精華區beta GRE 關於我們 聯絡資訊
http://xination.pixnet.net/blog/post/23365734 感謝大家的支持 (...趕快出來謝票 XD) quiz immature:developed= ________ :realized 空格可以填什麼呢? 前3名有50p~ -------------------------------------------------------- incessant in-cess-ant adj.不停的,連續的 [continuing without interruption; ceaseless; unending] ex. the incessant noise 聯想: 我們之前有談過字根cess是"走"or"讓步"的的意思,比方說process 但是這邊的cess卻是從cease"停止"變過來的。 但我們還是可以用聯想法來背這個字, in + cess(走) + ant "在走的狀態"-->不停的,連續的 字源: from L. in- "not" + cessantem (nom. cessans), prp. of cessare "cease". review 字根 ced cess == go走、yield讓步 ceed inch n.英吋 (1 in = 1/12 foot = 2.54 cm) v.緩慢地移動 [ to move by inches or small degrees] ex. We inched our way along the road. ex. He killed the man inch by inch. 他把那個人慢慢地折磨死了。 inch:move=drawl:speak 緩慢地移動:移動=慢聲慢氣地講話:說話 inchoate adj.剛開始的 [just begun; incipient.] ex. inchoate ideas, attitudes, wishes, etc 初步的想法、 態度、 願望等 adj.未發展完成的 [not yet completed or fully developed; rudimentary.] ex. experiences would be inchoate and unformed in the mind, if people can't comprehend them. adj.沒有組織的 [not organized; lacking order] 聯想:inch + oat(麥片) + e "麥片緩慢地成長"->還在長->剛開始的、未發展完成的 字源:inchoate,是從"將牛軛放在牛上"的意思演化而來的,簡單的說就是要開始耕田囉~。 inchoate:realized 剛開始的的還沒有實現 incident in-cid(=cad;fall)-ent n.事件 [an individual occurrence .] n.插曲 [Something contingent on or related to something else.] ps.1 incident 的整體概念是,一個獨立的事件,它看起來是不重要的,但是有可能演變很嚴重的事故。比方說,某甲插隊,然後某乙用髒話罵某甲。到這邊可以稱為一個 incident,目前看起來事情還沒怎樣,但有可能幾天後某甲帶人來堵某乙..。所以incident有"事件"的意思、也有"插曲"的意思。 ps.2 incident 與 event意涵上是有不同的唷,incident通常有負面意味,而event卻正反都可以,你可以說促銷活動是個event,但說incident就會比較奇怪。 adj.易發生的;伴隨而來的 [likely or apt to happen] ex. the risks are incident to the life of a racing driver. 風險伴隨者賽車手的生活而來。 字源:from L. incidentem (nom. incidens), prp. of incidere "happen, befall," from in- "on" + -cidere, comb. form of cadere "to fall" incidence in-cid(=cad;fall)-ence n.事情發生的頻率or範圍(用於不好的事) [the rate or range of occurrence or influence of something, esp. of something unwanted] ex. the high incidence of heart disease in men over 40.(40歲以後的男子) n.發生 [a falling upon, affecting, or befalling; occurrence] ex. 有種東西落下來的那種概念 ex. The incidence of murder that Sunday afternoon shocked the sleepy village. n.【物】射入;入射角 incipient in-cip(take)-i-ent [on the state of taking] adj.初期的, 發端的(formal) [beginning to exist or appear; in an initial stage] ex. incipient tumors. ex. an incipient economic recovery ex. the incipient stage of a disease 疾病的初發階段 (你想review嗎~~但這個字根要講好長耶...請看page 73吧) ---------------------------------------- 字根cap系1號=head cap --> cip capit --> cipit 字根cap系2號=take cap capt ---------------------------------------- 字根 cap --> cep --> cip == take [此部分跟cap系2號一樣] cept ceive [少]ceipt : 只有receipt n.收據 [少]ceit : 只有deceit v.欺騙 ,conceit n.自大,自負 ----------------------------------------- incinerate in-ciner(L. cineris; ashes)-ate v.燒成灰; [to burn or reduce to ashes] ex. to incinerate the rubbish(waste) or to tip it into disused quarries? 把垃圾予以焚化,還是倒進廢棄的採石坑? 聯想:cine(電影院) +r "阿~電影院燒成灰了" 字源:1555, from M.L. incineratus "reduce to ashes," pp. of incinerare, from L. in- "into" + cinis (gen. cineris) "ashes." ps. cinderella = 灰姑娘 c.f. immolate L.mola 指的是"sacrificial barley cake" v.犧牲、火祭、放火殺死 incise in-cise(cut) v.切入 [to cut into] ex. this hard steel needle is used to incise lines in a metal. 字源:L. incīsus ptp. of incīdere to carve, cut into ps. 日本有個知名的3d畫師叫做--incise soul唷,有興趣的人可以去看看。(see it) incision in-cis(cut)-ion n.切口 [a cut, gash, or notch.] n.切入 [ the act of incising.] incisive in-cis(cut)-ive adj.一針見血的 [penetrating; cutting; remarkably clear and direct] ex. incisive argument. ex. the incisive, cultured but unaffected voice matched Obama's ingenuous appearance. 歐巴馬開門見山,彬彬有禮,而又不矯揉造作的話語同他那幅真誠的表情很相稱。 incite in-cite(to move ) v.激勵;激起 [to stir, encourage, or urge on; stimulate or prompt to action] ex. to incite people to rebel. 煽動民眾起來叛亂 字源: L. incitāre, equiv. to in-citāre "to start up, excite, move" 這個字incite,指的是"引起動作",可以用於任何的種類,好或外都可以。 review/preview一下我們學過的: instigate, provoke, goad, spur, arouse, exhort; fire; induce * arouse 多用於搖醒潛在的意識 * provoke 有"挑戰"、"激怒"的意味 * inflame 使冒火,帶有強烈、激情的意味 ps. cite v.引用; 舉出 字源: from L. citare "to cause to move, arouse, summon, urge, call," from ciere "to move, set in motion" 源指在教堂中,由佈道來激起人民行動"to cause to move",其來自ciere "to move" inclement in-clement adj.天氣險惡的 [ (of the weather, the elements, etc.) severe, rough, or harsh; stormy.] ex. inclement weather conditions 聯想: Clemens是很和藹可親的,clement adj.溫和的 ps. Clemens= 克萊門斯 inclusive in-clus(close)-ive adj.包括一切的 [Taking a great deal or everything within its scope; comprehensive] ex. The rent is $300, inclusive of heating. 房租三百元,包括暖氣費在內。 ex. Inclusive Package Tour -- ※ 發信站: 批踢踢實業坊(ptt.cc) ◆ From:
hhunhia :incipient~~推X大 06/22 19:33
PPco :純推X大~~~~加油唷 06/22 19:46
newman814 :inchoate 剛背到 XDDD 06/22 19:47
Hjordis :推推推~辛苦了 ‧★,:*:‧\( ̄▽ ̄)/‧:*‧★,:* 06/22 19:49
aids2 :感謝X大大~~~!!^^ 06/22 20:04
fishtom :推 辛苦了 ╮(╯◇╰)╭ 06/22 20:05
othello :辛苦了,謝謝你的分享 06/22 20:06
fishtom :大家好像都不好意思賺50p XD 06/22 20:09
cyndilin :inchoate 06/22 20:21
icecherry :原po好有心。 06/22 20:33
ErosSonic :感謝...唸書都沒有幫忙的x大認真 ^^ 06/22 20:33
sovereignty :incipient/inchoate 06/22 21:01
onbitman :其實答案藏在內文中耶!! 06/23 00:16