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http://xination.pixnet.net/blog/post/22688618 ----------------------------------------------- glucose n.葡萄糖 [C6H12O6] 字源:1840, from Fr. glucose (1838), from Gk. gleukos "must, sweet wine," related to glyks "sweet." glucose的字根可推到希臘的glyks,此字根意思sweet glut v.供應過多 [讀音近cut-->供應過多要cut ] glut-ton n.貪吃鬼 glut-ton-ous a.貪吃的 glu-tin-ous a.黏的 [from glue n.膠水] ---------------------------------------- glut v.滿足(常用於食慾,通常帶有過多的意味在) [To fill beyond capacity, especially with food] ex. to glut the appetite. v.供應過多 [to flood (the market) with a particular item or service so that the supply greatly exceeds the demand.] ex. to glut the market with cheap apples from abroad n.供應過多 [An oversupply.] ex. There's a glut of agricultural products in Western Europe. 音+聯想:glut過多,要cut它 glut <> dearth n.缺乏 glutton n.貪吃的人 [a person who eats and drinks excessively or voraciously.] n.酷愛...的人 [a person with a remarkably great desire or capacity for something] ex. He is a glutton for work. 他是個工作狂。 字源:1175-1225; ME glutun < OF glouton < L gluttōn- (s. of gluttō), var. of glūtō glutton, akin to glūtīre to gulp down gluttonous glutton-ous adj.貪吃的 [ tending to eat and drink excessively; voracious] ex. He is a gluttonous and lazy guy. 他是個好吃懶做之徒。 adj.貪心的 [ greedy] glutinous glue-tin-ous adj.黏的 [of the nature of glue; gluey; viscid; sticky.] ex. glutinous rice 糯米 ex. glutinous sentimentality gnarl n.樹木的節;瘤 [A protruding knot on a tree.] gnarled adj.多瘤的;多節的 [ full of or covered with gnarls] adj.粗糙的 [Rugged and roughened, as from old age or work] ex. his hands are gnarled after the work of a lifetime. gnaw v.咬,啃 (不斷地咬,直到啃掉咬去) [to bite or chew on, esp. persistently.] ex. Waves gnawed the sandy beach. 海浪侵蝕沙灘。 goad n.驅趕家畜用的刺棒 [A long stick with a pointed end used for prodding animals.] n.刺激物 v.刺激;驅使 ex. She was tired of teaching but the need for money goaded her on. 她厭倦教書,但對錢的需求驅使她做下去。 字源:Middle English gode, from Old English gād. goad來自古老的英文字gad,還記得gadfly中的gad嗎! gad的意思就是(驅趕家畜用的)刺棒唷~ goad n.驅趕家畜用的刺棒(ex.趕牛棒) n/v.激勵 goal n.目標 用激勵(goad)達成目標(goal) gobble v.狂吃狂喝 [ to swallow or eat hastily or hungrily in large pieces] 字源:gobble是gabble的變體,gabble是v.急促不清地說的意思(可以review p.48 有提 到過),這邊gobble是利用gabble的概念,指一直急促的吃東西 **狂吃狂喝(這個系列不太好記呢~ 記得要把eat,drink 分別一下唷) guzzle v.狂吃狂喝 [eat or drink sth greedily] gobble v.狂吃狂喝 (且發出聲響地) [eat or drink sth greedily and noisly] gulp v.狂吃狂喝 (用吞的) [swallow food or drink quickly or greedily] slurp v.大聲地吃喝 [to make loud sucking noises while eating or drinking] guttle v.狂吃 [eat greedily] quaff v.狂飲 swill v.狂飲 [from 豬在吃東西的模樣,豬swine] ---------------------------------------- goblet n.高腳杯 goldbrick gold-brick v.偷懶 n.逃勤務的工兵 [also, goldbricker. Slang. a person, esp. a soldier, who shirks responsibility or performs duties without proper effort or care.] n.假金磚;假貨 [ Informal. a brick made to look like gold, sold by a swindler.] 字源:1850–55, Americanism. Goldbrick--a worthless brick that appears to be of gold. goldbrick意思就是一塊看起像金塊的磚塊,但畢竟還是無用的磚頭,不是高貴的金塊, 在俚語中就是說人把磚塊當金塊形容人在偷懶。 gong n.鑼 goodwill good-will n.善意 [An attitude of kindness or friendliness; benevolence.] ex. a goodwill envoy 親善使節 gorge n.峽谷 [a narrow cleft with steep, rocky walls, esp. one through which a stream runs.] ex. Yangtse Gorges 長江三峽 v.狼吞虎嚥 [to swallow, esp. greedily.] ex. The boy gorged on turkey on Christmas Day. 這男孩耶誕節那天大吃火雞。 字源:1362, from O.Fr. gorge "throat, bosom," from L.L. gurges "gullet, throat, jaws," related to L. gurgulio "gullet." Transferred sense of "deep, narrow valley" was in O.Fr. The verbal meaning "eat greedily" (c.1300) is from O.Fr. gorger, from gorge. gorge這個字源於法文,在法文中指的是"喉嚨"的意思,因此之後轉化成峽谷,進而演化 成"狼吞虎嚥 " gorgeous gorge-ous adj.燦爛的,華麗的 [ Dazzlingly beautiful or magnificent] adj.【口】極好的 [ Wonderful; delightful.] ex. What a gorgeous day! gorilla n.大猩猩 [The largest of the anthropoid apes (Gorilla gorilla) native to the forests of equatorial Africa, having a stocky body and coarse, dark brown or black hair.] 字源:1847, applied to the apes (Troglodytes gorills) by U.S. missionary Thomas Savage, from Gk. gorillai, pl. of name given to wild, hairy people in Gk. translation of Carthaginian navigator Hanno's account of his voyage along the N.W. coast of Africa, c.500 B.C.E. Allegedly an African word. gorilla是由美國的傳教士Thomas Savage而造出來的,字是從希臘的一個名字"gorillai" 借來的,意思就是狂野、有毛的人. gospel god-spell n.信條 Gospel(福音書) -- The proclamation of the redemption(贖罪) preached by Jesus and the Apostles(使徒), which is the central content of Christian revelation. -- ※ 發信站: 批踢踢實業坊(ptt.cc) ◆ From: