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大家好阿, 這是 283回 http://xination.pixnet.net/blog/post/23745779 ------------------------- justify just-ify v.證明...是正當的 [To demonstrate or prove to be just, right, or valid] ex. No argument can justify a war. ex. Don't try to justify your mistakes v.證明...無罪 [Law.To demonstrate sufficient legal reason for (an action taken).] 字源:LL. ju-stifica-re, = ju-sti- + -fica-re -fy (ju-sti是 ju-stus來的, 其中jus為"law, right") justify <> argue against justifiable just-ify-able adj.正當的 [capable of being justified; that can be shown to be or can be defended as being just, right, or warranted; defensible] ex. justifiable homicide = 正當殺人 ex. justifiable pride justification just-ification n.證明正當 [The act of justifying.] n.正當的理由 [a reason, fact, circumstance, or explanation that justifies or defends] ex. I can't see any justification for him to be so late. juvenile juven(youth)-ile adj.青少年的 [of, pertaining to, characteristic of, or suitable or intended for young persons] ex. juvenile books = 青少年的讀物 ex. juvenile delinquency = 青少年犯罪 adj.年輕的 [young; youthful] adj 未成熟的,孩子氣的[immature; childish; infantile] n.青少年 [a young person; youth.] 字源:L juveni-lis,= juven youthful + -i-lis -ile ps. rejuvenation n.返老還童 juxtapose juxta(side by side)-pose(put) v.並列(為了比較、對比) [to place close together or side by side, esp. for comparison or contrast.] ex. Contemporary photographs are juxtaposed with a sixteenth century, copper Portuguese mirror. 這些當代的照片被一同放於一個16世紀的葡萄牙銅鏡旁。 kaleidoscope kaleido(beautiful shape)-scope n.萬花筒 字構:coined by its inventor, Sir David Brewster (1781-1868) Gk. kal(o's) beautiful + ei^do(s) shape + -scope kangaroo n.袋鼠 字源:來自於澳洲原住民的用語 kangaroo: marsupial 有袋動物的 ken n.知識 [knowledge, understanding, or cognizance; mental perception] ex. beyond the ken of man 非人類所能理解...(常見的用法) n.視野,眼界 [range of sight or vision.] ps.在蘇格蘭語中 ken可以當動詞"to know" 字源:OE cennan to make known, 而「視野,眼界」的字義來自 kenning的縮寫...是個用於航海的用語 (1590) earshot:hear=ken:see kennel n.狗舍、貓舍 [a house or shelter for a dog or a cat.] v. [to put into or keep in a kennel] 聯想:nn像狗的四條腿 字源:kennel前面的 ken是從 L. can(is) dog演變來的 kernel n. 果核的仁..最裡面軟軟的東西 [A grain or seed, as of a cereal grass, enclosed in a husk.] n.核心 [the central or most important part of anything; essence] ex. Linux kernel 下面的圖是在指程式的關係 shell 是人溝通kernel的工具..ex tab鍵 --then kernel 會幫你處理hardware kidnap v.誘拐、綁架 [to steal, carry off, or abduct by force or fraud, esp. for use as a hostage(人質) or to extract ransom(贖金).] ex. The aim of the terrorists is to kidnap rather than kill. ex. The kidnapped man was said to have been seized by five people. 聯想:kid + nap 趁睡覺的時候把小孩綁架走 字源:kidnap = kid小孩子 + nap (nab v.強奪的變體) kidney n.腎臟 [Anatomy. either of a pair of bean-shaped organs in the back part of the abdominal cavity(腹腔) that form and excrete urine(尿), regulate fluid and electrolyte(電解質) balance, and act as endocrine glands(內分泌腺).] ps. nephritis n.腎炎 organ:kidney=bone:rib 腎是一種器官=肋骨是一種骨骼 killjoy kill-joy n.令人掃興的人 [a person who spoils the joy or pleasure of others; spoilsport.] ex. That killjoy ruined the fun by taking our beer away. 那個掃興的傢伙把啤酒拿走了。 -- ※ 發信站: 批踢踢實業坊(ptt.cc) ◆ From:
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