精華區beta GRE 關於我們 聯絡資訊
http://xination.pixnet.net/blog/post/23570268 參考 incorrigible:reformed=inscrutable:understood numb:insensible=burnish:lustrous insentient <> perceiving caret:insertion=comma:pause ------------------------------------ insatiate in-sati-ate adj.不知足的 [=insatiable] ex. He is insatiate for wealth. 他對財富貪得無饜 字源:in + satia-tus, pp. of satia-re,"satisfy" inscribe in-scribe(write) v.題寫 [To sign one's name or write a brief message in or on a gift book or photograp] ps. 有時候你會送書or照片給別人,然後你在其內簽上你的名字,或留下一些訊息,這個動作就是inscribe. ex. This book I inscribe to my old comrades-in-arms. 謹將本書獻給我的老戰友們。 v.刻(於表面) [To mark or engrave a surface with words or letters.] ex.Too numerous to inscribe on all Bamboo strips = 罄竹難書 ex.inscribe on my heart = 銘記在心 inscribe 與 engrave 是同義詞 ps. inscription n.銘文;碑 inscrutable in-scrut-able adj.難以瞭解的 [not easily understood; mysterious; unfathomable] ex. Inscrutable are the ways of Heaven. 天道難知。 adj.不能詳細檢查 [incapable of being investigated, analyzed, or scrutinized] 音:in-scrut(school)-able 想成school跟知識瞭解有關,所以in(not)-school-able,就是難以瞭解的 字構:in - scrut -albe 字跟scrut是 scrutinize(v.詳細檢查)的意思,其他同字根的有: scrutin-y n.詳細檢查 scrut-able adj.可以瞭解的 (ps. 京都 龍安寺的 枯山水式園林) reveiew ---------------------------------------- 字根sens sense n.感覺(視、聽、嗅、味、觸覺) v.感覺到 sens-ible a.能感知到的、明智的 ps.能用五感處理的引申成合理的、明智的,不是能拜神求籤 sentient a.有知覺的 sens-ation n.知覺、轟動的事件[眾所皆知的事] sensit-ive adj.敏感的 [ex.黛玉葬花,輕輕一朵落花,卻哭了起來] sensit-ivity n.靈敏性 sensit-ize v.使某人或某事物敏感 sentimental adj.多愁善感的 [山東饅頭] sentry n.哨兵 [需要提高警覺的人] sentinel n.哨兵=sentry sens-ual adj.肉慾的 ---------------------------------------- insensate in-sens-ate adj.無知覺的、無生命的 [Lacking sensation or awareness; inanimate.] ex. insensate stone will nod in agreement. 頑石點頭 adj.無情的 [ without human feeling or sensitivity; cold; cruel; brutal.] ex. a predatory, insensate society 一個弱肉強食的,無情的社會 adj.無理性的 [Lacking sense or the power to reason.] insentient in-sent-i-ent adj.無知覺的、無生命的 [not sentient; without sensation or feeling; inanimate.] ps. 基本上, insensate是個比較廣義的字,而insentient則是個比較狹義的字。 insentient <> perceiving adj.可感知的 insert v.插入 [To put or set into, between, or among] ex. inserted the key in the lock. insert <> remove superimpose:above=insert:between 放在上面位置在上面=插入位置在中間 insider in-side-er n.內部的人 [a person belonging to a limited circle of persons who understand the actual facts in a situation or share private knowledge] ex. They may rule we had insider knowledge which we should have reported. 他們可能判斷出我們知道內情而沒有報告。 ex. insider trading = 內線交易 ps. 電影《The Insider》驚爆內幕(1999)--真人真事改編 大綱:一個生化、內分泌博士與一位新聞節目製作人因為知道內幕而一起對抗電視台、菸草公司的故事。(裡面有不錯的討論..ex.像是員工保密條款) ["movie":"http://www.youtube.com/v/6wwJp8VDGzE&hl=zh_TW&fs=1","allowfullscreen":"true","allowscriptaccess":"always","src":"http://www.youtube.com/v/6wwJp8VDGzE&hl=zh_TW&fs=1","type":"application/x-shockwave-flash"] insidious in-sid(=sit)-i-ous adj.暗中危害的(也可說是隱伏的) [Working or spreading harmfully in a subtle or stealthy manner] ex. This insidious disease produces extensive and unmeasured economic losses. 這種隱伏性疾病產生了廣泛的和未加統計的的經濟損失. ex. the insidious growth of decay 潰爛在不知不覺間的蔓延 字構:sid是sit(坐)的意思,所以in-sit-ious的概念是"坐在那邊",用於形容為害並不明顯,而是坐者的,像是埋伏在那邊一樣。 insignia in-sign-ia n.勛章; 徽章 [a design or symbol which shows that a person or object belongs to a particular organization, often a military one. ] ex. All officers wear grade insignia(階級徽章). insincerity in-sincere-ity n.不誠實;無誠意 [the quality of being insincere; lack of sincerity; hypocrisy] ex. His insincerity was revealed by the quick goggle of his eyes. 他眼睛的快速轉動洩露了他的不誠。 -- ※ 發信站: 批踢踢實業坊(ptt.cc) ◆ From: