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http://xination.pixnet.net/blog/post/23744821 休息一下 then 繼續背單字吧 加油 參考: ineffable:description=irradicable:obliterate irreducible <> factorable irrevocable:repeal=ineluctable:avoid stoke:fuel=irrigate:water galvanize:stimulate=irrigate:flush isolate <> group isolate <> amalgamate ----------------------------------- irradicable in-radi(root)-cable [ex. eradicate] adj.無法根除的 [Impossible to uproot or destroy; ineradicable] ex. an irradicable disease 一種無法根除的疾病 irradicable:remove irreconcilable in-re-concil-able adj.不可調和的, 和解的 [ incapable of being made to acquiesce or compromise] ex. The separated couple was irreconcilable. 那對分居的夫妻不可能和解。 n.不能和解的反對者 review p.101 or p.111 ---------------------------------------- conciliate concil(=council n.議事 n.協調會 )-i-ate v.安撫,撫慰 v.調解 council n.協調會 [an assembly of persons called together for discussion] concil-iate v.安撫、使和好 [to overcome the distrust or animosity of; appease] consul n.駐外領事 consult v.與...商量 [to seek advice or information from] condole v.哀悼;同情 [to express sympathy with a person who is suffering sorrow] ---------------------------------------- irredeemable in-redeem-able adj.不能贖回的 [not redeemable; incapable of being bought back or paid off.] adj.不能挽救的, 不可救藥的 [Impossible to remedy] ex. irredeemable losses. ex. irredeemable sinners. 不能挽救的罪人 ps. 鈔票不能換成硬幣的,也是用這個字 irredeemable redeem v.買回;贖回 [to recover (something pledged or mortgaged) by payment or other satisfaction] ex. to redeem a pawned(典當的) watch v.償還,還清 [to buy or pay off; clear by payment] ex.to redeem a mortgage. 字源:red=re"back, eem from L.emere"to buy" irremediable in-remedy-iable adj.不能治療的, 不能挽回的 [Impossible to remedy, correct, or repair; incurable or irreparable] ex. an irremediable error 不能挽救的過失 ps. remedy n.治療 n.補救 v.治療, 補救 字源: re + med(e-ri-) to heal, assuage ex. medicine [med-ic-ine] n.藥 irreducible in-reduce-ible adj.不能縮減的;不能減小的 [not reducible; incapable of being reduced or of being diminished or simplified further] ex. to an irreducible minmum ps.1 irreducible 在數學上指不能再約分的 ps.2 reduce的字構是re(back)-duc(lead)-e ps.3 有一個詞Irreducible complexity是有關生物方面的,指的說生物太過複雜,不可能由某個簡單的祖先演化而得的,see youtube影片 irrepressible in-repress-ible adj.壓抑不住的 [Difficult or impossible to control or restrain] ex. an irrepressible laughter ps. repress [re-press] v.鎮壓 irrevocable in-revoke-able adj.不能變更的, 不能撤回的 [not to be revoked or recalled; unable to be repealed or annulled; unalterable] ex. The decision was irrevocable. 作出的決定已不能更改。 revoke [re-vok(=voc; call)-e] v.撤回,,取消 ps. 通常看到這個字,是在irrevocable letter of credit,或者是寫成irrevocable L/C,L/C是國際結算的一種方式,在國際貿易中一般採用irrevocable L/C。 irrigate v.灌溉 [to supply (land) with water by artificial means, as by diverting streams, flooding, or spraying.] ex. Some plains rivers regularly fertillize and irrigate surrounding areas with their floods. 有些平源河流不斷地以其洪水培肥和灌溉著周圍的地區。 v.【醫】沖洗(傷口等) [Medicine/Medical. to supply or wash (an orifice, wound, etc.) with a spray or a flow of some liquid.] 聯想: irri + gate 後面結尾有個gate,代表是水門,是灌溉的水門 字源:Latin irriga-re, in + riga-re to water irritate v.激怒 [to excite to impatience or anger] v【病理學】使發炎, 使疼痛 [Pathology. to bring (a body part) to an abnormally excited or sensitive condition.] 字源:L irri-ta-tus, ptp. of irri-ta-re "to arouse to anger, excite" irritable irrita(=L. irritare)-able adj.易怒的,易煩躁不安的 [easily irritated or annoyed; readily excited to impatience or anger.] ex. The news made John irritable. 這消息使約翰煩躁不安。 irritation n.激怒 [ the act of irritating or the state of being irritated.] n.刺激物;惱人事 [something that irritates.] antidote:poisoning=balm:irritation 解毒劑消除中毒=安慰物消除疼痛 isolate v.使孤立 [to set or place apart; detach or separate so as to be alone.] ex. Several villages have been isolated by lack of buses. 由於缺少公車,有幾個村子顯得很偏僻。 v.【電】使絕緣 [Electricity. to insulate.] n.孤立的人、事物 review p.270 ---------------------------------------- 字根 insula==島 insul-ar adj.島嶼的、與世隔離的 insul-ate v.使絕緣 [ 防止熱,電或聲音的進出 ] c.f isolate v.孤立 [這個isol與島有關,注意字型--沒有n] in-sol-ate v.使暴露在陽光下 [字根sol=太陽,ex. solar太陽的] ---------------------------------------- isotope iso(equal)-tope(place) n.同位素 -- 有相同數量的electron, proton, 但有不同數量的neutron. 字源:iso-+ G.k topos, place 這裡的意思是指在元素週期表(periodic table)中有同樣的位置 ex. isotope of Carbon 12C 13C ...在自然界都能stable -- ※ 發信站: 批踢踢實業坊(ptt.cc) ◆ From:
xination :前面有個D?? 09/20 11:38
wearytolove :推!!!!!!!!!!!!!! d會不會是一樓在文章列表按到小t 09/20 11:40
sovereignty :推這篇!!! 09/20 16:46