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http://xination.pixnet.net/blog/post/23564075 =_= 都沒人寫練習題 參考 sabbatical:leave=flattering:infatuation infelicitous <> happy tacit:infer=encoded:decode infiltrate:enter=conspire:plan ------------------------------------------- infantry n.步兵 [soldiers or military units that fight on foot, in modern times typically with rifles, machine guns, grenades] ex. The infantry is / are still an important component of the modernized armies. 步兵仍然是現代化軍隊中的一個重要的組成部分。 聯想:步兵(infantry)走的跟嬰兒(infant)一樣慢 infatuation n.迷戀 [A foolish, unreasoning, or extravagant passion or attraction.] ps.中文比較難找到相對應的詞,infatuation是一種狀態,如果在infatuation之中,你會非常地喜愛、很熱情於某事物,以至於到了無法思考的狀況。比方說,某天你看到的朋友的新iphone手機,然後就好想買好想買,可以說 you get into the infatuation for iPhone. 另外Maroon 5 有一首歌《infatuation》可以去看看唷 (youtube, lyrics) ex. He has married her as the result of sudden infatuation. 他由於突如其來的迷戀而娶了她。 infatuation <> odium n.討厭 infection in-fect(do,make)-ion n.感染 [Invasion by and multiplication of pathogenic microorganisms in a bodily part or tissue, which may produce subsequent tissue injury and progress to overt disease through a variety of cellular or toxic mechanisms.] from wiki infection 是指由其他物種在身為宿主的個體內進行有害的複製、繁殖過程。 An infection is the detrimental(有害的) colonization of a host organism(宿主) by a foreign species. In an infection, the infecting organism seeks to utilize the host's resources to multiply (usually at the expense of the host). The infecting organism, or pathogen(病原體), interferes with the normal functioning of the host and can lead to chronic wounds, gangrene(壞疽), loss of an infected limb, and even death. The host's response to infection is inflammation(發炎). Colloquially(白話來說), a pathogen is usually considered a microscopic organism though the definition is broader, including parasites, fungi, viruses, prions, and viroids. ps. 鬼束千尋(???? ???)有一首歌《infection》超好聽的,一定要去聽聽看,see it antibiotic:infection (前消滅後) review p.200 ---------------------------------------- felicity felci(happy)-ity n.幸福(非常高程度的happy) [Great happiness; bliss.] ex. marital felicity. n.措辭等的得體,巧妙 [An appropriate and pleasing manner or style] ex. felicity of expression. (之前有人分享過用feli菲力牛排來記--能吃到feli牛排真是幸福) 字源:1350-1400; ME felicite (< AF) < L fe-li-cita-s, equiv. to fe-li-ci- (s. of fe-li-x) happy + -ta-s -ty felicitous felicity-ous adj.幸福的 adj.巧妙的, 極為適當的 [Exhibiting an agreeably appropriate manner or style] ex. a felicitous choice of words 得體的措辭 ---------------------------------------- infelicity in-felicity n.不幸福 ex. there is so much infelicity in the world. n.措辭不得體 infelicitous in-felicity-ous adj.不幸福的 [unhappy.] adj.措辭不得體的 [inapt, inappropriate, or awkward; malapropos] infer in-fer(carry) v.推論 [ to derive by reasoning; conclude or judge from premises(前提) or evidence] ex. I infer that my proposal has been accepted. 我推論我的建議已被接受。 ps. infer vs. imply infer推論、imply暗示,在中文上來看是有很明顯的差別,但是在英文的使用上要注意一下下唷。 