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http://xination.pixnet.net/blog/post/23697475 這頁不錯唷 參考: inundate <> drain rampart:invasion=levee:flood inveigh <> verbally provide support exhortation:motivate=invective:discredit inveigle <> openly seek to persuade -------------------------------------- introspect intro(within)-spect(look) v.內省,反省 [consider one's own internal state or feelings.] ex. Before correcting to others , introspect yourself first . 要糾正別人之前,先反省自己 ex. to reexamine history, introspect past and create better human societies and civilizations. 重新審視曆史,反省過去,並以此去創造更加美好的人類社會和人類文明。 introspective intro-spect(look)-ive adj.內省的; 反省的 ex. He allowed his works to express an introspective consciousness of individual isolation. 他使自己的作品表現了孤獨的個人內省的意識。 intrude in-trude(push) v.侵入;闖入 [to thrust or bring in without invitation, permission, or welcome.] ex. to intrude upon their privacy. ex. I am afraid that I intrude upon you. 恐怕我打擾你了。 v.把...硬擠入 ex. intrude oneself into a meeting ---------------------------------------- 字根 trud == push, thrust abs-truse a.難懂的, 深奧的 [推遠遠的,隱藏到看不懂] ex-trude v.把...硬擠出 in-trude v.把...硬擠入 ob-trude v.使強行接受 (obtrude one's opinions upon others) pro-trude v.伸出 ---------------------------------------- intuition n.直覺 [The act or faculty of knowing or sensing without the use of rational processes; immediate cognition.] ps. 什麼就直覺, 就是你知道某件事可是不是由推理而來的。比方說,有你感覺你朋友在騙你。 ex. He had an intuition that there was something wrong. 他憑直覺知道有些地方不對勁。 字源:intuition 與 tuition(學費)長得這麼像,它們之間有關系嗎?答案是有的。 因為 tuit(us)這個字根的意思是watch,...(雖然算是個小字根) 像是 tutor導師它的概念就是"watch over" intuition的概念是"to gaze, to contemplate",所以有直覺的字意。 tuition的概念是"a looking after, guarding",在早期當作教導,現在指學費。 'Insight Intuition and Instincts" 影片說明:這部短片用心理學的角度介紹了insight, itutition, 與 instincts (聲音比較小聲,而且講很慢,看的時候很容易讓人睡著阿~~)下面是摘要: 上面三個字中文翻成本能、直覺,但其實內涵不太一樣。 1) instinct ,但這邊是指由biological drive所控制的。 比方說,天生看到紅色的東西,就會聯想到有危險。 2) intution,它是一種由emotion, feeling所產生的impulse。 比方說,有你感覺你朋友在騙你。 3) insight,去看出兩件事關聯的能力 比方說,你知道罵別人髒話會使別人會生氣。 instinct 是 unconscious的 intuition 是 subconscious的 (潛意識) insight 是 conscious的 最後作者說可以透過靜坐、催眠、自律來增強這三方面的能力。 intuitive adj.直覺的 [perceiving by intuition] ex. Some people agree that iPhone is more intuitive than other devices. intuitive <> extraneous adj.無關系的;外來的 inundate in-und(wave)-ate v.泛濫; (洪水般的)撲來 [ to flood; cover or overspread with water] ex. Their neighborhood is being inundated by the rising waters of the Danshui River. ex. inundate a person with letters 信件如洪水飛至某人 字源: L inunda-tus, in- + und(a) "wave" + -a-tus -ate ps. und-ul-ant adj.波狀的 inured adj.習慣於厭惡的事物 [To habituate to something undesirable, especially by prolonged subjection; accustom] ex. She became inured to the noise in the library. ex. Doctors become inured to death. habituation:inured invade in-vade(go) v.侵入,侵略 [To enter by force in order to conquer or pillage.] ex. Japanese exports continue to invade new markets the world over. ex. It is a dry, somnolent, empty landscape, hard to unlock, hard to invade. 這是一個幹燥,荒涼、催人昏昏欲睡的地方,難以開拓,也不易征服。 ex. watching the evening invade the avenue. review ---------------------------------------- 字根 vad == go ...(是個小字根) evade v.躲避、逃避 [to escape from by trickery or cleverness] invade v.侵入 pervade [per(完全)-vade] v.瀰漫於 v.遍及於 ---------------------------------------- inveigh v.強烈抗議;猛烈抨擊 [to protest strongly or attack vehemently with words; rail] 字源: L. invehi- "to attack with words"--in + vehi- "pass. inf. of vehere to ride, drive" ex. vehicle。 為什麼in-vehi(drive)會有"to attact with words"的意思呢,它的概念是drive violent words to other people而來的。 聯想:in + veigh(weigh) 給別人沈重的字句-->強烈抗議;猛烈抨擊 invective n.惡言謾罵 [=abuse. Vehement or violent denunciation, censure, or reproach] adj.謾罵的 [censoriously abusive.] 字源: L invecti-vus abusive, equiv. to L invect(us)--ptp. of L. invehi- "to attack with words" invective <> laudatory speech inveigle v.誘騙 [to entice, lure, or ensnare by flattery or artful talk or inducements] ps.什麼是inveigle,比方說你用一些技巧手段使原本不願意的人去作某些事,這時候就可以說這個動作是inveigle。 ex. With patience and diplomacy, she can eventually inveigle him into marrying her. 她靠耐心和交際手腕,到頭來是能引誘他與她結婚的。 字源:inveigle的 blind有關係唷。 他的發展有些字形變化較大,它從 ME. envegle來的,又是源於 O.F aveugler,是從拉丁文的 aboculus而來的,ab-這個字首大家應該熟悉了,它就是away的意思,後面的字根ocul是眼睛的意思,以後會遇到。away eye的概念就是blind的意思啦。 音:veigle [ve?gl] → veil [ve?l] inveigle <> request directly ---------------------------------------- 較有lure的意味的騙 inveigle v.誘騙 ( 通過勸誘、討好欺詐 ) decoy v.誘騙 ( 用誘餌吸引或設陷阱 ) delude v.誘騙 [字根lud = play] delusive adj.誘騙的;迷惑的 推推 -- ※ 發信站: 批踢踢實業坊(ptt.cc) ◆ From:
dinon :感謝X大分享 推一個 09/09 23:07
jane050177 :看到X大就一定要推!! 09/09 23:15
wearytolove :推! 09/09 23:16
think12381 :推~ 09/09 23:46
sovereignty :推!!! 09/10 00:56