著丈夫的海爾賽妮,就讓刻宇克斯的屍體漂到他家附近岸邊。海爾賽妮看見了,哭 著跳進海裡去,忽然變成一隻翠鳥 (halcyon),她丈夫也同時化為翠鳥和妻子比翼雙飛。 每年冬天,他們會在海上浮巢裡孵卵;風神由於憐憫女兒,翠鳥孵卵期間例不興風作浪。 所以,人們現在就用halcyon days這成語來說冬至前後兩個星期氣候穩定的日子,或比喻 寧靜幸福的年代 hale adj.健壯的; 矍鑠的 [free from disease or infirmity; robust; healthy] 字源:1000; ME (north); OE hāl whole ps. 這個字常常被用來當名字唷 halfhearted half-heart-ed adj.不認真的 [having or showing little enthusiasm] ex. halfhearted attempt 不熱心的嘗試 hallmark n. 金銀的純度標記 [an official mark or stamp indicating a standard of purity, used in marking gold and silver articles assayed by the Goldsmiths' Company of London] n.顯而易見的特徵 [any mark or special indication of genuineness, good quality, etc.] ex. clear expression is the hallmark of good writing. 表達清楚是佳作的特色。 字源: 1715-25; from Goldsmiths' Hall, London, the seat of the Goldsmiths' Company + mark -- ※ 發信站: 批踢踢實業坊(ptt.cc) ◆ From:
beban :感謝X大 辛苦了~~ 04/17 22:35
fishtom :推 有看有推 04/18 00:25
fleece :老師,你讓背單字變得好有趣~感謝 04/18 07:13
aids2 :如果有時間慢慢聽真的很享受..^^ 04/18 20:57
d123xxx :有看有聽有推~ 04/19 02:52
peterluo :非推不可!辛苦了!! 04/19 21:20