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http://xination.pixnet.net/blog/post/23365733 每篇都是心血阿 ------------------------------------------- inborn in-born adj.天生的;天賦的 [naturally present at birth; innate.] ex. have an inborn talent for languages. ex. Unlock Your Inborn Creativity incandescence in-cand(bright;shine)-esc-ence [ex.candle, candid] n.白熱光 [The emission of visible light by a hot object.] ex. An early type of stage light in which lime was heated to incandescence producing brilliant illumination. 白熾燈一種早期的舞檯燈具,通過加熱到熾熱狀態而發出明亮的耀眼的光 ps. Stefan's law's 物體的輻射出的功率成正比於溫度的四次方 incendiary in-cend(fire)-i-ary [cend是cand轉化而來的,基本上cend=cand] adj.放火的 [Causing or capable of causing fire.] ex. an incendiary bomb. n.縱火犯 [An arsonist.] (from videogame) incense in-cens(=cend;cand)-e n.焚香(拜拜用的香) v.焚香 v.激怒 [to inflame with wrath; make angry; enrage.] incentive in-cent(cant;sing)-ive n.誘因 [something that incites or tends to incite to action or greater effort, as a reward offered for increased productivity.] ex. to give people an incentive to own their houses. 字源:1432, from L.L. incentivum, noun use of neut. L. adj. incentivus "setting the tune" (in L.L. "inciting"), from stem of incinere "strike up," from in- "in, into" + canere "sing" 簡單來說,incentive的字源是cant唱的意思,就是說用sing;唱的方式來kindle人的動力 。比方說管仲唱歌的故事。 incentive <> deterrent [de-terr(frigthen)-ent] n.制止物 incantation in-cant(sing)-ation [唸咒語看起來唱歌的阿] n.咒文 [Ritual recitation of verbal charms or spells to produce a magic effect.] ex. The act of conjuring up a spirit by incantation. 召鬼用咒語來召鬼的行動 incarcerate in-carcer(prison)-ate v.下獄, 監禁 [To put into jail; to imprison; confine.] ex. He is incarcerated in a stone tower. 聯想:carcer還長的滿像兩部車的唷,想成囚車。 字源:1520-30; < ML incarcerātus ptp. of incarcerāre to imprison, equiv. to in- + carcer(prison) + -ātus(-ate) incarcerate的字根carcer在拉丁文的意思是prison的意思。 ps. jail vs prison jail關的是比較輕微的罪犯,囚犯被送到jail的判刑通常在一年以下(美國的制度) prison通常會是重罪才會被關於此,判刑通常在一年以上。 incarcerate <> liberate v.解放 incarnate in-carn(flesh)-ate [使有肉體] adj.具體化的 [ embodied in flesh; given a bodily, esp. a human] ex. a devil incarnate = a incarnate devil (一般習慣放後面) ex. Queen was happiness incarnate. 女王是幸福的化身。 adj.擬人化的 [ personified or typified, as a quality or idea] v.體現; 使成化身; 使具體化 inception in-cept(take)-ion [on the state of taking] n.開始,開端 [the beginning of something, such as an undertaking] ex. at the inception of... 在...的開頭 ex. Julia' s worked for that company from its inception. 自從那家公司開辦以來,朱莉婭一直在那兒工作。 -- ※ 發信站: 批踢踢實業坊(ptt.cc) ◆ From:
gigaliszt :加油啊! 06/19 19:53