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http://xination.pixnet.net/blog/post/23658540 真忙~ 參考: clique:intimates=flock:sheep sycophant:flattery=extortionist:intimidation dauntless:intimidate=irrepressible:restrain bully:intimidate=stupid:gullibility anesthetic:numbness=intoxicant:drunkenness intractable:manage=phlegmatic:provoke intransigence <> pliancy firm:intransigent=concerned:obsessed intrepid:deter=rapt:distract ----------------------------------------------------------- intertwine inter-twine v.糾纏 [to twine together.] ex. This work has two themes, which complement and intertwine, and finally melt into each other subtly and smoothly. 全曲在兩個主題的相互對應中展開,主題旋律委婉流暢,簡潔凝煉。 ps. twi 這個字根有"two, double"的意思,比方說: twine v.纏繞 twist v.旋轉,搓成 intervene inter-ven(come)-e v.介入 [To come or occur between two periods or points of time] ex. we should have finished haversting, but a storm intervene. ex. The Bank of England had been intervening in foreign exchange markets. 英格蘭銀行對外匯市場進行了干預。 ps. economic interventionism or economic planning 比方說:設立關稅(tariff duties),設定最低薪資(minimum wage)等等 review ---------------------------------------- 字根vent: "come; 風來之處" vent n.出口, 通風口, 排氣孔 ad-vent-ure n.冒險 [to come] ad-vent(come)-it(go)-ious a.偶然的 [come or go] con-vene v.招集 [come together] in-vent v.發明 [in=en] ---------------------------------------- intimate adj.親密的,熟悉的 [Marked by close acquaintance, association, or familiarity.] ex. I discussed with my intimate friends whether I would immediately have a baby. adj.個人的,私人的 [Very personal; private] ex. A diary is an intimate book. 日記是私人的記事本。 adj.有性關係的 [Of or involved in a sexual relationship.] ex. intimate relationships. (or可說成親密關係) n.密友 [A close friend or confidant.] v.暗示 [To make known subtly and indirectly; hint] ex. He had intimated to John his readiness to come. 字源: L. intim(us) "a close friend", "inmost" 聯想:親密跟 in是有關的 c.f. imitate v.模仿 [image與此有關] intoxicate in-toxic(poison)-ate v.醉人 [to affect temporarily with diminished physical and mental control by means of alcoholic liquor, a drug, or another substance, esp. to excite or stupefy with liquor.] ps. intoxicate是個動詞,他是說用「含酒精的飲料」、「藥物」等等,來暫時地使神智不清,而達到興奮、麻木的效果。 ex. Wine has the power to intoxicate. 酒能醉人。 字源:其中的 toxic是來自於G.K toxiko'n "poison" ps. Kiss the child for the nurse's sake. [諺]為了喜歡保姆而吻孩子 = 醉翁之意不在酒 intractable in-tract(draw)-able adj.不聽話的;倔強的 [Difficult to manage or govern; stubborn] ex. No easy fix for an intractable problem. 沒有簡單的辦法解決難題 ex. But the sea proved to be intractable, for its distance was too much for the first aircraft to cross. 但是,大海是難以駕馭的,它浩瀚無垠,早期的飛機無法跨越。 intractable:manage just a brief review ---------------------------------------- 字根 trac == draw 拉 tract <--> track treat trace v.迴朔 n.足跡 trace-able a.可追蹤的 tract n.宗教小冊子、大片土地 tract-able a.溫馴的 track n.小徑、田徑場的跑道 at-tract v.吸引 con-tract v.收縮 n.契約 [draw together] de-tract v.減損、降低 ex-tract v.萃取 pro-tract v.延長 re-tract v.縮回 [draw back] (A cat can retract its claws.) sub-tract v.減去 ---------------------------------------- intransigent in-trans(across)-ig(=ag;drive)-ent adj.不妥協的 [refusing to agree or compromise; uncompromising; inflexible.] ex. Owing to their intransigent attitude we were unable to reach an agreement. 由於他們態度僵硬, 我們無法達成協議. 來看transigent 字源:來自於 L. tra-nsigere "to come to an agreement" 其中trans-是個字首,它的意思是「across」、「through」。後面的igere是agere的意思,ag是act, drive的意思 (ere是字尾),所以整體的意思就是"drive to across"=達成同意。 intimidate in-timid-ate v.威嚇;脅迫 [to make timid; fill with fear.] ps. timid adj.膽小的,易受驚的 [lacking in self-assurance, courage, or bravery; easily alarmed; timorous; shy.] 字源:L timidus "fearful", tim這個字根有"fear"的意思 "How To Intimidate The Referee...頗白爛的" intrepid in-trepid adj.無畏的;堅韌不拔的 [ Resolutely courageous; fearless.] ex. Intrepid pioneers settled the American West. 無所畏懼的先驅者們在美國西部定居。 ps. trepid adj.膽小的 [fearful or apprehensive, esp. trembling(顫抖) from fear.] 字源: L. trepidus 近形字 ---------------------------------------- tor.r.id adj.酷熱的 tor.p.id adj.死氣沉沉的 / tropic n/adj.熱帶(的) tropic of cancer 北迴歸線 trepid adj.害怕的 [intrepid adj.無畏的] t.epid adj.微溫的 [記:溫開水 tepid water] ---------------------------------------- intricate in-tric-ate adj. 複雜的, 纏結的 [Having many complexly arranged elements] ex. The intricate machine requires a skilled operator. ex. an intricate jigsaw puzzle 複雜的拼圖遊戲 字源:直接從 L. intri-ca-re而來, 其中的字根 tric是「perplexity 糾纏, 混亂」、「trick 技倆」的意思 intricacy in-tric-acy n.複雜, 纏結 ex. the cost and intricacy of weapons, communications systems, and medical care, creat the need for a vast network of support systems. intrigue in-trigue(=tric) vt.激起...的好奇心 [to arouse the curiosity or interest of by unusual, new, or otherwise fascinating or compelling qualities] ex. Fairy-tales intrigue most children. ex. The shapes of clouds intrigue me. 雲的形狀激起我的興趣。 vi.耍陰謀 [To engage in secret or underhand schemes; plot.] n.陰謀 字源:intrigue是來自 L. intri-ca-re,與前述的兩個字intricate, intricacy同源。而最早的意思是"耍陰謀"(1700),."激起...的好奇心"是大約在1900年才開始有的。 intrigue <> pall v.使平淡無味 -- ※ 發信站: 批踢踢實業坊(ptt.cc) ◆ From: