精華區beta GRE 關於我們 聯絡資訊
http://xination.pixnet.net/blog/post/23658523 好久不見阿 大家加油 參考: confidence:arrogant=inquiry:interrogatory ---------------------------------------- interplay inter-play v.相互影響 [reciprocal relationship, action, or influence] n.相互影響 [to exert influence on each other.] ex. the interplay of light and shadow 光與影的交錯的相互作用 ex. the interplay between generosity and self-interest which influences people's actions 影響人的行為的慷慨與私利兩者的相互作用. interpolate inter-pol(polish)-ate v.插入 [To insert or introduce between other elements or parts.] ps. 比方說插入意見在別人的談話中,或是插入一些字在文章中,這時後插入這個動作就可以用interpolate。 ex. May I interpolate a comment before you speek? 字源: from L.interpolare "alter, freshen up, falsify," from inter- "up" + polare, related to polire "to smoothe, polish." Sense evolved in L. from "refurbish," to "alter appearance of," to "falsify (especially by adding new material)." interpolate的字義來源是插入一個新的材料才使變大或改變,這邊的pol是polish的意思,是指磨光打亮之義。想表達的想法是加入個新材料就可以使它看似磨光打亮而變大變好,後來就引申成插入文字囉。 ps. 另外在數學中,interpolation指的是內插法: 比方說,你月初量一次體重,月底也量一次體重,然後你想利用這兩組data來估計出你月中的體重,這就是interpolation的大概了。 review p.195 extrapolate extra(outside)-pol(polish)-ate [其實是由 extra-(inter)polate組合而成] v.推斷 [to infer (an unknown) from something that is known; conjecture.] ex. We don't know the exact figure for forest damage, but we can extrapolate from the sample surveys. 我們不知道森林破壞的精確數字,但是我們可以從抽樣的測量來推算。 v. 外推法(或稱外插法) interregnum inter-regnum(=reign) n.空位期 [The interval of time between the end of a sovereign's reign and the accession of a successor.] ps.新王尚未登基舊王統治已結束的空位期,比方說秦始皇的老爸(秦莊襄王)死了的時候,秦始皇還年幼(13歲)然後還要服喪,所以還不能登基統治,這時期就可以稱是 interregum。另外可以衍生指過渡期的意思。 ex. No one in the interregnum seemed to feel final responsibility, and so matters drifted along. 在新舊總統交替期間,似乎誰也不願意承擔最後的責任,於是事情就這樣隨波逐流下去了。 字源:L. interre-gnum. re-gnum"reign" interregnum:government=hibernation:activity 無王時期沒有統治=冬眠沒有活動 ---------------------------------------- 字根 reg --> rig == king, rule, right regul regal a.帝王的、華麗的=splendid regal-ity n.王位、王權 regent n.攝政者 [代國王統治者] regime n.政治制度 ex.democratic regime. reign n.統治時期 ex.the reign of Elisabeth III. // 跟 resign v.辭職 長的很像 region n.區域、領域 realm n.領土、領域 regulate v.規定、管理 regulation n.規定、管理 regular a.正規的 regularity n.規定 regiment n.團 [ex.砲兵團] v.嚴密的編組、嚴格的管制 rigid a.嚴格的、僵硬的 rigidity n.嚴格、僵硬 rigor n.嚴格 (the rigor of wartime existence.) rigorous a.嚴格的 ---------------------------------------- deign v.屈尊俯就 [是字根dign發展出來的] feign v.假裝 [想成fabricate] reign n.統治時期 [是字根reg發展出來的] ---------------------------------------- review ---------------------------------------- 字根 rog == ask ab-rog-ate v.廢止 ab-rog-ation n.廢止 ar-rog-ance n.傲慢;自大 ar-rog-ant a.傲慢的;自大的 ar-rog-ate v.擅取 de-rog-ate v.貶低;誹謗 de-rog-ation n.貶低;誹謗 inter-rog-ate v.審問 inter-rog-ation n.審問 inter-rog-ative a.質問的 pre-rog-ative n.特權 adj.有特權的 [先要求] ---------------------------------------- interrogate inter-rog(ask)-ate v.審問 [To examine by questioning formally or officially] ex. The police took a long time to interrogate the offenders fully. 警察花了很長時間對人犯進行了詳細的審問。 字源:L. interroga-tus "examine"--- inter-roga-(re)"to ask"-tus"suffix" interrogative inter-rog(ask)-ative adj.疑問的 [Asking a question or being of the nature of a question] ex. An interrogative gesture or tone of voice shows that you want to know the answer to a question. ps. interrogative常用在在文法上唷。 例如 Interrogative Pronouns = 疑問代名詞 who, which "教你日文的what is it要怎麼說" interrupt inter-rupt(break) v.打斷 [to cause or make a break in the continuity or uniformity of (a course, process, condition, etc.).] ex. I'm sorry to interrupt your meditations. 我很抱歉,打斷你思考問題了。 intersect inter-sect(cut) v.橫斷 [to cut or divide by passing through or across] ps. intersect這個字的概念是某一個東西經過,而將此劃分 ex. The highway intersects the town. ex. A river intersects the plain. 一條河貫穿那片平原。 v.相交 [ to cross, as lines or wires] ex. lines intersect to form right angles. 交叉成直角的線 字源:L. interseca-re : inter + seca-re" to cut" ps. intersection n.十字路口 intersperse inter-sperse(scatter) v.散佈 [to scatter here and there or place at intervals among other things] ex. to intersperse red and blue tiles on the walls 在牆上點綴紅色和藍色的瓷磚 ex. to intersperse praise with constructive criticism. 在稱讚之餘給予建設性的批評 intersperse字源:L. interspersus: inter + spersus, comb. form of sparsus, ptp. of spargere to scatter 另外我們之後也會遇到一個字sparse,它也是一樣發展字L. spargere的 sparse adj.稀疏的 字源:sparsus, ptp. of spargere to scatter 推推~ -- ※ 發信站: 批踢踢實業坊(ptt.cc) ◆ From:
sovereignty :x 大有了新歡(TOFEL_iBT)就不要舊愛(GRE)了嗎 >"< 09/02 18:30