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http://xination.pixnet.net/blog/post/23316794 這頁你錯過了就可惜了 ------------------------------------ review 字根 ped == foot from L.pes 字根 ped == child, education from Gk.paid, pais c.f pod-iatrist n.足科醫師 ...o形腿 ped-iatrist n.小兒科醫師 字根 ped == foot pedal n.腳踏板 pedestal n.柱腳 pedestrian n.行人 adj.單調的 ex-ped-ite v.迅速執行;促進 ex-ped-ition n.遠征; 遠征隊 ex-ped-ition-ary adj.遠征的 ex-ped-itious adj.迅速的 expedience n.權宜之計 expedient n.權宜之計 adj.權宜的 im-pede v.阻礙 im-ped-iment n.阻礙 字根 ped == child ped-agogue n.喜歡賣弄學問的教師 n.(小學)教師 (or pedagog) ped-agogy n.教育方法;教育方法論 pedant n.賣弄學問的人;迂腐的教師 ped-o-phil-ia n.【醫】戀童狂(以兒童為對象之色情狂) ---------------------------------------- impede in-ped(foot)-e ["擋在腳邊"-->阻礙] v.阻礙 [to retard in movement or progress by means of obstacles or hindrances; obstruct; hinder.] ex. The muddy roads impede our journey. 我們的旅遊被泥濘的道路阻撓了。 impediment in-ped-i-ment n.阻礙 [obstruction; hindrance; obstacle.] ex. The main impediment to development is the country's huge foreign debt. 發展的主要障礙是國家欠下的巨額外債。 n.說話障礙 [any physical defect that impedes normal or easy speech; a speech disorder.] ex. It's difficult to understand him because he has a speech impediment. (funny的speech impediment) ......不過我都會聯想到這個 impel in-pel(drive) [pel:內心的推] v.激勵;驅使 [to drive or cause to move onward; propel] ex. I was impelled by events to take a stand(採取某種立場). impending in-pend(掛)-ing ["已經掛上了的,箭在弦上了的"-->即將發生的] adj.即將發生的 [ about to happen; imminent] ex. Anxiety refers to the emotional state elicited by signals of impending punishment. 焦慮不安是指由於出現迫在眉睫的、懲罰的徵兆而產生的情緒狀況。 ex. The terror of impending slaughter pervaded the house. 裁減工人迫在眉睫,恐怖氣氛籠罩整幢樓房。 impenetrable in-pen-enter-able adj.不能穿過的;不能刺穿的 [not penetrable] ex. the impenetrable forest 無法通過的森林 ex. a sheet of steel impenetrable by a bullet. 子彈打不穿的鋼板 ps. penetrable pen(almost)-etr(enter)-able adj.可穿透的 penetrate pen-etr(enter)-ate v.穿過 ps. 這個字有在sexual上的用法 impenitent in-penitent(adj.悔過的) adj.不知悔改的 [not feeling regret about one's sin or sins] penitent,這個字比較討厭,我還沒想到什麼好記的方法... (關於penitence的一些sculptures) ....or 王菲的執迷不悔 (impentience)--科科 要講下面這幾組字,我們得從源頭開始講起,先來看到這個字 imperator n.(古羅馬的)軍事領袖 ps.在西元前四十四年,Caesar凱撒, (Gaius) Julius當上了最高司令官--就是 imperator這個職位 imper-這個字根的意思就是"command;命令" from L. imperātus 而imperator這個字,是後來是emperor皇帝的的詞源 imperative imper-ative adj.必須服從的 [absolutely necessary or required; unavoidable] adj. 緊急的;極重要的 [requiring attention or action] ex. It's imperative to act now. adj. 【語】祈使法的 ex. Listen! Be silent. Emperor n.皇帝 [the male sovereign or supreme ruler of an empire] 淺談 Emperor與 King Emperor這個字是源於imperator(軍事領袖),在羅馬Emperor是由"投票"出來的唷,由人 民和元老院選出來的"將軍",像Caesar就是這樣。不過後來Octavianus(屋大維)--凱撒的 義子,經過一連串的鬥爭,從三頭政治獲勝,屋大維得到了Augustus(尊嚴者)的稱號,雖 然和元老院一同統治,但實際上是獨裁統治。 而King泛指世襲制度下的一國之主,是代代相傳的。 不過後來西羅馬帝國掛掉了後,擁有Emperor稱號的King,通常在形式上被視為羅馬帝國 的繼承者,即羅馬帝國的「合法繼承者」(儘管這對於拜占庭帝國來說有些荒謬)。在中古 世紀,若要得到皇帝稱號的歐洲君主,按照慣例要去羅馬由教宗加冕。 Empire n.帝國 [A political unit having an extensive territory or comprising a number of territories or nations and ruled by a single supreme authority.] ex. AOE = Age of Empire 世紀帝國 imperial imper-ial adj.皇帝(或女皇)的 [of, like, or pertaining to an emperor or empress.] ex. the imperial life in ancient Egypt. adj.帝國的 imperious imper-i-ous(full of sth.) adj.專橫的;傲慢的 [domineering in a haughty manner; dictatorial] ex. an imperious officer. adj.絕對必要的、緊急的 [absolutely necessary or required,urgent, imperative] 整理 字根imper == command 命令 imperator n.羅馬的軍事領袖 imperative a.必須服從、緊急的 emperor n.帝王 empire n.帝國 imper-ial a.帝王的;帝國的 [of the empire or emperor] imper-ious a.專橫的;傲慢的 a.絕對必要的、緊急的= imperative ---------------------------------------- impermanent im-permanent adj.不是永久的;暫時的 [not permanent or enduring; transitory.] ex. Everything is impermanent. 什麼事都不是永久的。 permanent = per(thoroughly)-man(remain)-ent ex. permanent residents <-- 你在填線上申請表單一定會看到這個詞 impermeable adj.不能滲透的 [ not permeable; impassable.] ex. The external layer of the skin is relatively impermeable to water. 皮膚的外層不透水。 ps. permeable [permeate-able] adj.能滲透的 㑑i즠xpermeate [per(through)-meate(L. meatus;channel)] v.滲透 impermeability im-permeability n.不能滲透的性質 ex. gas impermeability test 氣密性試驗 ps. magnetic permeability:the degree of magnetization of a material that responds linearly to an applied magnetic field. μ0 = 4π×10 N·A-툊 impersonate in-person-ate v.模仿 [To imitate the appearance, voice, or manner of; mimic] ex. an entertainer who impersonates celebrities. v.模仿(用來騙財) [To assume the character or appearance of, especially fraudulently] ex. He was caught trying to impersonate a military officer. 他企圖冒充軍官, 但當場被抓獲. impertinence in-pertinence n.不切題 [absence of pertinence; irrelevance] n.不適當,傲慢無禮的行為 [absence of adaptedness; insolence.] pertinence per(thorough)-tin (hold)-ence ["完完全全的拿著"--->有關係] n.有關係 有點抽象喔,但是只要想像一下: 你能完全握住的,一定是適當的或是跟你有相關的。 (Handel 的 Impetinence) -- ※ 發信站: 批踢踢實業坊(ptt.cc) ◆ From:
pizza740909 :頭推 謝謝X大分享 感恩 06/14 21:20