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http://xination.pixnet.net/blog/post/23564200 參考 inhibit <> foment;catalyze ;further indubitable:question=inimitable:copy iniquity <> rectitude ------------------------------------ inhibit in-hibit v.抑制 [ to restrain, hinder, arrest, or check (an action, impulse, etc.).] ex. inhibit desires v.禁止 [ to prohibit; forbid.] ps. 抑制(restrain, hinder) 與 禁止(prohibit, forbid)的概念是不一樣的唷 抑制是指你 slow down一件事情. 禁止是指你 prevent other people from doning 一件事. 雖然inhibit同時有這兩種意思,但它較多場合下是指「抑制」 下面三組字都來字於 L. hibere = hold, have inhibit from L. inhibe-re "to restrain" in-hibe-re( have, hold) exhibit prohibit inhibitor n.抑制劑 [a person or thing that inhibits.] n. [Chemistry. a substance that decreases the rate of or stops completely a chemical reaction.] inhibitor <> catalyst inhumane in-humane adj.無人情味的,不人道的, 殘忍的 [not humane] ex. She is an inhumane judge. 她是個冷酷的法官。 ps. humane = human +e inimical inim(enemy)-ical adj.有害的,不利的 [Injurious or harmful in effect; adverse] ex. Bad habits are inimical to good health. adj.敵意的 [Unfriendly; hostile] 字源:inimical來源就是emeny + ical,有敵人在自然是不利的。 ps. Curiosity can do more things than kill a cat; and if emotions, well recognized as feminine(嬌柔的), are inimical to feline life, then jealousy would soon leave the whole world catless. 好奇心可以殺死一隻貓;那些嬌柔的情緒對貓是有害的,於是忌妒很快的就會使這世界catless. 它的原義是貓雖有九條命,但是憂慮忌妒的情緒很卻還是讓貓累死。(把好奇心想成是因忌妒而生的的就容易理解啦~) imitate imit(copy)-ate v.仿製; 模仿 [To copy the actions, appearance, mannerisms, or speech of; mimic] ex. He can imitate a lion's roar. 他能模擬獅子的吼叫。 字源:1525-35; < L. imita-tus (ptp. of L.imita-ri-; to copy] akin to the base of ima-go- (ex. image) imitate 跟 image的發展是有關的唷 聯想:imit 可以看成" i + m + i "經過machine製造出來的I (我) inimitable in-imit(copy)-able adj.無法倣傚的 [incapable of being imitated or copied] ex. 王菲 is famous for her inimitable voice. inimitable <> ordinary iniquity in-iqu(=equ)-ity n.不公正, 罪惡行為 [Gross immorality or injustice; wickedness..] ex. He had plumbed the very depths of iniquity. 他已經投入了罪惡的深淵。 ps.1 當我們說 iniquity的時候,指 evil, sin 而我們說 inequity的時候,指的是 unfairness ps.2 equity n.公平 // inequilty n.不公平 equality n.均等 iniquitous in-iquit(=equal)-ous adj.不公正的, 罪惡的 [characterized by injustice or wickedness; wicked; sinful.] ex. Vote by black box operation(黑箱作業) is iniquitous. iniquitous <> disinterested initial adj.開始的,最初的 [Of, relating to, or occurring at the beginning; first] ex. His initial reaction was one of shock. 他最初的反應是震驚。 v.簽(或印)姓名的首字母於 ex. He initialed the paper G.P.S. 他在文件上籤上姓名的首字母G.P.S。 字源:L. initi(um) +al initial:realized initiate initi-ate v.開始;創始 [to begin, set going, or originate] v.把初步知識傳授給 ex. He initiated his son into the game of chess. 他把下棋的初步知識教給兒子。 adj.開始的 n.新加入者 initiate <> follow up (追尋原有的東西..不是創造) initiative n.初步的行動 [ an introductory act or step] ex. to take the initiative in making acquaintances. n.主動權 [the ability to decide what to do next and to do it, without needing other people to tell you what to do.] ex. He paused enough to consider the options but never so long as to lose the initiative. ps. initiative 在憲法中指"創製權" environmental initiative = 環境發起團體/環境倡議實體 injection in-ject(throw)-ion "丟進去" n.注射 [the act of injecting.] n.注射劑 injunction in-junct-ion n.命令(禁令) [a court order, telling sb. not to do sth.] ex. He had an injunction out against him today. 今天他接到了法院的禁令。 ps. from wiki: injunction是以法庭判令作出的一種衡平法上的補救措施(equitable remedy) ,藉此當事人會被要求去開始或停止做某種事宜。任何被牽涉的一方如無法遵從禁制令,將會面臨民事或刑事上的刑罰。 字構:"使人加入"-->命令 ps. enjoin v.命令 [to order] [使別人加入-->命令] review ---------------------------------------- 字根 junct 、 join 、 joint 的比較 字根junct junction n.接合點 juncture n.接合點、重要關頭 adjunct n.附屬物、修飾語 ex.兼任教授 adjunct professor conjunction n.連詞[ex. and、or、but] disjunction n.分離、分裂 disjunctive a.(指連詞)轉折的、反意的 [ex. either、or] ---------------------------------------- 字根join conjoin v.連接 [unite and join together] enjoin v.命令 [to order] [使別人加入-->命令] rejoin v.回答、重新接合 [再次加入爭辯,原義為defendant's answer to the replication] rejoinder n.反駁性質的回答 = retort ---------------------------------------- 字根joint joint n.關節、連接處 disjointed adj.脫臼的、說話內容或文章內容不連貫的 ---------------------------------------- -- ※ 發信站: 批踢踢實業坊(ptt.cc) ◆ From:
addshung :Mr. Quick 07/15 00:11
addshung :推推:p 07/15 00:13