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http://xination.pixnet.net/blog/post/23316795 終於到250了 ya! ------------------------- imperturbable in-perturb(v.擾亂,使心緒不寧)-able adj.沈著的, 鎮靜的 [incapable of being upset or agitated; not easily excited; calm] ex. She was one of those imperturbable people who never get angry or upset. ps.1 perturb per-turb(disturb) v.擾亂,使心緒不寧 ps.2 turbid turb-id adj.混亂的 impervious in-per-vi(way)-ous adj.不能透過的 [not permitting penetration or passage; impenetrable] adj.不受影響的 [Incapable of being affected] ex. impervious to fear. ps. pervious per-vi-ous adj.可通過的 impetus n.衝力,刺激 [An impelling force; an impulse.] ex. The car ran down the hill under its own impetus. ex. The president's plan gave fresh impetus to industry. 總統的計劃進一步推動了工業的發展。 ex. Impetus for reform came first in science and technology. 改革的動力首先來自科學技術。 ps.字源 impetus的 petus來自L. petere, 就是seek的意思。還記的compete嗎? impetuous impetus-ous adj.性急的;猛烈的 [Characterized by sudden and forceful energy or emotion; impulsive] ex. He was young and impetuous. ex.Forever and Ever or Impetuous Fire impinge v.撞擊 [To collide or strike] ex. Sound waves impinge on the eardrum. v.侵犯 [To encroach; trespass] ex. impinge upon another's rights 侵害他人的權利 字源:(我們在講impact時,有提到這個字唷 p.247) 先來回顧一下impact的字源吧 impinge與impact來自同一個拉丁文字-- L. impactus。是impingere的p.p in-pingere(fasten, drive in) implant in-plant(植物;栽種) v.埋置 [To set in firmly, as into the ground] ex. implant fence posts. v.灌輸 [To establish securely, as in the mind or consciousness; instill] n.【醫】植入物 ex. breast implant = 隆乳 ex. dental implant = 植牙 implausible in-plaus-ible adj.不像真實的, 難以置信的 [not plausible; not having the appearance of truth or credibility] ex. Your background is entirely implausible. 你的背景簡直令人難以相信 ex. an interesting but highly implausible story. ps.1 plausible adj.貌似有理的 [having an appearance of truth or reason; seemingly worthy of approval or acceptance] 字源:L. plausibilis = deserving applause "不禁令人鼓掌的"-->貌似有理的 ps.2 pause n/v.暫停,中斷 There is no pause for time; it seems plausible. implement in-ple(fill)-ment n.工具 [A tool or instrument used in doing work] ex. a gardening implement. v.履行;實施 (好用!) [To put into practical effect; carry out] ex. We need money to implement the program. 我們需要錢來實行這個計劃。 ps. plenty, complete, replete,都是同字源的唷。可以review p.98 implicate in-plic(=ply;fold)-ate v.牽連 [ to show to be also involved, usually in an incriminating manner] ex. he was implicated in a financial scandal. ex. To implicate the loyal and good 搆陷忠良 v.暗指 [ imply] implication in-plic(fold)-ation n.牽連 ex. The driver's implication in the crime was proved. n.暗指 ex. She said very little directly, but a great deal by implication. 她直接的話說了很少,但言外之意卻很多 implicit in-plic(fold)-it adj.暗指的 [ implied, rather than expressly stated] ex. Her silence gave implicit consent. 她的沈默表示默許。 ps. implicit differentiation = 隱微分 ...(純粹補充,看不懂沒關係) 例如:f(x,y)=x2+y2=C (d/dx)f(x,y) => (d/dx)[x2+y2]=0 => dx2/dx+(dy2/dy)(dy/dx)=0 => 2x+2y(dy/dx)=0 => dy/dx=-x/y explicit differentiation則是將函數寫成顯函數,再來作微分運算。 例如:x2+y2=C => y=±√(C-x2) dy/dx=±(1/2)(C-x2)-1/2(-2x) =±(-x)/√(C-x2) 如果將±√(C-x2)以y取代--> dy/dx=-x/y 與implicit differentiation結果相同。 -- ※ 發信站: 批踢踢實業坊(ptt.cc) ◆ From:
gloomedran :YA~ 250 06/14 17:21
djsac :酷 微積分都忘光了QQ dy/dx=±(1/2)(C-x2)-1/2(-2x) 06/14 17:39
djsac :沒發現是次方項想了好久:P 06/14 17:40
peterluo :推!! 06/14 21:56