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各位晚安 這是284回 http://xination.pixnet.net/blog/post/23800833 ---------------------------- kin n.親戚(總稱) [a person's relatives collectively] ex. all his kin were at the weeding. [kin都是用plural的唷,就跟people是一樣的] ex. He is my next of kin. 他是我的近親。 n.親屬關係 [family relationship or kinship.] adj.親屬關係的 [ of the same family; related; akin.] 聯想:日文的「金」的音讀就是唸成kin唷,想像一下有親戚就是有黃金阿! 字源(看看就好):O.E. cyn "family, race, kind, nature," from P.Gmc. *kunjan (cf. O.N. kyn, O.H.G. chunni, Goth. kuni "family, race," O.N. kundr "son," Ger. kind "child"), from PIE *gen- "to produce" kin 它可以追溯到古英語的 cyn...可以看到發音是相同的, 它是來自原始日耳曼與的 kunjan (ps.所以 古挪威語的 kyn、 古高地德語的 chunni、 歌德語的 kuni 都是"family, race"的意思,而古挪威語的 kundr是指"son",德語的kind是指"child"...都是源於kunjan),又可追尋到更早的原始印歐語的 gen "to produce"的意思。 kindred kin-d-red [這裡的 d是增音..epenthesis] n.親戚(總稱) [=kin, a person's relatives collectively.] ex. Most of his kindred still live in Ireland. 他的親戚大部分仍住在愛爾蘭. adj.同類的;同源的 [Having a similar or related origin, nature, or character] ex. English and Dutch are kindred languages. 英語和荷蘭語是同源的語言. ex.kindred spirits 心靈相通,精神契合...(還滿常用的唷~) 字尾-red,是個 native English suffix,表示為某種condition的意思 kindred <> dissimilar kindle v.點燃 [To catch fire; burst into flame.] ps. kindle 與 ignite 都可以當作點燃,但kindle會用於比較抽象的地方。 v.激起(熱情等) [to light up, illuminate, or make bright] ex. The speaker kindled our interest in dinosaurs. 那位演講人引起了我們對恐龍的興趣。 ex. kindle one's imagination. ex.The sunset kindled the skies. 字源:kindle的 kin有含有generate的意思 kinetic kine-tic adj.運動的 [pertaining to motion.] ex. kinetic energy = 動能 1/2mv2 字源:GK. ki-ne-tikos moving, = kine- to move + -tikos suffix knack n.獨特的技巧、能力 [a special skill, talent, or aptitude] ex. He has the knack of getting people to listen. n.訣竅 [a clever or adroit way of doing something.] 影片簡介:Dilbert has a knack for enginereing ps. knick knack knack <> foolishness knave n. [an unprincipled, untrustworthy, or dishonest person.] ex. Once a knave, ever a knave. ps. 在紙牌中Jack 就是 knave knead v. [to work (dough, clay, etc.) into a uniform mixture by pressing, folding, and stretching.] ex. knead the dough into a ball ps. 說作massage的推,也可以用這個字唷 How to kneed bread dough knit v.編織 [to make (a garment, fabric, etc.) by interlocking loops of one or more yarns either by hand with knitting needles or by machine] ps. weave vs. knit weave 像是用於編竹蓆之類的,手工、機械都可以用 knit 用於編毛衣之類的,通常都是指用手織的、用機器不可以用knit "XD..knitting 看起來好難唷" knotty knot-y adj.有結的 [having knots; full of knots] adj.難解決的 [involved, intricate, or difficult] ex. a knotty problem. "教你打結 tie a knot" ps. gnarl n.樹木的)節;瘤 know-how n.知識、技術 [knowledge of how to do something; faculty or skill for a particular activity; expertise] ex. know-how指的是「特別的技術」、有些會翻成「關鍵技術」 ex. Designing a computer requires a lot of know-how. ps. 下面兩個字是較新的字,在字典中可能找不到,不過在工作上可能會遇到唷。 know-why = 技術原理 know-who = 人脈 kudos n.榮譽 [honor, glory; admiration or recognition that someone or something gets as a result of a particular action or achievement.] ex. he got a great deal of kudos for his work at the university. 他在大學裡貢獻良多,得到許多榮譽。 字源:Gk ky^dos "glory, fame, renown" ps. kudos這個字從字源上說,它是singular的。 ex. Kudos is due her for her brilliant work on the score. 不過,在近代的報紙上會用kudo,把它當作單數形,而把kudos當作複數來用。實際上是不對的,在正式的用法上,要把kudos當作singular來用。 labile adj.易發生變化的 [apt or likely to change.] adj. [Chemistry. (of a compound) capable of changing state or becoming inactive when subjected to heat or radiation.] ex. a labile compound. 不穩定化合物 ex. labile equilibrium 不穩平衡 聯想:在lab中的試驗品是不穩定的(labile) labored labor-ed adj.吃力的 [done or made with difficulty; heavy] ex. A short, labored breath 喘息短促而費力的呼吸 labyrinth n.迷宮 [ an intricate combination of paths or passages in which it is difficult to find one's way or to reach the exit.; a maze] n.【解】(內耳的)迷路 [A group of complex interconnecting anatomical cavities.] from希臘神話 labyrinth在希臘神話中是一座精心製作的建築物,由名匠Daedalus(代達羅斯)為Crete(克里特島)的國王Minos(米諾斯)所設計,建造於Knossos(克諾索斯)。這座迷宮用來囚禁Minos的兒子,半人半牛怪物的Minotaur(彌諾陶洛斯)。Daedalus巧妙地建造這座迷宮,使得在完成後他本人幾乎無法從中逃脫。雅典英雄Theseus(忒修斯)得到Ariadne(阿里阿德涅)的襄相,在殺害彌諾陶洛斯後,順著Ariadne的線帶領之下成功逃出迷宮。 Labyrinth這個字經常可以和Maze(迷路)互換使用,但現代專門學者使用更嚴格的定義。對他們而言,Maze是一個遊覽拼圖參觀的形式,有著可以選擇不同路徑與方向的複雜分歧通道;而單一路徑的Labyrinth只有一條唯一的Eulerian path 到達中心。Labyrinth在中心和原處有條明確的通過路,而不是設計來讓人難以導覽。 "tailer《Pan's Labyrinth》羊男的迷宮(2006)" lace n.蕾絲 [a netlike ornamental fabric made of threads by hand or machine.] n.用來綁緊兩邊的繩子 ex.鞋帶[A cord or ribbon used to draw and tie together two opposite edges, as of a shoe.] filigree:wire=lace:thread 金銀絲工藝品由金屬絲組成=蕾絲由線組成 lacerate lacer(to tear up)-ate v.撕裂 [to tear roughly; mangle] ex. The barbed wire lacerated his hands. 聯想: laser(雷射)可以 lascerate 字源:L lacera-tus, ptp. of lacera-re to tear up lachrymose adj.愛哭的、易落淚的 [suggestive of or tending to cause tears] ex. a lachrymose disposition 生性愛哭 聯想:lachrymose 其中有cry的單字 -- ※ 發信站: 批踢踢實業坊(ptt.cc) ◆ From:
sovereignty :首推 我很愛lachrymose這個字 11/13 02:32