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http://xination.pixnet.net/blog/post/22688613 ------------------------------------------------- glib adj.能言善道 [readily fluent, often thoughtlessly, superficially, or insincerely so] 用於貶,指的是那種油嘴滑舌、不經過大腦思考就一直說 ex. 比方說你問一位朋友是否要來參加party,然後她就似乎找到話題似的一直講八卦 ,一直講不停...你可以形容她是一個glib talker. 聯想: g + lib :把lib看成lip這個字就好解了,想成是 g到油的 lip即可 glib:profundity glib的talker說的東西沒有profundity glide v.滑行 [to move smoothly and continuously along, as if without effort or resistance, as a flying bird, a boat, or a skater.] ex. the boat glides silently. ex. The years glided past. 時光一年一年地悄然流逝。 ps. These verbs mean to move smoothly and continuously over or as if over a slippery surface. Slide usually implies rapid easy movement without loss of contact with the surface. Slip is most often applied to accidental sliding resulting in loss of balance or foothold: slipped on a patch of ice. Glide refers to smooth, free-flowing, seemingly effortless movement. Slither can mean to slip and slide, as on an uneven surface, often with friction and noise. The word can also suggest the sinuous gliding motion of a reptile: An iguana slithered across the path. glimmer n.微光 [a faint or unsteady light; gleam.] ex. glimmer of hope v.發出微光 [To emit a dim or intermittent light] ex. light are glimmering in the distance. 字源:1300–50; ME glimeren to gleam; c. G glimmern; cf. OE gleomu splendor glimmer中的 glim其實就是 gleam的意思唷。 ps.shimmer = glimmer glisten v.閃耀;反光 [to reflect a sparkling light or a faint intermittent glow; shine lustrously.] ex. 就是那種淚光閃閃的樣子 ex. eyes are glistening with tears. dingy:glisten 昏暗的不會閃亮 glitch n.小故障,技術性的小毛病 [A minor malfunction, mishap, or technical problem] ex. 比方說寫作的時候多了個空格之類的,或是將妳or你用錯 ex. a computer glitch itch n.癢 glitch n.小故障 癢癢的小故障 gloat v.幸災樂禍 [ to show pleasure at their own success or at other people's failure in an arrogant and unpleasant way] ex. He was gloating over the ruin of his rival. 他幸災樂禍地看著他的對手身敗名裂。 聯想:glo(w) + at :glow紅光煥發 1565–75; perh. akin to ON glotta to smile scornfully gloom n.陰暗 [total or partial darkness; dimness.] ex. His future seemed filled with gloom. 他的前程似乎黯淡無光 n.憂鬱; 沮喪 [a state of melancholy or depression; low spirits.] ex. Gloom pervaded the office. gloomy adj. 陰暗的 adj. 憂鬱的; 沮喪的 《黑色的星期天》匈牙利自學成才的作曲家Rezso Seress(萊索·塞萊什), 《黑色的星期天》當時被人們稱為「魔鬼的邀請書」,而原版是 匈牙利文,後來被翻成很多種版本 "Gloomy Sunday" by Sarah Brightman gloss n.光澤 n/v.註解[ 使文章變得光澤-->註解] glossy adj.光澤的、光滑的 (比較像glass玻璃) gross adj.總的、粗略的 gloss n.光澤 [A surface shininess or luster] n.註解(想成給文章光澤) [A brief explanatory note or translation of a difficult or technical expression usually inserted in the margin or between lines of a text or manuscript.] 其實,因為gloss有兩個字源 (1) Perhaps of Scandinavian origin; akin to Icelandic glossi, a spark是故有光 澤的意思 (2)Middle English glose, from Old French, from Medieval Latin glōsa, from Latin glōssa, foreign word requiring explanation, from Greek, tongue, language.另外一個發展是從拉丁的 glossa而來的,意思為"需要解釋的外來字",而後 gloss漸漸演化成註解的意思了 gloss:explanation gloss是用來explanation的 glossary n.辭彙表 [an alphabetical list of them giving their meanings, for example at the end of a book on a particular subject. ] glossy gloss-y adj.有光澤的; 光滑的 [Having a smooth, shiny, lustrous surface] ex. She had glossy black hair. 她長著烏黑髮亮的頭髮。 adj.虛有其表的 [Superficially and often speciously attractive] varnish:glossy=sand:smooth 上凡立水導致有光澤的=用沙紙打磨導致平坦的 glow v.發熱,發紅 [to emit bright light and heat without flame] ex. The remains of the fire glowed for hours. 火的餘燼好幾小時都發著光亮。 n.臉紅 [a warm, ruddy color of the cheeks.] ex. There's a glow on her face ather exercising. glower v.怒目而視 [To look or stare angrily or sullenly] ex. He glowered at me but said nothing. glowing adj.白熱的, 通紅的 [To shine brightly and steadily, especially without a flame] adj.熱情的[ highly enthusiastic] ex.glowing praise -- ※ 發信站: 批踢踢實業坊(ptt.cc) ◆ From: