精華區beta GRE 關於我們 聯絡資訊
http://xination.pixnet.net/blog/post/23365737 模擬測驗 ...考參考內文唷 初級 inculpate <> _______ or ________ 中級 greenhouse:plant=________:infant 高級 penitent: rueful =skeptic: _________ 任選一題作答 前三推有50p~ -------------------------------------------------------------- incredulity in-cred(believe)-ul-ity n.不輕信;懷疑 [ inability or unwillingness to believe.] ex. everyone in the room regards her with incredulity. 屋裡所有的人不可置信的望著她 review ---------------------------------------- 字根 cred == believe credence n.相信 [acceptance as true or valid; belief] credent a.[古]令人相信的 [believing] (現在用credible) credentials n.憑據;證書 [evidence of authority, status, rights] credit n.信用 n.經濟上的信譽(credit card) n.榮譽 creditable a.可信的 [Worthy of belief] a.值得稱讚的 [deserving credit, honor] credo n.宗教信條 =creed creed n.宗教信條 credulity n.輕信,易受騙[trust too readily] // credulous adj.輕信的,易受騙的 incredulity n.不輕信;懷疑 // incredulous adj.不輕信的;懷疑的 discredit v.不信,懷疑 [destroy confidence in] v.使丟臉;敗壞...的名聲 [to injure the credit or reputation of] n. 敗壞名聲的人(或事) ---------------------------------------- increment in-cre(grow)-ment n.增加量 [something added or gained; addition] n.增加 [The process of increasing in number, size, quantity, or extent.] ex. This curiosity has increased with every increment in our knowledge. ps. increase v.增大;增加 accrete v.慢慢生長 incriminate in-crimin(crime)-ate v.控告 [to accuse of or present proof of a crime or fault] ex. to incriminate an innocent person. ex. no person can be forced to give evidence which may incriminate himself. 任何人不得被迫自認其罪 v.牽連有罪 [to involve in an accusation; cause to be or appear to be guilty; implicate] ex. I'd incriminate myself as well as you. 我就會把自己和你都牽連進去。 incriminate <> exonerate v.免除;證明無罪 inculpate in-culp(fault)-ate v.控告 [to charge with fault; incriminate.] incubate in-cub-ate v.孵卵 [To sit on (eggs) to provide heat, so as to promote embryonic development and the hatching of young; brood.] ex. The birds returned to their nests and continued to incubate the eggs. ex. incubate germs in a laboratory. v.醞釀;逐漸發展 [To form or consider slowly and protectively, as if hatching] ex. to incubate the idea. 字源:in-cub(a-re) to sit, lie down + -a-tus -ate ps.1 incumbent 等等就會講到 ps.2 cub n.幼獸 /*ON kobbi young seal*/ incubator in-cub-ator n.孵卵器 [an apparatus in which eggs are hatched artificially.] n.早產兒保育器 [an enclosed apparatus in which prematurely born infants are kept in controlled conditions, as of temperature, for protection and care.] n.細菌培養器 incubus in-cub(lie down,sit)-us n.他是一種想像的男妖(應該是男的吧,不知道demon有性別嗎?),他會與熟睡的女子性交 [an imaginary demon or evil spirit supposed to descend upon sleeping persons, esp. one fabled to have sexual intercourse with women during their sleep] ps. 也有會與熟睡的男子性交的evil spirit唷,它叫做succubus. incumbent in-cumb(lie down)-ent /*正躺在位置上的人*/ adj.現任的(行政部門或教會中的 ) [holding an indicated position, role, office, etc., currently] ex. the incumbent officers of the club. n.現任者,在職者 inculcate in-culc-ate v.孜孜不倦的教誨 [To impress (something) upon the mind of another by frequent instruction or repetition; instill] ex. to inculcate young men with patriotism. 聯想:不妨把culc想成 culture,讓culture come in = 教誨 字源:inculcate的 culc來自L. calcare "to tread, press in,而它的源頭跟heel(腳後跟)有關唷,xination推論意像是指用heel來採壓的形象,借用到教人道理上。 incur in-cur(run) [跑進去某個不好的情況] v.遭惹(通常是指得到不好的東西) [To acquire or come into (something usually undesirable)] ex. incur a debt ex. incur a person's displeasure v.變成有責任於..XXX [To become liable or subject to as a result of one's actions; bring upon oneself] ex. An enterprise has to incur certain costs and expenses in order to stay in business. -- ※ 發信站: 批踢踢實業坊(ptt.cc) ◆ From:
newman814 :未看先頭推XD 06/25 21:02
newman814 :初 exonerate acquit 中 incubator 高 discredit 06/25 21:11
newman814 :看完再推XDD 06/25 21:13
xination :discredit 詞性不對唷 06/25 21:52
comlcs :推推 辛苦了 06/25 21:57
xination :不過其他都ok,很厲害唷 06/25 21:57
newman814 : 詞性真的是弱點,改這個 => 高 incredulous 06/25 22:15
hhunhia :x大的題目越來越有深度了,害我很怕我答題出糗....XD 06/25 23:11
junjung :推!! 06/25 23:31
aids2 :感謝X大...^^推一下 06/26 01:08