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http://xination.pixnet.net/blog/post/23744800 囧rz 有大陸人會來我的blog untenable:defended=invulnerable:injured irascible:placate=insensate:conscious irascible <> affable iridescent <> monochromatic irk <> make someone pleased ---------------------------------------------- invoke in-vok(call)-e [ex. voice] v.祈求 [to call for with earnest desire; make supplication or pray for] ps. 你求神顯靈來幫助你的時候,就是用這個字invoke,或是想請個famous person幫 支持你的意見,也可以用invoke ex. to invoke God to help v.招換精靈 [To summon with incantations; conjure.] v.訴諸(法律等) [to declare to be binding or in effect] ps. invoke xx law 的意思就是援用、訴諸 xx law, ex. The judge invoked an international law that protects refugees. v.喚起 [ to cause, call forth] ex The music invoked memories of my childhood. 這音樂使我想起自己的童年。 invoke <> suspend v.暫停 involuntary in-volunt(will)-ary adj.非自願的, [not voluntary; independent of one's will; not by one's own choice] ex. an involuntary listener adj.不受意志控制的 [ Physiology. acting independently of or done or occurring without volition(意志)] ex. Sneezing is involuntary. 打噴嚏是不自覺的。 voluntary volunt(will)-ary adj.自願的 adj.自發的 volunteer n.義工 invulnerable in-vulner(to wound)-able adj.不會受傷害的; 無懈可擊的 [incapable of being wounded, hurt, or damaged.] ex. an invulnerable argument 無懈可擊的議論 ex. to establish oneself in an invulnerable position. 字源: L. vulnerā(re) "to wound" ps.無敵艦隊 = Armada (全名la Armada Invencible) iodine n.碘 字源:from Greek ioeidēs"violet-colored" : ion, violet + -oeidēs, -oid iodine前面的iod是從希臘文的紫色來的 iota n.極微小量 [a very small quantity] ex. He's never shown an iota of interest in any kind of social work. n.希臘語字母第九字 [the ninth letter of the Greek alphabet (I, ι).] ps. iota是希臘文中最小的字母,所以才會有「極微小量」的意思。 irascible ira(ire)-sc-ible adj.易怒的 [easily provoked to anger] adj. [characterized or produced by anger] 字源:LL īrāscibilis, equiv. to L īrāsc- (s. of īrāscī to grow angry; equiv. to īr(a) ire + -ā- theme vowel + -sc- inchoative suffix + -ī inf. ending; see -esce ) + -ibilis -ible irascible的字根是ira這個字,它就是ire n.anger的意思 補充一下,字典這邊說irasci的字構是由 ir(a) + a + sc 其中a-- theme vowel是在拉丁文的一個特色:功能是發音而加上的 而sc -- inchoative suffix -- 它就是v+ing的ing功能一樣 聯想:其實也可以用rad這個字根來記,rad 是擦去的意思,摩擦就會火氣大~~容易生氣 rad == scrape erase v.擦掉,抹去 eraser n.橡皮擦 abrade v.擦掉 ire n.忿怒 [intense anger; wrath.] ex. I felt pain, and then I felt ire; and then I felt a determination to subdue her. 我感到痛苦,接著又感到憤怒,最後我下決心要征服她。 (optional) ex. Pain, shame, ire, impatience, disgust, detestation, seemed momentarily to hold a quivering conflict in the large pupil dilating under his eyebrow. 痛苦,羞恥,憤怒,煩躁,嫌惡,憎恨,似乎一下子都在他那濃眉下擴大的瞳孔裡顫慄 地衝突起來。 fire n.火 ire n.忿怒 irate adj.生氣的 [angry; enraged] ex. irate protesters ex. An irate phone call. 一個憤怒的電話 聯想:i + rate( 比例,怒斥) 我被一個豬頭長官怒斥,氣死我了 字源: L īrātus ptp. of īrāscī to be angry. 跟irascible是同樣的來源的 gush:effusive=rage:irate iridescent irid(rainbow)-esc-ent adj.彩虹色的 [displaying a play of lustrous colors like those of the rainbow.] ex. iridescent bubbles. 字源:irido-是個希臘字根,其意思是rainbow irk v.使苦惱, 使厭惡[to irritate, annoy, or exasperate] ex. It irked him to wait in line. "What the Irk?" joke一則:NBA小牛隊的 Dirk因為防守不力,名字就被改成了irk.. irksome irk-some adj.使苦惱的, 使厭惡的 [annoying; irritating; exasperating] ex. irksome restrictions. ex. She desired a fixed occupation-no matter how onerous, how irksome. 她希望有個固定的職業,不管這個職業多麼繁重,多麼令人厭倦。 ironclad iron-clad adj.裝甲的 [covered or cased with iron plates, as a ship for naval warfare] adj.堅固的、嚴格的 [very rigid or exacting; inflexible; unbreakable] ex. an ironclad contract 不可動搖的契約 字源:clad的意思是被xx cover的意思,它是 cloth的變化體,比方說 ivy-clad tower 指的是被常春藤包覆的塔 firm:ironclad irony n.反諷、諷刺 [the use of words to convey a meaning that is the opposite of its literal meaning] ps. 比方說你老闆叫你假日來上班,你說"Oh~ how nice"這就是一個irony n.出乎意料的結果 [an outcome of events contrary to what was, or might have been, expected.] ps. 比方說一向愛遲到的老王,今天居然早到,真是一個irony阿。 你可以用聯想法去記這個字, 在他的冷嘲熱諷下,本來鐵(iron)打的心都變軟了,真是一個諷刺(irony)阿 ...我亂掰 的 (irony的字源跟鐵沒什麼關係) ironic adj.反諷的、諷刺的 ex. It's ironic that the weakest student in mathematics was elected class treasurer. 數學最差的學生竟被選為班級財務幹事,這真是具有諷刺意味。 adj.出乎意料的結果的 -- ※ 發信站: 批踢踢實業坊(ptt.cc) ◆ From:
boloo :大大 認真出名啦!!用心!!推~ 09/20 00:03
konkon :推!!!紅到對岸去了 09/20 01:00
kcc1016 :大推!非常用心,感謝分享。 09/20 01:13