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http://xination.pixnet.net/blog/post/23215504 hoary hoar(n.白霜)-y adj.灰白的(由於年紀) [gray or white with age] ex. the hoary building. adj.古老的 [ancient or venerable] ps.來認識一些氣象的名詞與定義,讓你也看得懂天氣預報 (好網站) 《雨》系列 drizzle,微雨--雨點直徑小於 0.5mm rain shower,驟雨--短暫降雨 hail,雹--水氣在雲層中對流,形成小冰塊 snow furry,飄雪--雪花鬆散, 降雪緩慢 sleet--雨與冰一起下 《霧》系列 fog,霧--能見度少於 1000m mist,薄霧--能見度多於 1000m haze,霾--指霧夾雜著空氣污染物。 嚴重時可叫 毒霧 smog 《露》系列 dew--露,是空氣中的水蒸氣,附著在冰冷的草木上或其他物體上,凝結成小水滴。 hoar frost--白霜,先成露水, 後給結成冰。 frost--霜,水氣直接結成冰, 呈現六角形晶體, 與白霜不同。 hoax n.騙局 [something intended to deceive or trick.] ps.可大可小的騙局--也可以指小的惡作劇 ex. a scientific hoax v.欺騙 [ to deceive by a hoax; hoodwink.] hodgepodge hodge-podge n.大雜燴 [A mixed mass; a medley.] ex. This box is a hodgepodge of books, old toys and things. 這個箱子裡,書、舊玩具及其他物品混雜在一起。 ps. hodgepodge這個字的組成方法,稱為Rhyming Compounds(押韻複合詞),例如 zigzag(Z字形的),hubble-bubble(冒水泡的聲音,咕嚕咕嚕聲),更多的rhyming compounds可以參考此網站 hoe n.鋤頭 v.用鋤幹活 hoe hole 用鋤頭(hoe)挖洞(hole) hoist v.吊起 [To raise or haul up with or as if with the help of a mechanical apparatus.] ex. A statue was hoisted on top of the building. n.起重機 [An apparatus for lifting heavy or cumbersome objects.] ex. By using a hoist the movers were able to sling the piano to the third floor. hold v.握著 [to have or keep in the hand; keep fast; grasp] n.船的貨艙、底層艙 (hold貨物的地方) ps.hold的字義很多很多,在GRE中考過一個很偏的字義,那就是"船的貨艙、底層艙 "..Orz door:room=hatch:hold 房間的入口是門=船艙的入口是艙蓋 hold n.船的貨艙、底層艙 hulk n.廢船、大而笨重的人或物 [綠巨人浩克] hull n.船殼 n.外皮 (水果、種子或堅果的) = husk // pod n.豆莢 husk n.外皮、殼 shuck n.外皮、殼 chaff n.粗糠、穀殼 ---------------------------------------- holster n.手槍皮套 [ a sheathlike carrying case for a firearm, attached to a belt, shoulder sling(背帶)] homage hom(L. homo;人)-age n.尊敬;敬意 [respect or reverence paid or rendered] ex.In his speech he pays homage to 聖嚴法師. (homage常與pay一起用唷) ex. Homage to the Queen. 向女王致敬(代表向女王宣誓效忠) 字源:c.1290, from O.Fr. homage "allegiance or respect for one's feudal lord," from homme "man," from L. homo (gen. hominis) homage這個字的來源,最早是拉丁文homo指的是"人"的意思(不過homo現在在口語中指的 是同性戀,且有貶低的意味)。發展到古法文的階段homage的意思為"向封建的領主效忠" ,而現代則是指"尊敬;敬意" homeostasis homeo(like; similar)-stat(stand)-is [ t-is --> sis] n.【生理】體內平衡 [The ability or tendency of an organism or cell to maintain internal equilibrium by adjusting its physiological processes.] ex. 例如:外界溫度上升時,人體血管擴張,毛孔擴張並排汗,以維持體溫恆定。(維 持體系內環境相對不變的狀態,保持動態平衡) ps. homeo-(like; similar)是個Greek的字根,它是從希臘字的 homos(same)來的,另外 Gk. homo-也是"same"的意思,不過拉丁文的 L. homo指的是"人"的意思,這邊得留意一 下下唷。 (關於homeostasis的simple overview; 看了會有點讓人想睡) homogeneous homo(same)-gene-ous adj.同種的;同質的 [ composed of parts or elements that are all of the same kind] ex. The written language is often far more homogeneous than the spoken. 書面語比口語往往更加一致。 ps.1 如果你讀過工程數學之類的(沒有就跳過這段吧),你可能會學過"2nd Order Linear Homogeneous Differential Equation",還記得什麼是homogeneous equation嗎! 其實就像是 a(x)y'' + b(x)y' + c(x)y =0 的方程式,特徵是等於0 之所以稱為homogeneous是因為不管前面的方程式長成什麼鬼樣,最後都等於0 看起來每個都是"同種的",所以才有homogeneous的稱呼 ps.2 這個Knan網站很好玩唷,有許多的數學、物理教學,而且非常詳細。xination聽的 不亦樂乎阿,去瞧瞧吧。youtube的頻道頁,homepage. homogeneity homo(same)-gene-ity n.同種;同質 ex. things transmit from homogeneity to heterogeneity. 事物從同質性轉變向異質性. homogenize homo-gene-ize v.使均質 [to form by blending unlike elements; make homogeneous.]】 ex. homogenize the temperature of the melt. 均勻熔融的溫度 homily n.說教;佈道 [a sermon, usually on a Biblical topic.] ex. Actually I am very shy and worried for this sharing, because it is my very first time to give homily in English. 字源:homily的來源,有點曲折,簡單的說,是從Greek的homilos"crowd"來的,然後到 了羅馬時代,成為拉丁文 L. homilia "sermon;佈道",概念是由在教堂中為群眾佈道而 來的。 homiletic homily-e-tic adj.說教的 [Relating to or of the nature of a homily.] homiletics homiletic-s n.說教術 [that branch of theology which treats of homilies or sermons, and the best method of preparing and delivering them..] ps. hoeiletics是神學的一支,為討論哪種方式是最好的佈道方法 "review Covenant--《聖經》中上帝與人所立的聖約" hone n.磨刀石 [ a whetstone of fine, compact texture for sharpening razors and other cutting tools.] v.用磨刀石磨 [ to sharpen on a hone] ex. to hone them to glistening sharpness. 音:磨刀霍(hone)霍(hone) 向豬羊 hone <> blunt honorarium honor-arium n.報酬;謝禮 [A payment given to a professional person for services for which fees are not legally or traditionally required.] ex. The mayor was given a modest honorarium for delivering a speech to our club. 字源:honor(榮譽)-arium,其概念為"因榮譽而獲得的報酬;謝禮" amenity:comfortable=honorarium:grateful 舒適宜人表示舒服的=酬金表示感謝的 -- ※ 發信站: 批踢踢實業坊(ptt.cc) ◆ From: