精華區beta GRE 關於我們 聯絡資訊
http://xination.pixnet.net/blog/post/23365736 hw 1. ___________ :disputed = untenable:defended 2. incorrigible:__________ = irradicable:remove 猜猜空格可以填什麼單字 前3名有50p唷! ------------------------------------------------------------------ incogitant in-cogit-ant [cogitate + ant] adj.無思想的 [thoughtless; inconsiderate.] 字源:1620-30; < L. inco-gitant-, equiv. to in- co-gitant- (s. of co-gita-ns), prp. of co-gita-re to think ps.review page 91 cogitate v.仔細考慮 [ to think hard; ponder; meditate] ex. to cogitate about a problem. cogent cog(=co+ag;act,drive)-ent adj.使人信服的 convincing ex.a cogent argument incommensurate in-con-mensure-ate adj.不相稱的 [not commensurate; disproportionate] ex. Our income is incommensurate to our wants. incompatible in-compatible adj.不能和諧共存的;不相容的 [ unable to exist together in harmony] ex. Late hours are incompatible with health. 熬夜則不會健康。 incompetent in-con-pet(seek)-ent adj.無能力的;不能勝任的 [lacking qualification or ability; incapable] ex. He is incompetent at his job. 他不能勝任自己那份工作 incongruity in-congruity adj.不一致 [the quality or condition of being incongruous.] ex. incongruity between a person's attitudes and his behaviour. review p.106 congruent congruous adj.[數]全等的 congruity n.[數]全等 inconsequential in-con-sequ(follow)-ent-ial adj.不重要的 [of little or no importance; insignificant; trivial.] ex. The choice of the reference temperature is inconsequential. 溫度基準的選擇是無關緊要的。 inconstancy in-con-stant(stand)-y [t+y--> cy] n.無常 [not constant; changeable; fickle; variable] ex. a symbol of inconstancy in love. incontrovertible in-contro(against)-vert(turn)-ible adj.無可爭議的; 明白的 [not controvertible; not open to question or dispute] ex. absolute and incontrovertible truth. incorrigible in-con-rig(reg;right)-ible adj.無藥可救的;無法矯正的 [not corrigible; bad beyond correction or reform] ex. incorrigible faults. 無法糾正的錯誤 incorrigible:reformed 難以糾正的無法被糾正 incorrigibility in-con-rig(reg;right)-ibility [-ibility = ible + ity] n.無藥可救;無法矯正 incorruptible in-con-rupt(break)-ible adj.不腐敗的;清廉的 [Incapable of being morally corrupted.] ex. Judges should be incorruptible. 法官應當廉潔. incorporate in-corpor(body)-ate v.合併 ex. We'll incorporate the new plan with the old. 我們將把新老計劃合併為一。 ps. incorporation n.法人組織 review ---------------------------------------- 字根 corpor corp == 身體 corporate adj.共同的、社團法人的 / incorporate v.合併 [in = en 使] corporeal adj.肉體的、物質的 / (否定) incorporeal adj.靈魂的、非物質的 corporal adj.肉體的 = corporeal adj.[古]物質的 -- ※ 發信站: 批踢踢實業坊(ptt.cc) ◆ From:
newman814 :頭推!! 1. incontrovertible, 2. amend 06/23 19:15
unexcepted :incontrovertible/rectify 06/23 20:43