精華區beta GRE 關於我們 聯絡資訊
http://xination.pixnet.net/blog/post/23564146 參考 ingenue:sophistication=cynic:trustfulness diplomat:tact=inventor:ingenuity ingenuous:dissemble=polite:snub ingest<> disgorge;excrete ingrained <> easily to change ingrate <> thankful person camouflage:deception=flattery:ingratiating review ---------------------------------------- gen == produce 生 genuine adj.真的 [天生的未經琢磨的] ingenuous adj.天真無邪的 ingenue n.天真無邪的少女【法】 genius n.天才 ingenious adj.聰明的 ( 擁有創造性天才和想像力的 ) ingenuity n.創造性能力 gen-i 跟聰明有關 genu 跟真的、天真無邪有關,除了in-genu-ity ---------------------------------------- ingenuity n.創造性能力 [the quality of being cleverly inventive or resourceful] ex. She had the ingenuity to write stories that everyone else never thought of. inventor:ingenuity /*N:N 前者have後者*/ ingenious adj.聰明的 [ characterized by cleverness or originality of invention or construction] ex. 擁有創造性天才和想像力的 ex. The ingenious boy made a radio set for himself. ingenuous adj.天真無邪的 [Lacking in cunning, guile, or worldliness] ingenue n.【法】天真無邪的少女) ["movie":"http://www.youtube.com/v/sECzJY07oK4&hl=zh_TW&fs=1","allowfullscreen":"true","allowscriptaccess":"always","src":"http://www.youtube.com/v/sECzJY07oK4&hl=zh_TW&fs=1","type":"application/x-shockwave-flash"] ingenue:sophistication /*N:N 前者無後者) ingest in-gest(carry) v.攝取;吸收 [ to take, as food, into the body] ex. to ingest the nutrition needed by human body. review congest v.充塞 v.使充血 digest v.消化食物 [讓食物變小,到可以消化] ingest v.攝取;吸收 [嘴吃東西,or經由消化過程吸收東西] ingestion in-gest-ion n.攝取 ex. Oral ingestion is the most common method of drug administration. 口服是最常用的給藥方法 ingrained in-grain(紋理)-ed adj.根深蒂固的 [Firmly established; deep-seated;difficult to change or remove] ex. ingrained prejudices, suspicions 根深蒂固成見、 懷疑、 review p.225 grain n.穀粒 n.粒,細粒(ex.砂,鹽) n.木,石,織物等的紋理 review p.225 ---------------------------------------- **字根grate當pleasing"感激、滿意" 解時 [from 拉丁文gratus == pleasing ] grateful a.感激的 gratitude n.感激 ingrate n/a.忘恩的 // in-grat-iate v.逢迎討好 in-grat-iating a.逢迎討好的 gratify v.使滿意、使高興 gratification n.滿意、高興 [ the state of being gratified ] gratuity n.小費 [小費代表感激] gratuitous a.無緣無故的 [小費並不是一定要付的,引申成無緣無故] gratis a.不付款的、免費的 ---------------------------------------- ingrate in-grate n.忘恩者 [an ungrateful person.] adj.忘恩的 ex. 董卓對呂布說,What an ingrate/ungrateful person you are!! ingratiate in-grat-i-ate v.逢迎討好 [To bring oneself into the favor or good graces of another, especially by deliberate effort] ex. He did his best to ingratiate himself with the royal family. ex. Many boys are trying to ingratiate themselves with her. ingratiating in-grat-i-ating adj.逢迎討好的 flattery:ingratiating (N:Adj 前者is後者) ingredient in-gredi(go)-ent n.構成要素 [a constituent element of anything; component] ex. the ingredients of political success. n.烹調的原料 ex. What are the ingredients of the cake? 這蛋糕是用哪些原料做成的 字源:L. ingredientem "that which enters into", prp. L. ingredi:in + gradi "go." 聯想:integr(整體)-edi(eat)-ent -->"整體可吃"-->原料是構成整體可吃的 (紅寶書上的寫法) ps. edible adj.可食的 review ---------------------------------------- habit n.習慣 // inhabit v.居住 habit-at n.棲息地 habit-ant n.居民 habit-able adj.可居住的 ---------------------------------------- inhabit v.居住 [to live or dwell in a place, as people or animals]  ex. Many forms of aquatic life inhabit ponds. 有很多種水生動植物均棲居於池塘. 字源:L. inhabitare, in + habitare "to dwell」 inhabitant inhabit-ant n.居民,居住者 [=habitant, a person or animal that inhabits a place, esp. as a permanent resident.] ex. Every inhabitant of this planet must contemplate that it may no longer be habitable. 世界上每個人都必須思考到地球上可能不再適合人住的那一天。 inhale in-ex-hale(breath) v.吸入 [to breathe in; draw in by breathing] ex. to inhale the polluted air. ex. He lit his cigarette and inhaled deeply. 他點燃香菸,深深吸了一口。 (ps. light 的過去式是lit) ps.1 exhale (可以review p.189) ps.2 hale adj.健壯的,矍鑠的 字源來自於OE. whole,跟exhale, inhale不同 inherit in-herit(=heir) v.繼承 [To receive (property or a title, for example) from an ancestor by legal succession or will, as an heir.] ex. He inherited his father's farm. 他繼承了父親的農場。 ex. to inherit the glorious tradition. -- ※ 發信站: 批踢踢實業坊(ptt.cc) ◆ From:
yuhung :推!!!快要考試了超緊張 >"< 07/14 22:53
louis925 :推!! 07/14 23:05
simonsou :推! 剛背完這個list沒多久,順道複習一次! 07/14 23:09
addshung :推推推推推推推推推推推推推推推推推推推推推推推推 07/14 23:39
lovinfaintly:推=) 07/14 23:44
timcat :推推!!!謝謝你的整理 07/15 00:04