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http://xination.pixnet.net/blog/post/23564265 囧..imeem目前無法上傳...音檔稍後在放上去 參考 placebo:innocuous=venom:noxious importune:request=pry:inquiry confidence:arrogant=inquiry:interrogatory --------------------------------------------- injurious injury-ous adj.有害的 [Causing or tending to cause injury; harmful] ex. Smoking is injurious to health. 吸煙有害健康。 ex. self-injurious behavior = 自傷行為 ps. injurious 來自於injury n.傷害 injury的字構是 in-just(公正),"不公正"的結果導致傷害, 還記的jury是陪審團也是與公正有關係的唷。 inkling ink-ling n.暗示;跡象 [a slight suggestion or indication; hint] ps. 就是小小的暗示、蛛絲馬跡 ex. I had no inkling of what he intended to do. ex. You have to go to the world which he has created to get any inkling of his actual character. 你要知道上帝的實際性質的任何跡象,你必須到他新創造的世界裏去。 (就像從一本書的內容來了解作者的個性) 聯想:ink(墨水) + ling(小) "一小片的墨水"-->蛛絲馬跡 字源:inkling其實這個字跟ink一點關係都沒有...有興趣的人可以去查一下 inkling:indication (inkling is a small indication) innate in-nate(born) adj.與生俱來的 [existing in one from birth; inborn; native] ex. an innate tendency towards progressive and more perfect development. 字源:L. inna-tus inborn, ptp. of inna-sci-, in-na-sci- (to be born) ps. 字辨 (1) 若你說一個東西innate,你指的是此東西essential to the nature, character. (2) 而用inborn則強烈暗示是自從"birth"後就一直呈現這種狀態 (3) congenital主要是指天生的缺陷,ex. a congenital disease. 不過congenital也有像徵的用法,意思是說某東西深烙就好像是天生的, ex. a congenital liar. (4)hereditary是"遺傳的",指的是經由生物基因的遺傳的 innocent in-noc(harm)-ent adj.無罪的,清白的 [free from moral wrong; without sin; pure] ex. Nobody believed his claim that he was innocent. 他說他清白, 誰也不相信. (感覺有點像阿扁...) 字源:L. innocent- (s. of innoce-ns) harmless, noce-ns "to harm",noxious的字源也是相同的唷 ps.中世紀天主教教皇的名字常用innocent唷, 比方說 Innocent III innocence in-noc(harm)-ence n.無罪;清白 [the quality or state of being innocent; freedom from sin or moral wrong.] innocence <> guilt n.罪行 innocuous in-noc(harm)-u-ous adj.無害的 [ not harmful or injurious; harmless] ex. Most viruses act innocuous towards a system until their specific condition is met. 大多數的病毒是在特定的條件下才對系統構成損害的。 innocuous <> injurious innovate in-nov(new)-ate v. 創新 [to introduce something new; make changes in anything established.] ex. Edison innovated the bulb. ex. being determined to innovate upon religious forms. 字源: L. novus "new" innovation in-nov(new)-ation n.創新 [the act of innovating] ex. Continuous innovation is necessary for success. 不斷的技術革新是成功的必要條件。 n.新事物 [ something new or different introduced] ps. innovation vs. invention 這兩個字在細節上是有不同的唷 innovation 是指使用新的way,ex.電機工程中創新了新應用,(新瓶裝舊酒) invention 指的是產生新的idea,ex.物理學家創造了新的理論, innovative in-nov(new)-ative adj.創新的 [tending to innovate or characterized by innovation.] innovative <> derivative adj.衍生的, 導出的 innuendo innu(~inside)-endo(~outside) n.含沙射影 [An indirect or subtle, usually derogatory implication in expression; an insinuation.] ps. 就是"指桑罵槐",例如稱讚某人人緣很好、升官快,但實際上是暗諷他靠拍馬屁來升官。 ex. There were volumes of innuendo in the way the "eventually" was spaced, and each syllable given its due stress. 「終於」兩個字調子拉得很長,充滿了影射的意味,每一個音節都適當地加重了語氣。 聯想:想成innu(inside) + endo(outside) "裡裡外外"-->把真正想說的藏在心裡-->含沙射影, 指桑罵槐 endo跟end長的很像,end就是外端,所以endo可以想成outside 真正的字源有點不好記.. ps. sexual innuendo = 性暗示 inoculate in-ocul-ate v.接種疫苗 [To introduce a serum(血清), vaccine(疫苗), or antigenic substance into the body of a person or animal, especially to produce or boost immunity to a specific disease.] ex. inoculate a person against smallpox. 給某人種牛痘預防天花 字源:c.1420, "implant a bud into a plant," from L. inoculatus, pp. of inoculare "graft in, implant," from in- "in" + oculus "bud," originally "eye." Meaning of "implant germs of a disease to produce immunity" first recorded (in inoculation) 1714, originally in ref. to smallpox. After 1799, often used in sense of "to vaccine inoculate." inoculate來自於L. inoculatus, pp. of L. inoculare為 in-oculus(bud;原指eye) ,它的意思是"implant a bud into a plant,",接種疫苗的意思在17XX年才開始有的。 inordinate in-ordin(order)-ate adj. 過度的[not within proper or reasonable limits; immoderate] ex. He drank an inordinate amount of wine. ex. an inordinate demand 過度的需求 字源:L inordina-tus, ordina-tus "orderly" ps. ordinary adj.平常的 review ---------------------------------------- 字根 quer quest quisit == seek 尋找 quir quest n.探索 [a search in order to find sth. ] ( a quest for knowledge.) v.探索 [to search; seek] question n.問題 v.to put a question to question-able adj.有問題的 query n.疑問 [a question; an inquiry] v.詢問 [to ask or inquire about] [廣義的用法] inquire v.詢問、質問 [to seek information by asking a question] inquiry n.詢問、質問 [有investigation意味] inquisitive adj.愛打聽的 (She was very inquisitive about other people's affairs.) adj.好問的 (The child has an inquisitive mind.) acquire v.獲得 acquired adj.已獲得的、後天的 acquisitive adj.貪得的 [tending or seeking to acquire and own, often greedily] ---------------------------------------- inquire in-quire(seek) v.詢問 [to seek information by questioning; ask] ex. to inquire about his health. 詢問他的身體情況 v.質問、調查 [to make investigation (usually fol. by into)] ex. to inquire into the incident. ex. to inquire into his highly sinister record 去調查一下他那非常見不得人的履歷 inquiry in-quir(seek)-y n.詢問 [a seeking or request for truth, information, or knowledge.] ex. make an inquiry about the price 詢價 n.質問、調查 [an investigation, as into an incident] pry:inquiry inquisitive in-quisit(seek)-ive(tending) adj.愛打聽的 [unduly or inappropriately curious; prying.] ex.She was very inquisitive about other people's affairs. adj.好問的 [Inclined to investigate; eager for knowledge.] ex. Child has an inquisitive mind. inroad in-road n.突襲 [a sudden hostile or predatory incursion; raid] ex. make inroads into a country 侵襲某個國家 字構:in-road "在路上被突襲了" ps. waylay v.埋伏;伏擊 ambush v.埋伏;伏擊 -- ※ 發信站: 批踢踢實業坊(ptt.cc) ◆ From:
newwilly :推 07/19 15:57