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http://xination.pixnet.net/blog/post/23570395 呼呼~ 參考 instate <> oust instigate <> quell instigator:incite=bully:browbeat instill <> drain away;remove institute <> rescind ;abrogate didactic:instruct=comic:amuse anecdote:amusement=lecture:instruction allergy:reaction=lancet:instrument orchestra:instrumental=choir:vocal reveiw ---------------------------------------- 字根stall 有停止、安置的意思 stall n.牲畜欄中的一欄、小房間 [意味把牲畜安置的小地方] v.熄火 install v.安裝、使就職 // installation n.安裝、就職 (in"加強語氣"-stall"安置"-->就職) installment n.分期付款、分期連載 (in"不"-stall"停"-ment-->不停的給-->分期付款) forestall v. 預先阻止 (fore"前"-stall"停"-->預先阻止) ---------------------------------------- install in-stall v.安裝 [To connect or set in position and prepare for use] ex. He's going to install an air-conditioner in the house. 他要在這屋子裡裝空調。 v.使就職 [To induct into an office, rank, or position] ex. Professor Tom was formally installed as President last Thursday. instate in-state "進入某個狀態"-->就職 v.就職 [To establish in office; install.] ps.1 instate 也可以解成"本州內的" ex. instate tuition ps.2 reinstate v.使復職 instantaneous instant(adj.立即的)-aneous adj.即時的 [Occurring or completed without perceptible delay] ex. an instantaneous reaction 瞬間的反應 ps. suffix -an:來自於拉丁,原先用於只地名(ex. Roman)、人名。而現在於英文中被廣泛的使用當作形容詞尾,其中也還保留了拉丁字尾的思想,例如: 1) 地名+an:American(美國的), Tibetan(西藏的) 2) 人名+an:Elizabethan(伊莉莎白一世時代的)--有同時代的 3) social class,religious denominations:Puritan(清教徒的); Republican(共和的) suffix -enous:來自於拉丁,表示由"什麼東西組成" instigate in-stig(=sting;叮)-ate v.挑動, 煽動 [to urge, provoke, or incite to some action or course] ex. instigate a strike 煽動罷工 instill in-still(drop) v.灌輸 [To introduce by gradual, persistent efforts] ex. Instill 1-2 drops in eye until condition improves. v.徐徐地教導 [to infuse slowly or gradually into the mind or feelings] ex. to instill respect for the law in the younger generation 將尊重法律的觀念逐漸灌輸給年青一代 ps. distill v.蒸餾 instinctive instinct-ive adj.本能的, 天性的 [of, pertaining to, or of the nature of instinct.] ex. 就是你不用去想、去思考而自然就做出來的 ex. Animals have an instinctive fear of fire. 動物本能地怕火。 linstinctive <> earned response review ---------------------------------------- stitute特輯 destitute adj.極度窮困的 constitute v.構成 constituent n.構成的成分、選區內的選民 constitution n.憲法 institute n.協會 v.創建 institution n.協會、制度 institutionalize v.使制度化 restitute v.賠償、歸還 reconstitute v.重新組成、使復原( 通過加水使濃縮液或粉末恢復成平常的濃度 ) / reconstruct v.重建 substitute v.代替 n.代用品 ---------------------------------------- institute in-stitute(stand) n.協會 [an organization for carrying on a particular work, ex literary, science] ps. institue 指的是一種organization,它設立來處理特別的事務,特別是researching, teaching. ex. the National Cancer Institute v.創建 [To initiate; begin.] ex. We will institute a number of measures to better safeguard the public. institute <> abrogate v.廢止 institution in-stitut-ion n.協會(重要的公共機構) [a large important organization such as a university, church, or bank.] ex. A church, school, hospital, asylum, or prison is an institution. 教堂,學校,醫院,收容所或監獄皆屬公共機構 ex. The Hong Kong Bank is Hong Kong's largest financial institution. n.制度, 習俗 [a custom or system that is considered an important or typical feature of a particular society or group, usually because it has existed for a long time. ] ex. The institution of slavery was once widespread. 奴隸制度曾經相當普遍。 ex. Drinking tea at 4 pm is a popular British institution. 下午4點鐘喫茶點是英國人很流行的習慣. institutional institution-al adj.協會的 [Of or relating to an institution] adj.制度的 ex. the problem of institutional barriers to voting. 制度方面上阻礙投票的問題 institutionalized institution-al-ize-d adj.(習慣等)被確立的 ex. we should focus on establishing a sound mechanism of selection, appointment, management and supervision, with a view to making it scientific, democratic and institutionalized. 以建立健全選拔任用和管理監督機製為重點,以科學化、民主化和制度化為目標,。 instructive in-struct(build)-ive adj.教育性的 [serving to instruct or inform; conveying instruction, knowledge, or information; enlightening.] ex. thank you for a most instructive experience! 為了這最有教益的經驗,謝謝你 ex. A trip around the world is an instructive experience. 環球旅行是一種增長見識的經歷。 instrument n. 儀器[a tool or device that is used to do a particular task, especially a scientific task.] ex. a thin tube-like optical instrument. ex. The dentist picked up several instruments. 那牙科醫生把幾把儀器收拾好。 n.樂器 [Music A device for playing or producing music] ex. He can play nearly every musical instrument. 他幾乎會彈奏每一種樂器。 字源:from L. instrumentem "a tool, apparatus, furniture, dress, document," from instruere "arrange, furnish" instrumental instument-al adj.可作為手段的;有幫助的 [serving or acting as an instrument or means; useful; helpful.] ex. he was instrumental in raising the company's wider profile. adj.儀器的 ex. the instrumental records adj.用樂器演奏的 ( no voices) instrumentalist n.樂器演奏者 [a person who plays a musical instrument.] ps. instrumentalism n.工具主義 其認為:concepts與theories都被當成工具來看待;他們的價值不是用"對或錯"來評估,而是他們能多有效的解釋或預測現象。 -- ※ 發信站: 批踢踢實業坊(ptt.cc) ◆ From:
pttaul :頭推^^ 07/24 15:39
catlovebaby :頸推~ 07/24 15:47
lovinfaintly:推 =) 07/24 16:02
elsp :推!!謝謝~ 07/24 16:26
qq955166 :推推 3Q~ 07/24 16:30
tnaa :good job! thank you^^ 07/24 17:03
alistar :推!! 07/24 17:40
simonsou :thanks mate! 07/24 19:13
bugleflower :謝謝~ 07/24 20:28