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http://xination.pixnet.net/blog/post/23316801 the inalienable rights of life liberty and the pursuit of happiness. ------------------------------------------ impuissance in-puiss(L. potent)-ance [來自於中世紀的法文] n.無力 [lacking strength; feeble; weak.] impuissance <> clout review ---------------------------------------- 字根 pel peal(少) == drive推 puls compel v.強迫 compulsion n.強迫、強迫症 compulsory adj.強迫的 expel v.驅逐 [to drive or force out or away] expulsion n.驅逐 expulsive adj.驅逐的 **字根pel 多指外在的推,字根puls 多指內心中推;不過廣義來說是可通用的 impel v.推前 [to drive or urge forward] impulse n.衝動 [a sudden desire] = impetus = impulsion repel v.擊退 [to drive or force back] re-做back解 repulse v.回絕 ---------------------------------------- impulse in-pulse n.衝動 [a sudden desire] = impetus = impulsion ex. have an impulse to run away. ex. an impulse of regret that made me hesitate impulsive adj.衝動的 [Inclined to act on impulse rather than thought.] ex. impulsive generosity ex. His mischief is not impulsive but planned. impunity in-pun(L. pūnitās;punish)-ity [no-punish] n.不受懲罰 [Exemption from punishment, penalty, or harm.] ex. do sth. with impunity. ex. ignores with impunity. inadvertence in-advert-ence n.不注意; 漫不經心 [The quality or habit of being inadvertent.] ex. Mistakes proceed from inadvertence. 錯誤出自粗心大意。 ex. she says that inadvertence. 聯想:還記的廣告的英文嗎--advertisement,廣告就是要吸引人注意的。 現在inadvertence,只是加個in在前面,表示沒注意的。 inadvertently in-advert-ent-ly adv.不注意地; 漫不經心地 inalienable in-alien(外國的)-able ["不能分給外國的"] adj.不能讓與的 [not alienable; not transferable to another or capable of being repudiated] ex. inalienable rights. ex. the inalienable rights of life liberty and the pursuit of happiness. inane adj.愚蠢的,沒意義的 [lacking sense, significance, or ideas; silly] ex. inane conversation. ex. inane question. ps. inanity n.愚蠢,沒意義 聯想: i + none 稍微將nane改造一下,就變成none了 字源:L. inānis, empty, lacking sense. "Charlie The Unicorn 2....XD." inanimate in-anim(spirit)-ate adj.無生命的 [Not having the qualities associated with active, living organisms.] ex. A stone is an inanimate object. 石頭是無生命物體。 inanimate:living 無生命的不是活的 in appreciable in-ap-preci(price)-able adj.微不足道的 [ Too small to be noticed or make a significant difference; negligible] ex. inappreciable fluctuations in temperature. review augur n. 占卜師,預言者 v.預示 augury n. 預兆 ---------------------------------------- inaugurate in-augur-ate [被神諭者封為神聖-->正式就職] v.正式就任(由就職典禮) [ to make a formal beginning of; To induct into office by a formal ceremony.] ex. He was inaugurated as President/official. v.舉行就職典禮(或落成典禮;開幕式) ex. The mayor inaugurated a new bridge. inaugurate:president=install:official=crown:king 總統就職=官員就職=國王加冕 inauguration in-augur-ation n.就職典禮 n.落成典禮;開幕式 inaugural in-augur-al adj.就職典禮的 [ of or pertaining to an inauguration] ex. an inaugural ceremony adj.落成典禮的;開幕式的 -- ※ 發信站: 批踢踢實業坊(ptt.cc) ◆ From:
hhunhia :great! 06/19 00:09