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http://xination.pixnet.net/blog/post/23658457 又是一週的開始了! 參考 insular <> cosmopolitan insulate <> expose parsimony:miser=rebelliousness:insurgent insufficient <> surfeit intact <> riven intangibility <> palpability ------------------------------------------------------ insubordinate in-sub-ordin(order)-ate adj.不順從的 [ not submitting to authority] ex. In industry, a worker who is grossly insubordinate is threatened with discharge. review ---------------------------------------- sub=下、 stan= 站 substance n.根據、實質、物質、大意 在下面支撐,而使能站立的東西是謂--->根據 能支撐使站立的東西是實質的,虛無的東西不能支撐-->實質(能看到的東西) 能看的到的東西-->物質 文章中,在下面支撐得東西是整篇文章的大意-->大意 substant-i-ate v.證實、確認 (使實體化) substant-ial adj.結實的、基本的、大量的 [因世界上很多看的到的物質所以有"大量的"之意] ---------------------------------------- insubstantial in-sub-stant-ial adj.不堅固的 [not solid or firm; weak; flimsy] ex. Early aircraft were insubstantial constructions of wood and glue. 早期的飛行器是木頭和膠粘合的脆弱機器. adj.無實體的 ex. the insubstantial product of one's imagination 想像中的虛幻之物 adj.少量的 [negligible in size or amount.] ex. an insubstantial meal insufficient in-sub-fic(do)-i-ent adj.不充分的,不足的 [Not sufficient; inadequate.] ex. The food was insufficient for our needs. 食物不夠我們的需要。 ---------------------------------------- 字根 insula==島 island insul-ar adj.島嶼的、與世隔離的 insul-ate v.使絕緣 [ 防止熱,電或聲音的進出 ] c.f isolate v.孤立 [這個isol與島有關,注意字型--沒有n] in-sol-ate v.使暴露在陽光下 [字根sol=太陽,ex. solar太陽的] ---------------------------------------- insular insula(island)-ar adj.島嶼的 [Of, relating to, or constituting an island.] ex. an insular climate, way of life 海島的氣候、 生活方式. adj.與世隔絕的, 狹隘的 [Suggestive of the isolated life of an island] ex. insular prejudices 狹隘的偏見 字源:L. insula 它的意思就是island ps. peninsular pen(almost)-insular n.半島 insularity insular-ity n.島國 [The state or quality of being an island or consisting of islands] n.孤立, 偏狹 insularity <> cosmopolitanism n.世界大同主義 insulate insula(island)-ate v.使孤立 [To cause to be in a detached or isolated position] ex. being carefully insulated from harmful experiences. v.使絕緣;使隔熱;使隔音 [To prevent the passage of heat, electricity, or sound into or out of, especially by surrounding with a nonconducting material.] ex. to insulate a studio from noise 使工作室隔音 ex. Rubber is used to insulate electric wires. 橡膠被用來使電線與外界絕緣。 insulate <> expose insulin insula-in n.胰島素 [ substance that most people produce naturally in their body and which controls the level of sugar in their blood. ] "Insulin, Glucose and You" insurgent in-surge(大浪)-ent adj.暴動的;叛亂的 [Rising in revolt against established authority, especially a government.] ex. insurgent scholars". "起義文人"。 n.暴動者;叛亂者 [one who is insurgent.] ps. surge n.大浪 insurrection in-sur-rect(right,up)-ion n.暴動;叛亂 [an act or instance of rising in revolt, rebellion, or resistance against civil authority or an established government.] ex. suppress an insurrection 鎮壓暴動 字源:1459, from M.Fr. insurrection, from L. insurrectionem (nom. insurrectio) "a rising up," from insurrectus, pp. of insurgere "to rise up" 其實insurrction與 insurgent在來源有關連的唷,其中的字跟rect,或是surge都有up的意思。 "Star Trek Insurrection Trailer(1996)" review ---------------------------------------- 字根 tag --> teg --> tig == touch 觸 tang --> ting tact tang-ent adj.接觸的 n.切線 // tangential adj.切線的 adj.離題的 tang-ible adj.可觸知的 // intangible adj.不可觸知的 tact-ile adj.有觸覺的 tact-ility n.觸覺 tact n.機智 [接觸之技巧手法] // intact adj.完整的、原封不動的 tact-ics n.戰術 contact v.接觸 (I will contact him by telephone.) [touch together] contag-ious adj.接觸傳染的 (contagious diseases.) contiguity n.接壤 contiguous adj.接壤的 contingent a.不確定的[dependent on something not yet certain; conditional] n.意外事故、偶然事件 n.代表團 [any one of the representative groups] [最早原指"uncertain incident"-->摸了才知道的事,名詞部分是引申之意] ---------------------------------------- intact in-tact(touch) adj.原封不動的 [Remaining sound, entire, or uninjured; not impaired in any way.] ex. keep one's pride intact 保持自尊心完整如初 [免受損害] ex. The delicate package arrived intact. 內放精緻易碎物品的包裹完好無損地到達。 ex. intact bitch. (罵人的話) adj.完整的 [Having all physical parts] ex. To preserve the farm intact, he transferred it to one heir. 為了保持這個農場的完整,他將它移交給一個繼承人。 intangible in-tang(touch)-ible adj.不可觸知的 [incapable of being perceived by the sense of touch, as incorporeal or immaterial things; impalpable.] ex. Sound is intangible. 聲音是觸摸不出的。 ex. intangible heritage ex. It was vague, intangible, appealing only to some strange, nameless sixth sense. 這樁事是虛無縹緲、不可觸知的,只有通過什麼不可思議,難以名狀的第六感覺才會領會。 intangibility in-tang-ibilty n.不可觸知 ex. her deep black eyes are with a strange remoteness and intangibility. -- ※ 發信站: 批踢踢實業坊(ptt.cc) ◆ From: