精華區beta GRE 關於我們 聯絡資訊
http://xination.pixnet.net/blog/post/23365746 Oh yes, List 20 done~ Practice! soften <> ___________ ascetic <> __________ questionable <> __________ ________:description=irradicable:obliterate ephemeral:endure=________ :stretch --------------------------------------------------------- indubitable in-dubit(doubt)-able [not doubt] adj.無疑的, 確實的 [that cannot be doubted; patently evident or certain; unquestionable.] ex. 通常用來加強XX是真的,而不需要有任何懷疑的 ex. Dear, this is my indubitable love to you... 字源:indubitable的dubit就是doubt的意思~ induce in-duc(lead)-e v.引誘;勸 [To lead or move, as to a course of action, by influence or persuasion.] ex. to induce a person to buy a lottery. ex. Nothing in the world would induce me to do that. v.感應生電 [Physics. to produce (an electric current)] ps.1 induced labor 中文我不知該翻成什麼,不過他的意思大致上為"催生",就是讓baby早一些產出,比方說預期到baby會長的過大,或是懷孕已過了42週(超過10個半月),或者還有其他的因素讓早產會對baby比較好,就會使用induced labor. ps.2 education [ex-duc-ation] induct v.使正式就任 [to install in an office, position, etc., esp. with formal ceremonies] ex. induct sb.to an office of governor. 使某人就任州長 ex. Six new members have been inducted into the Provincial Cabinet. v.徵召...入伍 [to take a draftee(被徵召入伍者) into military service] ps. induct、conscript、enlist 徵兵制 -- conscript (強制性的) draft(可以選擇要加入哪種conscription),NBA的選秀也是這個字。 募兵制 -- enlist 較廣義 -- induct (不過較偏draft的色彩) induction n.就職儀式/徵招 [a procedure or ceremony for introducing someone to a new job, organization, or way of life. ] ex. Elvis' induction into the army. ex. an induction course for new members. n.引誘;勸 ps.1 電磁學--電磁感應 "electrostatic induction 靜電感應" ["movie":"http://www.youtube.com/v/pJ36EtABLAk&hl=zh_TW&fs=1","allowfullscreen":"true","allowscriptaccess":"always","src":"http://www.youtube.com/v/pJ36EtABLAk&hl=zh_TW&fs=1","type":"application/x-shockwave-flash"] ps.2 邏輯學 induction =歸納法;歸納 (用以求的general rule) 歸納法是由「具體經驗現象」的觀察來得出「general rule」 ex. 小明會死 小美會死 小明.小美都是人-->所以人都會死 而相對的是演譯法(deduction), 由「general rule」推測「具體經驗現象」 人都會死 小明.小美都是人-->小美會死、小明會死 indulge v. 使沈迷於 [To yield to the desires and whims of, especially to an excessive degree; humor.] ex. take time to indulge. (某廣告詞) ex. indulged himself with good food. ex. The prince indulged in luxury. 那位王子奢靡無度。 indulge:mollycoddle (同義) ps. divulge v.洩露 字源:dis- + vulga-re( to spread among the multitude) indurate in-dur(last,harden)-ate v.變堅固、變硬 [ to make hard; harden, as rock, tissue, etc.] ex. Cold indurates the soil. en-dure v.忍耐 in-durate v.變堅固、變硬 ob-durate v.頑固 (ob-做against解) industrious industry-ous adj.勤勉的,勤奮的 [working energetically and devotedly; hard-working; diligent] ex. If you are industrious you can finish the job before dark. 你若勤快些就能在天黑前完成這項工作了。 聯想:在工業(industry)園區的工程師,每天勤勉的(industrious)工作爆肝!! 字源:industrious是由 industry加個字尾而來的,所以追根究柢,我們必須來瞭解 industry;此字的最源頭是L. industria指的是"勤勉",而在15XX年以後industry才有工業的意思唷。 ineffable in-ex-fab(speak)-able adj. [ incapable of being expressed or described in words] ex. the ineffable sadness. 無法明狀的悲傷 ex. the ineffable beauty of the scenery 難以形容的優美景色 review fable n.寓言 ineffable:description (V不能N) ineffectual in-ex-fect(make,do)-u-al adj.無效果的,不起作用的 [Insufficient to produce a desired effect] ex. an ineffectual remedy. ex. The searchlights were ineffectual in the fog. 探照燈在霧中不起作用。 inelasticity in-elastic-ity n. 無彈力 [not elastic; lacking flexibility or resilience] ps.1 在經濟學用語中inelasticity指的是對改變不容易起反應。 ex. price inelasticity 價格缺乏彈性 順便補充彈性的定義---Ex,y=|(Δy/y)/(Δx/x)| ps.2 物理學中有 elastic collision/ inelastic collision 彈性碰撞(elastic collision) -- 碰撞前後動能沒有改變。 非彈性碰撞(inelastic collision)--動能改變了,比方說子彈射進木頭中卡住了。 -- ※ 發信站: 批踢踢實業坊(ptt.cc) ◆ From:
Reinhard :頭推 07/03 07:20
rabbitbear :推推~~ 目前看到第6頁了 T.T~還很漫長.... 07/03 08:43
IvenYoung :推推! 07/03 09:54
jalamorm :推推推 07/03 10:19
Hjordis :喔耶推推推ヽ(=‵∀′=)ノ 07/03 11:42
eisen :推推推~ 07/03 12:10
gweson :推推...GJ 07/03 12:37
sovereignty :推 07/03 12:49
fliegen :念完了 耶! 謝謝X大! 07/03 14:43
babalou :推推推一要支持的啦^^ 07/03 16:38
link123 :推推~ 07/03 17:18
lovinfaintly:推,謝謝你 =) 07/03 17:44
comlcs :推推... 07/03 17:51
impor :推~~~~ 07/03 19:44
kensin79 :推推~~ 07/03 20:08
xination :都沒有人寫練習.... 07/03 20:25
pedroremorse:我建議你改成選擇題 填充題難度似乎太高了XD 07/03 20:49
lthee :X大 因為有點難啦 (囧+羞) 07/03 21:08
pittsburg :推推推 07/03 21:39
othello :推推推~~~~大家加油 07/03 23:54