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http://xination.pixnet.net/blog/post/23658495 page 272 http://xination.pixnet.net/blog/post/23658504 page 273 如果有什麼不錯的記憶法 推文補充一下唷 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- intercept inter-cept(take) v.攔截 [to stop, deflect, or interrupt the progress] ex. to intercept invading missiles ex. Heavy vegetation may intercept a large amount of precipitation on its leaves. 濃密的植被的葉子中能截留大量的降水。 "On Feb. 20, 2008, a Raytheon Company SM-3 intercepted and destroyed a failing satellite containing toxic fuel "(熱血) ps. 在數學中intercept 指 n.截距 intermediate inter-media-ate adj. 中間的 [Lying or occurring between two extremes or in a middle position or state] ex. an aircraft having an intermediate range ex. an intermediate level English class. 中級英語班 n.中間產物 [Chemistry a derivative of the initial material formed before the desired product of a chemical process.] n.調解人 [a person who acts between others] intermediary inter-media-ry n.居中者、調解人 [an intermediate agent or agency; a go-between or mediator.] ex. They disliked each other too much to meet, so they conducted all their business through an intermediary. 他們彼此交惡不願相見, 有事均通過中間人處理. ex. A financial intermediary would link saver and investor. 金融媒介把儲蓄者和投資者聯繫起來 n.媒介 [a medium or means] adj.中間的 [=intermediate; existing or occurring between.] interchangeable inter-change-able adj.可互換的 [capable of being put or used in the place of each other] ex. True synonyms are entirely interchangeable. 真正的同義詞是完全可以. interdict inter-dict(say) v.禁止 [ to forbid; prohibit.] ex. to interdict trafficking in drugs n.禁令 [ any prohibitory act or decree of a court or an administrative officer.] ex. The government has placed an interdict on abortion. ps. v.[Ecclesiastical . to cut off authoritatively from certain ecclesiastical functions and privileges.] 字源: Alteration of M.E enterditen "to place under a church ban" from L. interdīcere inter- "between" + dicere "to speak, to say" 原指打斷別人說話,在中世紀時指的是被教會下禁令,而不能說話。 interference inter(between)-fer(carry)-ence n.干擾 [The act or an instance of hindering, obstructing, or impeding.] ex. We oppose interference by any outside force. 我們反對任何外來勢力插手干擾 n. 干擾物 [Something that hinders, obstructs, or impedes.] 字構:inter-fer-ence "帶到中間來"-->干擾 ps.1 字型要看清楚唷 in-fer-ence n.推論 inter-fer-ence n.干擾 ps.2 在物理上interference指的是,波的干涉現象, ex.雙狹縫干涉。 interference <> assistance n.協助 interim inter-im n.中間時期、過度時期 [an intervening time; interval; meantime] ex. in the interim, we obviously have a duty to maintain law and order. adj.過渡期間的 [Belonging to, serving during, or taking place during an intermediate interval of time] ex. an interim certificate 臨時證書 ex. an interim license 臨時許可證 字源:直接來自L. interim "meantime" interjection inter-ject(throw)-ion n.突然的發聲 [A sudden, short utterance] n.感嘆詞 (用來表達強烈的情感) ex. Oh my God!! n.插話, 插嘴 ex. Mrs. Ackerman made an interjection again. 阿克曼太太又一次插嘴。 "Gammar interjection教學~~滿有趣的啦!!" interlock inter-lock v.使連鎖,連結 [To unite or join closely as by hooking] ps. 就是link together的意思 ex. Hellen sits with her fingers interlocked under her chin. interlocking inter-lock-ing adj.連鎖的,連結的 ex. the five interlocking rings of the Olympics interlocking <> independent interlude inter-lud(play)-e n.幕間節目 [ a short dramatic piece, esp. of a light or farcical character, formerly introduced between the parts or acts of miracle and morality plays or given as part of other entertainments.] n.【音】間奏 "Cirque du Soleil's(太陽馬戲團)的某個interlude-----兩個穿白衣的小丑的表演" interminable in-termin(boundary)-able adj.(貶)沒完沒了的 [Being or seeming to be without an end; endless] ex. The play dragged on, and seemed interminable. 演出拖拖拉拉地進行著,仿佛沒完沒了。 ex. The distance seemed interminable, and the walk was most laborious. 距離好象無窮無盡似的,走起來真夠吃力。 intermingle inter-mingle v.使混合;使攙和 [To mix or become mixed together.] ex. a busy trading port, where people of all races intermingle. 一個繁忙的貿易港口, 各種族的人混在一起 ps. mingle v.使混合;使攙和 [ to become mixed] 字源:O.E. mengan "mix" ------------------------------------------ intermission inter-miss(send)-ion n.間歇;暫停 [a period during which action temporarily ceases] ex. The rain continued all day without intermission. 雨整天下個不停。 n.幕間休息 [a short interval between the acts of a play or parts of a public performance, usually a period of approximately 10 or 15 minutes, allowing the performers and audience a rest.] ps. 這個字義用於American English,就是中場休息,通常為10~15分鐘。 字構:inter(between)-miss(sent)-ion intermission的字根miss是sent的意思, 概念是送進中間來,就是打斷的意含。所以它後來被使用來當:"間歇"的意思。 字源:L. intermittere "to intermit v.中斷" intermittent inter-mit(send)-t-ent adj.間歇的 [alternately ceasing and beginning again] ex. In terms of stream flow, there are three general types of streams: ephemeral, intermittent, and perennial. 根據河川的經流,河流通常可分為三種類型:季節性河流、間歇性河流和常流河。 (這是一家飯店的噴泉...超厲害的) intermittent <> constant intern v.拘留 [to restrict to or confine within prescribed limits, as prisoners of war, enemy aliens, or combat troops who take refuge in a neutral country.] n.實習生 [a person who works as an apprentice or trainee in an occupation or profession to gain practical experience, and sometimes also to satisfy legal or other requirements for being licensed or accepted professionally.] ex. I worked as an intern in that firm last summer. 去年夏天我在那家商行實習。 字源:form internal adj.內部的 internecine inter(mutual)-nec(kill)-ine adj.內訌的 [of or pertaining to conflict or struggle within a group] ex. the country descended into internecine war adj.互相殘殺的 [Mutually destructive; ruinous or fatal to both sides.] 字源:L internecīnus or L. internecīvus 其中nec"kill"的意思 word histroy: 拉丁文的 internecīnus or internecīvus 原始的意思"打鬥打到死",其字首 inter原始的用法很特殊,它不當"mutual, between"來解,而是作加強語氣用"intensifier"。但後來編輯字典的人--Samuel Johnson卻不知道這件事,他在18世紀編的字典中,把inter作"互相"來解釋,而把這個字internecine解釋"互相殘殺",不過呢因為字典大受歡迎,大眾也沒有去懷疑過字典的權威,所以internecine的意思就從"打鬥打到死"轉到"互相殘殺"了,而後來到現在這個字被用來指"內訌的; relating to internal struggle" -- ※ 發信站: 批踢踢實業坊(ptt.cc) ◆ From:
onbitman :還蠻好記的^^ 07/31 17:47
bugleflower :THANKS 07/31 19:35
DreamHssH :看完推~~好用!! 07/31 19:44
wingard :推! 07/31 21:04