精華區beta GRE 關於我們 聯絡資訊
Dear 好久不見了阿 最近太忙了 所以一直都沒有發文... 預計這回會連載到300回 然後會休刊一陣子 呵呵 http://xination.pixnet.net/blog/post/23745737 review ---------------------------------------- 七姑姑系列 aunt daunt v.畏縮 (打姑姑嚇倒姑姑了,使姑姑畏縮) [daunting] flaunt v.誇耀 (到處飛fly炫耀的姑姑) [誇耀自己的財富] gaunt adj.枯瘦的 (姑姑被告了,她變得憔悴枯瘦的) haunt n/v.常去的地方 (姑姑常來要搬椅子h給她坐) [鬼魂常出沒之處] jaunt n.短程旅遊 (姑姑住的不遠也不近,去找她是短程旅遊) journey taunt n/v.嘲弄 (欺負t的諧音姑姑) vaunt v.吹噓 (比出勝利V的姑姑 - 愛吹噓的姑姑) [吹噓自己功績] ps. saunter v.閒逛;漫步 ---------------------------------------- jaunt n.短程旅遊 [a short journey, esp. one taken for pleasure.] ex. She' s gone on a jaunt into town. 她到城裡遊逛去了 v. [ to make a short journey.] jaunty adj.輕鬆活潑的;快活的 [ easy and sprightly in manner or bearing] ex. The happy children walked with jaunty steps. 快樂的孩子們跳跳蹦蹦地走著。 聯想:因為能去jaunt,所以小朋友都jaunty起來了 jazz n.爵士樂 補充: 爵士樂是起源於20世紀在美國南部非裔的社區 1910s Big band-style [1930s-1940s] Bebop [1945- ] ...hard bebop, postbop Cool Jazz [1940-1950] Latin Jazz fusion ex. Afro-Cuban, Brazilian Jazz [1950s~1960s] Jazz-rock fusion [1970s-1980s] Acid jazz (funk + hip-hop) [late 1980s- ] jealousy jealous-y n.妒忌 [jealous resentment against a rival, a person enjoying success or advantage, etc., or against another's success or advantage itself.] ex.像媽媽比較寵小兒子,大兒子可能會嫉妒( That's Jealousy)。像男生幫女同事而加班,醋意重的女朋友可能會嫉妒(That's Jealousy) ex. They were divided by mutual suspicion and jealousy. 他們因互相猜疑,嫉妒而對立。 jealous adj.妒忌的, 吃醋的 ex. If other girl spoke to him intimately she was immediately jealous. 字源:L. ze-l(us) zeal"狂熱" c.f. envy n./v. 羨慕 ex. 像朋友尾牙抽獎居然中了一台跑車,真是羨慕阿(That's envy.) ex. I envy you having an iphone. attentive:meddlesome=envious:jealous 特別注意的是多管閒事的=特別羨慕的是嫉妒的 jeer v.譏笑 [to speak or shout derisively; scoff or gibe rudely] ex. Don't jeer unless you can do better. review ---------------------------------------- **輕蔑、嘲笑系列 ex.別人失敗了,還笑人家是喪家犬 contempt n.輕蔑 deride v.輕蔑 [de-rid(笑)-e] disdain n/v.輕蔑、鄙視 [OF. desdeigner,des=dis, deigner "treat as worthy ] despise v. 輕蔑 [de-spis(=spec;look)-e] disregard v. 輕蔑 [dis-regard] gibe v.譏笑 jibe v.譏笑、與一致 jeer v.譏笑 mock v.譏笑( 用模仿的方式) [to ridicule by mimicry of action or speech.] ridicule v.譏笑 scorn n/v.輕蔑、嘲笑 scoff v.輕蔑、嘲笑 sneer v.輕蔑、嘲笑 (用面部表情的方式) [ex.她以為是她是有多正..] [to smile, laugh, or contort the face in a manner that shows scorn or contempt] spurn v.一腳踢開、輕蔑地拒絕 [想成spur(馬刺) + no] taunt v.以一種諷刺、侮辱的譏笑 [ says something about your weakness "to insult" you , insulting] ---------------------------------------- jibe v.譏笑 [= gibe.] v.相一致(美語中才有的字義) [to be in harmony or accord; agree] ex. What he described does not jibe with the facts. ps.其實在生活中jibe較常是指:使帆從一舷轉至另一舷, 使帆改變方向 jibe <> conflict jejune adj.枯燥無味的 [without interest or significance; dull; insipid] ex. there pour forth jejune words and useless empty phrases. 空洞無用的言辭不斷湧出 adj.不成熟的 [juvenile; immature; childish] 聯想:六月(june)太熱,做什麼都枯燥乏味(jejune) jejune:interest jerk n. 