imply指的是說話者沒有明講(without being stated outright),但意思被傳達給你。 infer指聽者去推測說話者的內容,而產生沒明講的結論。 比方說, 你女友說「你知道明天是什麼日子嗎?」 女朋友 imply你,要送她生日禮物, 於是,你infer女朋友要你送她禮物。 inference n.推論 [the act or process of inferring.] ps. 在邏輯學中 inference是個專有名詞,the process of deriving the strict logical consequences of assumed premises. inference就很像是數學題目的證明過程。 Proposition 主張:等腰三角形的內角和=180度 Premise 前提:三角形的內角和是180度 Inference 推論:等腰三角形是三角形 Conclusion 結論:等腰三角形的內角和=180度 (結論若等於主張就QED了) inferior infer-ior(拉丁文的字尾; 比較級) adj.低等的 [lower in station, rank, degree, or grade] ex. Synthetic fabric is inferior to cotton fabric. 合成纖維織物不如棉織品好。 review superior adj.(地位等)較高的 <--> inferior adj.(地位等)低等的 exterior adj.外部的 <--> interior adj.內部的 prior adj.優先的 字源:1400-50; late ME < L. infer(us) lower + -ior inferno n.【義】地獄 [A place or condition suggestive of hell, especially with respect to human suffering or death] ex. The burning building became an inferno. 燃燒著的大樓成了地獄般的地方。 ps. infernal adj.地獄的 infernal 的字源:L. infern(us) situated below, of the underworld + -a-lis;跟inferior是同一個來源的唷 infest v.棲息;大批出沒於;侵擾 [ to live in or overrun to an unwanted degree or in a troublesome manner, esp. as predatory animals or vermin do] ps.你看到infest的中文解釋好像意象很廣,但實際上它只是指單一個概念,只是用中文很難翻出來。OK~那infest是什麼意思呢?它的概念就像是樹上有一坨白蟻(或其他害蟲),你可以說terrmites infest the tree. 從這邊的例句,你就可以瞭解為什麼infest有棲息、大批出沒、侵擾的意思了。(白蟻是叫做terrmite,也是可以稱white ant, 但實際上terrmite ≠white ant.) ex. Gnats and mosquitoes infested the field by the river. 小昆蟲和蚊子群集於河邊的田野裡。 ex. The mountains were infested with robbers. 山裡有大批盜賊出沒。 字源(看看就好):1375–1425; late ME < L infesta-re to assail, molest, deriv. of infestus hostile infiltrate in-filter-ate v.滲入 [ to filter into or through; permeate.] v.(思想、人員等)滲透 [to move into (an organization, country, territory, or the like) surreptitiously and gradually, esp. with hostile intent] ex.to infiltrate a spy into the enemy camp. 使間諜滲入敵營 ex. to infiltrate her ideas into the children's minds ps. filter n.濾器 v.過濾 infiltrate:enter (前是偷偷摸摸的後者) infinitesimal infinite-sim(esimus;number)-al [無窮的數-->極小數] adj.無窮小的 [indefinitely or exceedingly small] n.極微之量 [an infinitesimal quantity.] 字源:1645-55; < NL infi-ni-te-sim(us), equiv. to L infi-ni-t(us) infinite + -e-simus suffix of ordinal numerals + -al infinitestimal的字構是infinite-estimus(它是拉丁字尾,有number的意思)-al infinity in-fin(範圍;boundary)-ity n.無限 ex. the infinity of the universe. 宇宙的無垠 infinity <> bounded space infirm in-firm(adj.穩固) adj.衰弱的(因年邁) [feeble or weak in body or health, esp. because of age] ex. Great-grandmother was old and infirm. 曾祖母年邁體弱。 adj.不牢靠的 infirm <> hale -- ※ 發信站: 批踢踢實業坊(ptt.cc) ◆ From:
ErosSonic :哈哈我是頭推 讚讚 感謝! 07/08 20:43
littlecula :喔喔 鬼束那首infection超好聽的!!! 07/08 20:56
simonsou :推! 07/08 20:58
lovinfaintly:推 =) 07/08 21:01
kensin79 :必推~ 07/08 21:15
xination :音檔..upload中. 07/08 21:32
xination :imeem的怪怪的... 音檔一直在 progressing中 好久了 07/08 22:05
evilove :加油加油 07/08 22:13