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http://xination.pixnet.net/blog/post/23365739 小遊戲 1. 連連看 找成對的 "不會"關係的詞 (有1對多的) indelible indecipherable indefatigable decoded erasable weary forget 2. 空格可以填什麼 mollification:soothe=indemnity: ___________ 前三答的人有50p唷~ (hint 在內文) --------------------------------------------------- indebted in-debt(債)-ed [在debt的狀態下] adj.負債的,受惠的 [Morally, socially, or legally obligated to another] ex. I am greatly indebted to you for your criticisms and help. 我非常感激你的批評和幫助。 ps.為什麼indebted可以有當受惠的意念呢?其實這個字的想法是"受人點滴必當湧泉以報" ---負了別人的人情債-->受惠的 indecipherable in-de-cipher-able adj.解讀不出 [ not decipherable; illegible.] ex. 你可以用這個字來形容writing or speech ex. the expression on his face was still indecipherable. indecisive in-decisive [decide-ive] adj.優柔寡斷的(沒辦法做決定的) [ not decisive or conclusive] ex. Michael was indecisive about how to decorate the room. adj.不明確的 indefatigable in-de-fatig-able adj.(褒)不屈不撓的 [ being never getting tired of doing something;not yielding to fatigue] ex. He was indefatigable in his lectures on the aesthetics of love. 在講授關於愛情的美學時,他是不知疲倦的。 ex. an indefatigable writer 筆耕不息的作家 ex. Happy Mother's Day to all the indefatigable moms. indelible in-dele-ilbe /*not-delete-able*/ adj. 去除不掉的 [Impossible to remove, erase, or wash away] ex. The whole incident left one indelible impression. 整個事件給人留下深刻的印象。 adj.擦不掉的 [Making a mark not easily erased or washed away] ex. an indelible pen for labeling clothing. indelibility:erasure 無法消除不能擦去 review ---------------------------------------- 補償、賠償系列 compensate v.補償、賠償、酬報 recompense n/v.補償、賠償、酬報 remunerate v.賠償、給...酬勞 [muner =gift 衍生成酬勞] indemnify v.補償、賠償 [in(not)+demn(blame)+ify] or 保障;使免於受罰 reimburse v.補償、賠償 [imburse v.花錢 ,re做back解] purse offset v.補償、抵銷 (In basketball, his speed offset his small size.) recover v.挽回、彌補 (It's hard to recover lost time.) reparation n.補償、賠償 [from repair v.] restitution n.歸還、賠償 [the restoration of property or rights previously taken away] ph. make up for (make up for the lost time.) ---------------------------------------- indemnify in-demn(blame)-ify [使免於受罰-->補償] v.補償(用以保障而避免損失) [to guard or secure against anticipated loss; give security against (future damage or liability).] ex. They agreed to indemnify the taxpayers against any loss. ex.比方說保險業就常用這個字唷。 ps. damn it = 該死! indemnity in-demn(blame)-ity n.補償;保障 [security against damage, loss, or injury.] ex. termination indemnity. 解僱補償金 ex. Under this treaty, they were to pay an indemnity of 60million pounds. indent in-dent v.成V字形凹口 [to form deep recesses] v.刻成鋸齒狀 (例如edge) ps. indent a document,為什麼要indent,它的目的是要切出一個不規則的形狀,讓這份文件成為獨一無二的。 ex. To indent the first line of each paragraph. 把每段第一行縮進書寫 n.訂貨單 字源:from L. in-dens (gen. dentis) "tooth" 你想一下牙齒的形狀就可以了,1)牙齒中間是不是凹了進去阿,2)牙齒長的像鋸齒狀的~~ indenture in-dent-ure n. 契約 [A contract binding one party into the service of another for a specified term] n. [ document in duplicate having indented edges.] /* as a safeguard against counterfeiting, the copies given to all parties were placed together and cut in this margin in a wavy, irregular pattern, thus uniquely identifying the authenticity of each copy.*/ indeterminate in-de-termin(boundary)-ate adj.不確定的;不明確的 [ not determinate; not precisely fixed in extent; indefinite] ex. If something is indeterminate, you cannot say exactly what it is. ex. Justice is a rather vague and indeterminate concept. 正義則是一個相當模糊和不確定的概念。 indicate in-dic(speek)-ate v.表明;象徵 [to be a sign of; betoken] ex. His hesitation really indicates his doubt about the venture. v.指出 [ to point out or point to] ex. to indicate a place on a map. ps. indicate在GRE的argument中滿好用的唷~ ex. That fact can't indicate XXX. indicative in-dic-ative adj.表示的; [Serving to indicate] ex. Fever may be indicative of an infection. 發燒可能表明受了感染。 ps. INDICATIVE在文法中指的是直述句的意思。 就是主詞後面就接動詞 ex. I am hungry index [pl. indices] n.索引, 標誌 [Something that serves to guide, point out, or otherwise facilitate reference] ex.你可以常常看到網址中有index這個字唷 n.【數】指數 -- ※ 發信站: 批踢踢實業坊(ptt.cc) ◆ From: ※ 編輯: xination 來自: (06/27 19:46)
comlcs :頭推! 辛苦囉 :D 06/27 22:34
fishtom :辛苦了 有看有推 06/27 23:14
bigbigbird :感謝推~ 06/28 00:09
junjung :有看有推!!! 06/28 00:45
shorse :erasable<>indelible, decoded<>indecipherable 06/28 15:15
shorse :weary<>indefatigable, indemnify? 06/28 15:16
shorse :indelible還有forgot﹐不看提示還想不起來呢 06/28 15:18
tnaa :謝謝分享^^ 06/28 15:51
spirithunter:2. redeem? 06/28 16:35
ErosSonic :Thanks!! 06/28 22:38
sovereignty :推 06/28 23:27