猛然地一拉(或一推,一扭,一扔等) [a quick, sharp pull, thrust, twist, throw, or the like; a sudden movement] n. 顛簸,搖晃 [any sudden, quick movement of the body] v.猛然一動 [to pull, twist, move, thrust, or throw with a quick, suddenly arrested motio] ex.I felt the fishing line jerk. 我感覺到釣絲猛然一動。 ps. 在俚語中 jerk指的是蠢蛋 foolish person 打手槍 = jerk-off. 正式的語言叫masturbate jeopardize v.使危害 [to put in jeopardy; hazard; risk; imperil] ex. The security of the whole operation has been jeopardize by one careless person. ex. to jeopardize his immortal soul by kissing you. 聯想:看成 leopard 豹.. 放豹危害人(jeopardize) jeopardy n.風險 [hazard or risk of or exposure to loss, harm, death, or injury] n.危險 [peril or danger] ex. find oneself in double jeopardy. 進退兩難 jest n.玩笑 =joke ex. Better lose a jest than a friend. (諺語)寧肯少說笑話,決不得罪朋友 v.開玩笑 [To act or speak playfully; to make witty remarks.] ex. You shouldn' t jest about serious things. ex. nike 的廣告"jest do it" is a jest 聯想:jest 跟 joke長得很像 ---------------------------------------- 玩笑特輯 jest n.玩笑 =joke jape v.開玩笑 n.笑話 [(old-fashion) joke,quip] prank n.惡作劇、令人難堪的玩笑 [a trick of an amusing, playful, or sometimes malicious nature.] quip n.俏皮話、妙語 ( 即興說出的機智話語 ) [1.a sharp, sarcastic remark] [2.a clever or witty remark or comment] ---------------------------------------- jettison n. [the act of casting goods from a vessel or aircraft to lighten or stabilize it.] v. [to cast (goods) overboard in order to lighten a vessel or aircraft or to improve its stability in an emergency.] ex. a ship jettisoning wastes ex. a pilot jettisoning aircraft fuel. 聯想:jet是噴射機 ,jettision是丟掉東西 "下面的影片是登陸火星的simulator(構想是來自英國的科幻小說家Stephen Baxter)...其中你可以看到火箭拋棄用完的fuel tank, 這個動作就是jettision...你可以點進去,影片的註解有更多的資料...(目前還沒有人登陸火星)" jigsaw puzzle n.拼圖 jingoism n. 沙文主義者; 主張武力外交者 [the spirit, policy, or practice of jingoes; bellicose chauvinism.] 聯想:日文的「軍國」可以發音成jingo... (其實沒有..如果有的話會唸成????) review p.83 Chauvinism from Nicolas Chauvin,傳說中因其過分的愛國主義和對拿破崙的忠誠而聞名的法國士兵 (Nicolas Chauvin, a legendary French soldier famous for his devotion to Napoleon) jingoism <> dove n.鴿子, 和平 (某牌洗髮精) jockey n.賽馬的騎師 [a person who rides horses professionally in races.] v.欺騙 [ to trick or cheat] v.耍手段使 [to manipulate cleverly or trickily] ex. Swindlers jockeyed him into buying some worthless land. 騙子們騙他買下了一些毫無價值的土地。 字源:jock其實就是Jack, 當成boy來解釋,而這個boy騎馬,就變成了騎師了。 另外Jack就是紙牌中的11點,也叫 knave,其中的含意是「奸詐的人」 聯想:Jacky(吳宗憲)會跑去當騎師,你不是在騙我嗎(jockey me) -- ※ 發信站: 批踢踢實業坊(ptt.cc) ◆ From:
ukujam :頭推XD 11/08 16:37
Lobely :這是一定要推的啦 11/08 17:33
aids2 :感謝X大~~!!推推 11/08 18:01
※ 編輯: xination 來自: (11/08 18:36)
wearytolove : 推~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ 11/08 19:20
DreamHssH :推~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ 11/08 20:03
alex332233 :推!!!!!!!! 11/08 20:56
newwilly :推 11/08 20:57
barista147 :超感謝的~~ 推! 11/08 22:53
pths40 :cool 11/08 23:34
sovereignty :推!!! 11/08 23:40