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http://xination.pixnet.net/blog/post/23148872 本頁推薦單字: 普普耶~~harpsichord好了 音樂還滿好聽的唷 ------------------------------------------ harbinger n. 通報者 [a person who goes ahead and makes known the approach of another; herald.] ex. Balmy air is a harbinger of spring. n.前兆 [anything that foreshadows a future event;] ex. a harbinger of economic depression. 聯想:harbin(哈爾濱) + ger -->哈爾濱是個冬天來臨的city of harbinger 字源:harbinger這個字,是跟harbor(等下就會講)是有關的,當作shelter的意思,在之 前harbinger是指"提供房間給軍隊住",而後來軍隊變成messenger了,就有了通報者、傳 令者的意思 harbor n.海港 [A sheltered part of a body of water deep enough to provide anchorage( 下錨) for ships.] n.避難所 [A place of shelter; a refuge.] v.給予包庇 [To give shelter to] 字源:c.1150, from O.E. herebeorg, from here "army, host" + beorg "refuge, shelter" (related to beorgan "save, preserve") harbor是從一個古英文字發展而來的,其為herebeorg,意思是軍隊的避難所,後來就變 成"海港"的意思了 ps. harbor 與 quay quay指"碼頭" [a landing place, esp. one of solid masonry, constructed along the edge of a body of water] ex. The tourists get aboard the cruiser at quay 12. habor指整個港 harden hard-en v.變硬 [to make hard or harder] ex. You may leave the jelly in a cool place to harden it. hardheaded hard-head-ed adj.現實的、精明的 [not easily moved or deceived; practical; shrewd.] ex.就是形容那種"不易被感情所動,實際的"人事物,例如法家的商鞅所推出的法令 聯想:硬頭腦 --> 硬心腸,不領人情的 hardy hard-y adj.能吃苦耐勞的 [capable of enduring fatigue, hardship, exposure, etc.] ex. hardy people can swim in the icy water. adj.(植物等)耐寒的 ex. 「松柏後凋於歲寒」 harmony n.和諧 [Agreement in feeling or opinion; accord] n.和聲 [Music The study of the structure, progression, and relation of chords.] ps.from wiki 廣義的和聲(harmony)可以是指任何由超過一個頻率所組合而成的聲音。但在西方音樂裡 面和聲也常常用來描述不同和弦(chord)的配搭手法,而和弦則通常較為狹義地描述同一 時間演奏兩個或以上不同音高,但這兩個詞語在許多時候可以通用。 harness n.馬具,挽具 [ the combination of straps, bands, and other parts forming the working gear of a draft animal.] v.利用;控制 [to bring under conditions for effective use; gain control over for a particular end] ex. to harness a waterfall as a source of energy harness <> failed to utilize harp n.豎琴 [ a large musical instrument consisting of a row of strings stretched from the top to the bottom of a frame. You play the harp by plucking the strings with your fingers.] v.反覆訴說,嘮叨 ps.相傳在遠古時代,獵人發明弓箭,射出時箭發弦鳴,而產生樂音,遂演進為豎琴之雛 形。 harp:pluck 拔豎琴 harpsichord harps-i-chord n.鍵琴 (現代鋼琴的前身 , 流行於16-18世紀間)[A harpsichord is an old-fashioned musical instrument rather like a small piano. When you press the keys, the strings are pulled, rather than being hit by hammers as in a piano.] harridan n.潑婦 [ A woman regarded as scolding and vicious(vice-i-ous).] ex. she had become a harridan, constantly nagging at hushand to improve himself. 字源:harridan是由"老馬"延伸而來的,因為馬老了所以不好騎"hard ridden",後來就 用harridan這個字來形容潑婦,另外用這個字也通常有"醜老太婆;魔女"的負面意味在唷 。 harrow n.耙子 (跟中國的那種有點不一樣..不是豬八戒拿的那種) [ A farm implement consisting of a heavy frame with sharp teeth or upright disks, used to break up and even off plowed ground.] ps. harrow 是一種農具,用來翻鬆土壤,或是去雜草 v.使苦惱 [to disturb keenly or painfully; distress the mind, feelings, etc., of.] harrow <> assuage v.減輕 harrowing adj.極度苦惱的 [extremely disturbing or distressing; grievous] ex. The President-elected is liberated from the harrowing uncertainty, the physical and psychological battering, of his struggle for the great prize. harry v.不斷騷擾 [To disturb or distress by or as if by repeated attacks; harass] ex. there is a mosquito harrying me, keeping me from sleeping. 聯想: Harry Potter is harried by XXX. ps. Harry 這的名字是來自於 Henry(亨利) or Harold(哈樂德). harsh adj.粗糙的 [Unpleasantly coarse and rough to the touch] ex. The harsh light hurt my eyes. 那耀眼的光線刺痛了我的眼睛。 adj.嚴酷的 [Severe, cruel, or exacting] ex. harsh punishment -- ※ 發信站: 批踢踢實業坊(ptt.cc) ◆ From:
Hjordis :頭推!!辛苦了 <(_ _)> 04/24 21:26
laba5566 :搶頭推 YA 04/24 21:27
d123xxx :搶三推XD 04/24 22:14
beban :推 04/24 23:18
flyingcow :推~~ 真的很棒^^ 04/25 00:00
fishtom :推 感謝 04/25 04:39