精華區beta GRE 關於我們 聯絡資訊
http://xination.pixnet.net/blog/post/23564028 ..XD 本來想玩 261的梗的 相關練習題,(空格都是本頁教的單字唷) lliteracy:education=________:redistribution finesse <> ______ _________:dissuasion=indomitable:conquest persistence:vacillate=________:react ------------------------------------------------------ ineluctable in-eluct(~elude)-able adj.無法逃避的 [incapable of being evaded; inescapable] ex. an ineluctable destiny. ex. bear his ineluctable fate with equanimity(心平氣和). ps. ineluctable 是個很正式的、文謅謅的字,一般的時候用inescapable, inevitable, unavoidable就可以了。 聯想:把in-eluct-able中的 eluct想成是elude(逃避)就很好記了。 字源:其實eluct是來自e-+lucta-ri- (wrestle),跟elude的字根lud(play)是不樣的意思的唷。 inept n.不勝任的 [without skill or aptitude for a particular task or assignment] ex. He is inept at computer work. adj.笨拙的 字源:L. ineptus : in(not)- aptus (suitable) 字根 apt == fit; suitable aptitude n.適宜、才能 adapt v.使適應[?'d?pt] adept adj.老練的[?'dept] ineptitude in-apt-itude n.不勝任 n.笨拙 ex. They joked about his ineptitude. ineptitude <> bent n.天分 inequity in-equ-ity n.不公平 [lack of equity; unfairness] ex. inequality(不均等) is not inequity(不公平). ex. An inequity in salaries is an obvious drawback in the industry. ps. equity n.公平 equality n.均等 inequity:redistribution /*(後削弱前)*/ inert in-ert(art;skill) adj.遲緩的;無生氣的 [Sluggish in action or motion; lethargic] ex. He covered the inert body with a blanket. adj.【化】惰性的 ex. inert gas:He(Helium), Ne(Neon) ,Ar ,kr ,Xe ,Rn 字源:1640-50; L. inert unskillful, in-ert (from art)skill inertia n.【物】慣性 [ Physics the property of matter by which it retains its state of rest or its velocity along a straight line so long as it is not acted upon by an external force.] ps."慣性"就是指物體的一種特性;在沒有受外力的情況下,物體不就是靜止的,不然就會以直線等速運動。 n.不活動;遲鈍 [inertness, esp. with regard to effort, motion, action,] 字源:inertia這個字,最先是由Newton所造出來的唷,只是把inert後面加個字尾ia就出生了,ia是個來自希臘語的字尾,是個名詞尾。 inertia <> tendency to change motion inexhaustible in(not)-exhaust-ible adj.用之不竭的 [not exhaustible; incapable of being depleted] ex. Thank you for your inexhaustible love. ex. The wealth of her graces was inexhaustible. 她那優美的風度千姿百態 inexorable in-ex-ora(pray)-able adj.無動於衷的;毫不寬容的 [ Not capable of being persuaded by entreaty; relentless] ps. 簡單的說,inexorable就是"說不動的",像老媽可能會老爸說「你這個 inexorable stupid man, 叫你幫我倒個垃圾也在那邊拖」 ex. In its quiet way, mass advertising has been deadly and inexorable. 字源:其中的字根ora原始的意思是pray(禱告)的意思,不過也當"speak"。 ps. oral a.口頭的 oracle n.神諭 oration n.演說 [嚴格來說oral的字源與這邊不同,它來自mouth,而不是speak] inexplicable in-ex-plic(fold)-able adj.無法說明的 [incapable of being accounted for or explained.] ex. inexplicable lucky. review p.192 explicate ex-plic(fold)-ate [把折打開-->說請楚] v.詳細說明 explicit ex-plic(fold)-it adj.詳盡的;清楚的 adj.成形的 infant n.嬰幼兒 [a child during the earliest period of its life, esp. before he or she can walk; baby.] ps. 還不會走路的baby叫infant infantile infant-ile adj.嬰兒的 [Of or relating to infants or infancy.] ex. Infantile psychology 兒童心理 adj.幼稚的 [Displaying or suggesting a lack of maturity; childish] ps.-ile字尾是個形容詞的字尾,帶有"能夠;capable"的意味在。 -- ※ 發信站: 批踢踢實業坊(ptt.cc) ◆ From:
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