精華區beta GRE 關於我們 聯絡資訊
http://xination.pixnet.net/blog/post/22688619 耶~ list 17 終於講完了 --------------------------------------------- gossamer goose-summer n.蛛絲 [A fine film of cobwebs often seen floating in the air or caught on bushes or grass.] n.薄紗 [A soft sheer gauzy fabric.] adj.輕薄的 [ Sheer, light, delicate, or tenuous] 1275-1325;"spider threads spun in fields of stubble in late fall," ME gosesomer (see goose, summer 1 ); possibly first used as name for late, mild autumn, a time when goose was a favorite dish (cf. G Gänsemonat November), then transferred to the cobwebs frequent at that time of year gossamer這個字的來源是滿富想像力的,來自於goose鵝的複數型加上summer,你一定會 覺得很奇怪,這跟蜘蛛絲有什麼關係阿,其實早期的人認為鵝是夏天時的一種佳餚,而蜘 蛛絲也是在夏天時常見的,所以就用goose加上summer變成gossamer來轉化指蜘蛛絲唷。 gouge n.半圓鑿 [A chisel with a rounded, troughlike blade.] v.用半圓鑿子挖 ex. to gouge out one's initials on a tree. 在樹上鑿刻某人的姓名字首 v.敲竹槓(欺詐或勒索的大量的金錢) [to extort from, swindle, or overcharge.] ex. 去觀光景點時,一瓶礦泉水50元... 私以為中正機場的牛肉麵也是在gouge阿,一碗沒什麼料要200多元。 usury:interest=gouging:price 放高利貸是收取高利息=敲詐是收取高價格 hack: carve = gouge: engrave 大動作的刻:刻 = 大動作的鑿:鑿;雕 gourmand n.饕餮者 [a person who is fond of good eating, often indiscriminatingly and to excess.] 愛吃東西的人,但此種人喜歡吃而已,對食物並不會很講究或是有什麼區別,也常會吃過 多 聯想:把mand想成demand(要求)就不會搞錯了 gourmet n.美食家 [A connoisseur of fine food and drink.] ex.gourmet street 美食街 Usage Note: A gourmet is a person with discriminating taste in food and wine, as is a gourmand. Because gourmand can also mean "one who enjoys food in great quantities" or even "a gluttonous eater," care should be taken to make clear its intended sense. An epicure is much the same as a gourmet, but the word may sometimes carry overtones of excessive refinement. This use of epicure is a misrepresentation of Epicurean philosophy, which, while it professed that pleasure was the highest good, was hardly given to excessive concern with food and drink. gourmand指的是1.吃很多的eater 2.貪吃的eater guomet指的是有品味的eater epicure的意思近於goumet,但不同的是epicure帶有過分高級的意味在 grace n.優美;優雅 [elegance or beauty of form, manner, motion, or action.] ex. She moved with grace. 她風姿秀逸。 n.(神的)恩典,慈悲 [Divine love and protection bestowed freely on people.] ex. By the grace of God, we have been saved from death. 謝謝上帝的慈悲,我們得救了。 ps. Greek & Roman Mythology Graces--Three sister goddesses, known in Greek mythology as Aglaia(光榮女神), Euphrosyne(歡愉女神), and Thalia(高興女神), who dispense charm and beauty. "Hayley Westenra - Amazing Grace (With Lyrics)" 日劇白色巨塔片尾曲 gracious adj.優美的;優雅的 [Characterized by tact and propriety] ex. 形容女王殿下就可以用gracious這個形容詞 adj.慈祥的;仁慈的 [ Characterized by kindness and warm courtesy.] grade n.等級;級別 [A position in a scale of size, quality, or intensity] ex. second-grade grapes. 次級葡萄 ex. the fourth grade 四年級 gradation grade-ation n.逐漸的變化 [any process or change taking place through a series of stages, by degrees, or in a gradual manner.] ex. A good actor can express every gradation of feeling from joy to grief. 一名好演員能夠表現出由快樂至痛苦的每一階段的感情變化。 graduate grade-u-ate [get a step] v.分等級 [To divide into marked intervals, especially for use in measurement.] v.畢業 [ to receive a degree or diploma on completing a course of study (often fol. by from):] ex. graduated from XX University. n.大學畢業生 a.研究生的 ex. graduate courses graduated adj.按等級的 ex. graduated tax (or progressive tax) adj.畢業了的 graft n.嫁接,移植 ( 用外科手術移植活組織到軀體的一部分來替換損傷的部分或修補缺陷 ) n.【美】用不正當手法謀取的錢財 [Unscrupulous use of one's position to derive profit or advantages] ex. 使用自己職務之便,來獲的利益,比方說警察或法官等等。 abscission n.切斷;除去;翦除 <> process of grafting -- ※ 發信站: 批踢踢實業坊(ptt.cc) ◆ From:
fliegen :大感謝!!! 04/06 20:37
fishtom :推 感謝 04/06 21:04
fishtom :@@"本日有恐怖圖片 XD 04/06 21:22
wildworld :辛苦了 04/07 16:07
No37 :推 04/07 18:29