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http://xination.pixnet.net/blog/post/23316799 providence vs. provision ----------------------------------------------- imprecise in-precise [cise == cut] adj.不精確的 ex. the terms he used were imprecise and emotional. impregnable in-pregn(take)-able adj.攻不破的 [strong enough to resist or withstand attack] ex. impregnable attitude on life ex. The lawyer won his case with an impregnable argument. 律師以攻不破的論據打贏了那場官司。 字源:in- "not" + prenable "assailable, vulnerable," from stem of prendre "to take, grasp," from L. prehendere (see prehensile). ps. pregnant [pregn-ant] adj.懷孕的 ex. pregnant woman impresario n.【義】(歌劇、樂團等的)經理人[a person who organizes or manages public entertainments, esp. operas, ballets, or concerts.] 聯想:impresario長的還滿有impress的味道的, 可以想像成管理那些impress觀眾的歌劇團的經理人。 字源:1746, from It. impresario "operatic manager," lit. "undertaker (of a business)," from impresa "undertaking," fem. of impreso, pp. of imprendere "undertake," from V.L. imprendere, from L. in- "onto" + prehendere "to grasp" impresario是從義大文來的,字的發展是從impresa "undertaking;企業,保證"。 impresario:entertainment=broker:trade impress in-press v.給...極深的印象 [ to affect deeply or strongly in mind or feelings] ex. I was very impressed by his story. impressed in-press-ed adj.印象極深的 [deeply affected or influenced in mind or feelings ] impression in-press-ion n.印象 [ An effect, feeling, or image retained as a consequence of experience.] ex. make a good impression on sb. ps.Impressionism = 印象派 impressionable in-press-ion-able adj.易受影響的 [easily impressed or influenced; susceptible] ex. an impressionable youngster. imprint in-print v.壓印 [To produce (a mark or pattern) on a surface by pressure.] ex. imprint a kiss on the forehead 在額上使勁吻一下 ps. 在心理學中imprint稱做「銘印現象」--ex.鳥類動物在破蛋而出後,會把第一個看到的對 象當成母親 c.f. imprint v.壓印 implant v.植入 先來補充幾個字 字根 vis vid == see -vid系列- provide v.提供 provid-ence n.遠見 // provid-ent a.有遠見的 [providing for future needs or events] n.天意 // provid-ential a.根據天意的、幸運的 pro前,vid看:pro-vide向前看。 由"向前看"而指著"往未來看", 所以有"遠見"的概念,指是防範未然,未雨綢繆之意。 provide的字根構成的意思是"向前看" 它的字義轉化成"提供給未來之用" providence,為什麼還有"天意"的概念呢 其實它是這樣來的,古代的基督教徒認為未來的事物是上帝所安排好的, 所以providence字根構成之義『在未來看到的東西』就是上帝的安排--天意的意思。 -vis系列- provision n.提供 // provide 的名詞型 n.臨時性的規定、條款 n.食物、糧食 provision-al adj.臨時的、暫時性的 [providing or serving for the time being only] provisory adj.臨時的、暫時性的 adj.有附帶條件的 provision 除了有提供的意思外還有其他兩個意思 其一是臨時性的規定、條款。 源於宗教開會討論時,所暫時同意的論點,意思是為了未來討論而暫時同意。 其二是特殊意,當食物解。 ---------------------------------------- improvise in-pro-vis-e [沒有事前看過] v.即興創作 [To invent, compose, or perform with little or no preparation.] ex. If an actor forgets his words, he has to improvise. v.即興表演 [To play or sing (music) extemporaneously, especially by inventing variations on a melody or creating new melodies in accordance with a set progression of chords.] ps. review p.193 c.f extemporize "How To Improvise Piano Blues Part1 Piano Lesson...超酷!!" improvised in-pro-vis-ed adj.即興創作的、表演的 [made or said without previous preparation] improvident in-provident [not往未來看] adj.無遠見的 [ not provident; lacking foresight] ex. Her improvident speech at the meeting has set a stone rolling. 她在會上的發言缺乏遠見,已產生嚴重後果。 imprudent in-prude-ent adj.不謹慎的;輕率的[not prudent; lacking discretion, rash] ex. 就是那種"大而化之"的不謹慎的 ex. My imprudent utterances incurred her displeasure. 我的不謹慎的言論招致她的不悅。 ps. prude n.過分正經的人 [ One who is excessively concerned with being or appearing to be proper, modest, or righteous.] ex. 例如有些人看到男生打耳洞、或女生穿迷你裙就會覺得"不能接受",覺得一定要穿 的像粽子一樣覺得適宜,另外對性過於保守,我們可以稱此種人為prude。 字源: prude原來是指"wise woman",不過來到古代的法國,意思變成"過分正經的女人 ",引進到英國就變成現在的意思了"過分正經的"。 prude n.過分正經的人 prudish adj.過分正經的 [通常ish的形容詞有不較不好的意思] prudent adj. 謹慎小心的 imprudent adj.不謹慎 ---------------------------------------- impudent in-pud-ent adj.放肆無禮的 [Characterized by offensive boldness; insolent or impertinent.] ex. 比方說被個 impudent boy 掀裙子; 說話沒大沒小的 impudent student. ex. That impudent boy put his tongue out at me. c.f imprudent adj.不謹慎的 [from prude n.過分正經的人] imp.udent adj.放肆無禮的 把prude的r(牙齒)私自拿走是放肆無禮的 impugn in-pugn(L. pugnāre; to fight) v. [To attack as false or questionable; challenge in argument] ex. 如果你 impugn某個人動機、正直,你暗示著某人不是全然誠實的。 字源:1325-75; ME impugnen < MF impugner < L impugnāre to attack, equiv. to im- im- 1 + pugnāre to fight, deriv. of pugnus fist impugn <> champion v.擁護;支持 ps.1 pugnacious pugn(fight)-acious adj.好爭吵的;好戰的 [inclined to quarrel or fight readily; quarrelsome; belligerent] c.f. impugn --意近attack impinge --意近strike -- ※ 發信站: 批踢踢實業坊(ptt.cc) ◆ From:
hhunhia :太好了,釐清我好多渾淆字 06/18 23:58