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http://xination.pixnet.net/blog/post/23658466 天氣好熱阿~ 參考 integral <> superfluous; redundant; fragmental integrity <> incompleteness ;taint correct:accurate=garble:unintelligible intensify <> assuage ;attenuate ;abate alleviate:intensity=abate:tax submerge:water=inter:earth inter:burial=obliterate:removal intercessor:mediate=translator:interpret ------------------------------------- 字根 integer = whole 來自 in-teg(touch)-er(adj suffix) integer n.[數]整數 {...,-2,-1, 0, 1, 2,... } integral adj.構成整體所不能少的 adj.完整的 n.[數]積分 integr-ant a.完整的=integral integr-ate v.構成整體 // dis-integrate v.分裂成小片 v.[數]積分 integr-ity n.正直、完整 ---------------------------------------- integral integr(whole)-al adj.完整的 [entire; complete; whole] ex. to become an integral part of the scene 和那片景物融為一體。 adj.構成整體不能少的 [necessary to the completeness of the whole] ex. the arms and legs are integral parts of the human body. ps. integral 在數學中指--積分 integrate integr(whole)-ate v.使成為一體,整合 [To make into a whole by bringing all parts together; unify.] ex. to Integrate text, graphics, and data in one display 在一個顯示中整合文字、圖形及數據 ex. I integrated your suggestion with my plan. 我把你的建議採納到我的計劃中來。 integrity integr(whole)-ity n.完整 [The quality or condition of being whole or undivided] ex. Our integrity as a nation is threatened. 我們國家的完整性受到了威脅。 n.正直 [Steadfast adherence to a strict moral or ethical code.] ex. 簡單來說integrity的概念就是,你與你的道德價值保持一體,有著正直、誠實、守法的意涵。 ex. The integrity of the judge is unquestioned. 這位法官的正直是毫無疑問的。 intellect inter-lect(pick up, choose) n.理解力 [the power or faculty of the mind by which one knows or understands, as distinguished from that by which one feels and that by which one wills; the understanding; the faculty of thinking and acquiring knowledge.] ex. an intellect which pierces straight to the heart of a problem 一種深入問題核心的理解力 intellect vs. intelligence 基本上,這兩個字大家也不太去細分意思,所以字義就混用了。 都可當理解力、智力來解釋。不過要仔細分別的化話: intellect是指理解的能力,比方說分辨一個人的感覺、意願--較偏理解, 分辨方面。 intelligence是智力,而理解力是智力其中一種表現方式。常見的用語ex: 像是Artificial Intelligence =AI or Intelligence Test = 智力測驗 or Intelligence Quotient =IQ 另外intelligence的用法也較廣泛,還可以指情報,ex: Central Intelligence Agency = CIA 字構:inter-lect 概念:"在眾多選擇中挑出最適合的"-->理解力 brief review 字根lect, (leg為變化型)當 choose的意思 ex. select intellectual interlect-ual n.有很高理解力(智力)的人[a person of superior intellect.] ex. He was a refined, intellectual. 他是一個有教養的知識分子。 adj.理解力(智力)的 [ of or pertaining to the intellect or its use] ex. It represents the pinnacle of intellectual capability. 它代表了智能的頂峰。 ex. intellectual education = 智育 ex.intellectual property = 知識產權 intelligent inter-lig-ent adj.有智力的 [having intelligence] adj.聰明的 [having good understanding or a high mental capacityt; quick to comprehend] ex. developed an intelligent solution to this problem. 發展出了個聰明的解決方法。 intelligible intel-lig-ible adj.可理解的,清晰的[ capable of being understood; comprehensible; clear] ex. Do not coin terms that are intelligible to nobody. 不要生造誰也不懂的詞語。 ex. Price should be simple and readily intelligible. 價格必須是簡單明了的,易於被人瞭解。 garble:unintelligible 斷章取義導致難解的 intensify in-tens(stretch)-ify v.增強;使變激烈 [to make intense or more intense.] ex. The war intensified. 戰爭變得激烈了。 review tend tens == stretch tent intent n.意圖 [=intention; Something that is intended; an aim or purpose] ex. It was his intent to build on direct observation and avoid speculative hypotheses. 他的意圖是以直接的觀察為基礎而避免推測性的假說。 ex. The man was charged with intent to kill. 那人被指控蓄意謀殺罪。 adj.堅決要做的 [firmly or steadfastly fixed or directed, as the eyes or mind] ex. He was intent on going abroad for advanced studies. 他一心想出國深造。 intentional intent-ion-al adj.故意的;策劃的 [done with intention or on purpose; intended] ex. intentional walk = 故意四壞球 intentional <> inadvertent inter in-ter(=terr) v.埋葬 [to place (a dead body) in a grave or tomb; bury.] ex. The body was interred at the cemetery. 遺體埋葬在公墓裡。 interaction inter-action n.互相影響 [reciprocal action, effect, or influence.] 字首 inter- 來自Latin, 它有"between", "mutually"的意思 intercede inter-cede(go, yield) v.求情 [to act or interpose in behalf of someone in difficulty or trouble, as by pleading or petition] ex.She interceded with the court for his son. 她為其兒子向法院求情 v.調解 ex. to ask the government to intercede on their behalf. 要求政府代表他們出面調解 字構: inter-cede "兩邊之間的走" 所以你可以看到"求情"概念的由來是,為了求情而兩邊奔波。 intercessor inter-cess-or n.仲裁者; 調解人 [a person who intercedes.] -- ※ 發信站: 批踢踢實業坊(ptt.cc) ◆ From:
bullship :推!推! 07/29 16:23
lovinfaintly:推~~ 07/29 16:23
think12381 :推! 07/29 16:29
bugleflower :推推推~! 07/29 16:44