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http://xination.pixnet.net/blog/post/23745680 比較有空,再發一篇~ 終於到280了 ... 大陸仔 oh no stanza:line=volume:issue debate:issue=bargain:price issue <> withdraw isthmus:land=strait:water jabber <> speak slowly jaded <> keen vernacular:place=jargon:profession jarring <> melodious ---------------------------------------- issue n.流出;流出物 [The act or an instance of flowing, passing, or giving out.] ps. 可以用於指流出於市面上的「郵票」、「貨幣」、「期刊」 n.子女 [Offspring] ex. He died without issue. 他身後無子女。 n.爭論的議題 [A point or matter of discussion, debate, or dispute] ps.概念是指流於市面上的問題,比方說「A matter of public concern」 ex. international issues 國際議題 ex. economic issues v.出來 [=appear, to go or come out.] v.發行, 流通 [To be circulated or published.] ex. The post office issued the stamps last week. 上星期郵局發行了這些郵票。 字源:OF (e)issue, L. exitus exit isthmus n.地峽 [a narrow strip of land, bordered on both sides by water, connecting two larger bodies of land.] ps. The Isthmus of Panama 巴拿馬地峽 ex. The Isthmus of Panama joins North and South America. 字源: Gk isthmo's neck (of land), 希臘文中的土地的脖子 ps. strait n.海峽 The Taiwan Strait = 台灣海峽 itinerant itiner(journey)-ant [或 it(go)-iner-ant] adj.巡迴的 [traveling from place to place, esp. on a circuit, as a minister, judge, or sales representative] ex. itinerant musician n.巡迴者 [a person who travels from place to place, esp. for duty or business.] 字源:LL itinerant, prp. of itinera-ri-. 字根 itiner是 journey的意思, 是從 iter變化過來的,另外字根 iter與 ire"to go"是有關連的。簡單的說,你可以把 it的意思解釋成走。 此外,字尾-ant,常會出現「形容詞」型與「名詞」型並存的情況。 itinerary itiner(journey)-ary [或 it(go)-iner-ary] n.旅行計畫 [a detailed plan for a journey, esp. a list of places to visit; plan of travel.] ex. This itinerary leaves us plenty of leeway. 這個旅行計劃給我們留有很多自由活動的餘地 n.旅遊指南書 [a book describing a route or routes of travel with information helpful to travelers; guidebook for travelers.] n.旅行紀錄 [an account of a journey; record of travel.] ex. He kept a lively itinerary of the trip. 字尾 -ary作結尾是集合名詞的意思。 itinerary:trip=syllabus:course 旅行行程安排旅行=教學大綱安排課程 ivory n.象牙 [a tusk, as of an elephant] n.象牙質 [A hard, smooth, yellowish-white substance composed primarily of dentin that forms the tusks of the elephant.] ps. ivory可以指「象牙」、「象牙質」,如果你要說長在大象身上的象牙一般是使用 tusk這個字。 n.乳白色 聯想:字母i 在字典中的最後一個字就是ivory jabber v.快而含糊地說 [to talk or utter rapidly, indistinctly, incoherently, or nonsensically] 字源:jabber是個像聲詞 聯想:賈霸 Jabbar 說話 jabber review ---------------------------------------- -abble 有說話不清楚的傾向 gabble v.急促不清地說 ( 無意義的話 ) =jabber rabble n.烏合之眾,下等人 ( 騷動粗俗的人群 ) squabble v/n. 爭吵(由瑣事而引發的) ---------------------------------------- jade n.玉 n.疲倦的馬、不好駕馭的馬 [a worn-out, broken-down, worthless, or vicious horse.] n.脾氣不好的女人 [ill-tempered woman.] ps. jade當馬的意思,字源可能是出自於古挪威語的 jalda"mare,母馬",然後被當來abuse woman用。 jaded adj.疲倦不堪的 [worn out or wearied, as by overwork or overuse.] ex. looking jaded after all night party. ex. rest stole into their jaded bones 休息偷走了他們疲倦不堪的骨頭 = 讓他們好好放鬆 adj.厭倦的 [dulled or satiated by overindulgence] ex. 比方說,一連三天都吃大餐,再好吃得東西也食之無味, then you have a jaded appetite. overexposure:jaded 過分暴露導致厭倦的 jag n.鋸齒狀突起 [a sharp projection on an edge or surface.] jagged jag-ed adj.鋸齒狀的 [having ragged notches, points, or teeth; zigzag:] ex. He has trimmed off all the jagged pieces in the hedge. 他已樹籬中所有參差不齊的部分修剪掉。 jamb n.門or窗的邊框 [One of a pair of vertical posts or pieces that together form the sides of a door, window frame, or fireplace] 聯想:jam果醬 抹在 jamb上 字源:來自法文的leg jar v.發出刺耳的聲音[to produce a harsh, grating sound; sound discordantly.] v.震動 [to cause to rattle or shake.] v.使人產生不愉快的感覺 [to have a sudden and unpleasant effect upon (the feelings, nerves, etc.)] ex. Turn the radio off! That music jars on my nerves. 把收音機關掉!那音樂使我心煩意亂。 v.不一致 ex. Their opinions jar with ours. 他們的意見和我們不一致。 ps. 在日常生活中,jar 指的是罐子,用來裝食物等等 字源:jar是個模仿聲音的字,就好像你用指甲刮鐵片時發出來的聲音jar~ jar~ Sound Jar Montessori Activity ["movie":"http://www.youtube.com/v/wlBokC0qaGY&hl=zh_TW&fs=1&","allowfullscreen":"true","allowscriptaccess":"always","src":"http://www.youtube.com/v/wlBokC0qaGY&hl=zh_TW&fs=1&","type":"application/x-shockwave-flash"] jar:unsettled 因為震動所以沒固定的 jarring adj.刺耳的 ex. a jarring note 刺耳的音調 n.振動(帶有突然的意味) [A shaking; a tremulous motion] jargon n.專門術語 [the language, esp. the vocabulary, peculiar to a particular trade, profession, or group] ex. medical jargon. review argot :of an underworld group, or of particular profession or social group cant :of an underworld group jargon :of particular profession or social group jaundice n.黃疸 [Also called icterus. Pathology. yellow discoloration of the skin, whites of the eyes, etc., due to an increase of bile pigments in the blood, often symptomatic of certain diseases, as hepatitis.] n.偏見 [a state of feeling in which views are prejudiced or judgment is distorted, as from envy or resentment] 註:因為黃疸會讓皮膚變得黃黃的,所以後來有"以有色的眼光看人"的概念--即是偏見 ["movie":"http://www.youtube.com/v/jHtRB2qV_jg&hl=zh_TW&fs=1&","allowfullscreen":"true","allowscriptaccess":"always","src":"http://www.youtube.com/v/jHtRB2qV_jg&hl=zh_TW&fs=1&","type":"application/x-shockwave-flash"] jaundiced jaundice-d adj.黃疸的 [ affected with or colored by or as if by jaundice] adj.偏見的 [affected with or exhibiting prejudice, as from envy or resentment] ex. Jack has rather jaundiced opinions about all these modern ideas. jaundiced <> dispose favorably -- ※ 發信站: 批踢踢實業坊(ptt.cc) ◆ From:
ukujam :頭推 09/20 18:22