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http://xination.pixnet.net/blog/post/23215492 highbrow high-brow(眉毛) n.知識分子 [a person of superior intellectual interests and tastes.] ps.這的字,帶著"高不可攀"的意味在,有"自負"的暗示在 adj.學識高的 [Of, relating to, or being highly cultured or intellectual] ex. We had a highbrow discussion on classical music. 我們就古典音樂來了一次高水準的討論。 review browbeat v.恐嚇 lowbrow n.文化修養淺薄的人 a.文化修養淺薄的 ps. pop surrealism風、也可稱作lowbrow風 hike v.健行 [to walk or march a great distance, esp. through rural areas, for pleasure, exercise, military training, or the like.] v.急劇地提高 [ to increase, often sharply and unexpectedly] ex. Oil price hike. (你可以在報紙中常看到這個字唷) ex. to hike the price of milk. n.上升 [an increase or rise, often sharp and unexpected] ex. There will be a hike in prices in August. hike <> backset n.挫折;逆流 hilarious hilar(cheerful)-i-ous adj.愉快的, 歡鬧的 [Characterized by or causing great merriment.] ex. The party got quite hiarious after they brought more wine. hinder hind(adj. 後面)-er v.妨礙;阻礙 [to cause delay, interruption, or difficulty in; hamper; impede] ex. The storm hindered our progress. ps.1 behind adv.後面的; 背後的 prep.後面 ps.2 搖滾樂團Hinder的"Lips of an Angel"一首滿紅的歌,wiki上有獨立的介紹唷。 hinge n. 鉸鏈, 樞紐 [A jointed or flexible device that allows the turning or pivoting of a part, such as a door or lid, on a stationary frame.] v.決定於 [to be dependent or contingent on] ex. The fate of the project hinges on the decision of the council. 這項工程的命運取決於委員會的決定。 hirsute hirs(=hair)-ute adj.多毛的 [Covered with hair; hairy, shaggy.] ps.1 在口語中,更常用的是shaggy這個字,比方說長毛狗就叫做 shaggy dog ps.2 在植物學中hirsute這個字,被用來形容有硬、粗的毛的 hiss v.發出"嘶"的聲音 [to make or emit a sharp sound like that of the letter s prolonged, as a snake does, or as steam does when forced under pressure through a small opening.] ex. 像是蒸氣、蛇等啦 ex. That hiss, faint as it was, irritated the irascible David. 那噓聲,雖然很輕,卻惹火了暴躁的戴維。 v.發出"嘶"的聲音來表示反對,或要求安靜 ex. She was hissed off the stage. 她被噓下臺去。 histology n.【生】組織學 [ the study of the microscopic anatomy of cells and tissues of plants and animals.] 拆字+讀音:his他的 + to(頭) +logy -->他的頭是個組織 reveiw cytology & cryogenics cytology [cyt(cell)-ology] n.【生】細胞學 [The branch of biology that deals with the formation, structure, and function of cells.] cryogenics [cryo (icy cold)-genics] n.【物】低溫學 histrionic adj.演員的;表演的 [of or pertaining to actors or acting] adj.過於戲劇化的、過於情緒性的 [Excessively dramatic or emotional] 聯想: his + tree + on 他在樹上演戲,實在太誇張了 ps. histrionic personality disorder 戲劇型人格違常 患者常顯得不成熟、情緒不穩,具有強烈的自我意識和個人表現欲。他們富含敏感而誇張 的情感,追求感官刺激,喜歡成為被關注的中心。誇張、情緒爆發、甚至自虐傾向是戲劇 人格的幾大特點。往往很難用正常方式與他們溝通,因為戲劇人格者對真實有許多歪曲的 體驗。他們極度重視他人的贊同和保證,卻又善於玩弄、威脅別人。 c. f. histrionic adj.過於戲劇化的 historic [history-ic] adj.歷史的 hitherto adv. (FORMAL) 迄今 [up to this time; until now, so far] ex. Hitherto he kept his word with me, and offered me nothing amiss. 一直到這時,他始終堅守著他的諾言,對我沒有一點不規矩的舉動 字源:hither( adv. toward)-to hive n.蜂巢 [a shelter constructed for housing a colony of honeybees; beehive] n.鬧區 [ a place swarming with busy occupants.] ex. a hive of industry active:hive 鬧區是活躍的 hoard v.貯藏 [to accumulate for preservation, future use, etc., in a hidden or carefully guarded place] ps. hoard有好好的收藏著,以供未來之用的意思 ex. 像螞蟻hoard食物來度冬 ex. hoard money in the bank n.貯藏物 [A hidden fund or supply stored for future use] hoard n/v.貯藏 board n.木板 把乾糧貯藏(hoard)到木板(board)後邊 -------------------------------------------- -- ※ 發信站: 批踢踢實業坊(ptt.cc) ◆ From: