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大家好 list 23 開始囉 http://xination.pixnet.net/blog/post/23801094 ---------------------------------------------------- lampoon n.諷刺(文) [a sharp, often virulent satire directed against an individual or institution; a work of literature, art, or the like, ridiculing severely the character or behavior of a person, society, etc.] v.諷刺 [to mock or ridicule in a lampoon] ex. to lampoon important leaders in the government. ex. His cartoon mercilessly lampoon the leading politician of the day. 他的諷刺漫畫無情地挖苦了當今的政界要人 ps. xination有看過一段lampoon是這樣的,它是一段TV show,用來挖苦紐約市長的(紐約市長是盲人),在show中市長拿著經濟的趨勢圖,然後說「喔,我們現在的經濟越來不越好了,你看..」,然後現場的記者卻跟市長說「市長你圖拿反了」,市長:「sorry,因為我看不到」 字源:lampoon這個字的來源不是很確定,但有說法是lampoon是從法文的lampon來的,意思就"let us drink",可能來自於lap v.舔...所以它的意思"讓我們舔吧!!" ps. 有一家公司就叫做national lampoon, (the film and television comedy-oriented production company formed in 2002) lampoon:satirize lance n.長矛 [a long wooden shaft with a pointed metal head, used as a weapon by knights and cavalry soldiers in charging.] lancet n.一種小手術刀(柳葉刀) [a small surgical instrument, usually sharp-pointed and two-edged, for making small incisions] ps.比方說,一些糖尿病者需要自測血糖,就會用Diabetic Lancet/ Blood Lancet allergy:reaction=lancet:instrument landfill land-fill n.垃圾填埋地 [a low area of land that is built up from deposits of solid refuse in layers covered by soil.] ex. refuse landfill 垃圾填埋場 ps. landfall n.登陸 [不是土掉下來了唷...] ex. Typhoon will make a landfall tomorrow. landlocked land-lock-ed adj.為陸地所包圍的;內陸的 [Entirely or almost entirely surrounded by land] ex. Switzerland is complete landlocked. ps. Do you know which is the largest landlocked country in the world? Ans Kazakhstan 哈薩克 landmark n.地標 [a prominent or conspicuous object on land that serves as a guide, esp. to ships at sea or to travelers on a road; a distinguishing landscape feature marking a site or location] ex. The church on the hilltop was a well-known landmark. 山頂上的教堂是一個顯著的陸標。 ex. Taipei 101 is a landmark of Taipei. n.(歷史上劃時代的)重大事件,里程碑 [An event marking an important stage of development or a turning point in history.] ex. a landmark in the history of modern art 當代藝術史上的里程碑 landslide land-slide n.山崩 [the downward falling or sliding of a mass of soil, detritus, or rock on or from a steep slope.] ex. Many people were dug out after being burried by the landslide. 有許多埋在土裡的人被挖出來。 n.(選舉中的)壓倒性大勝利 [an election in which a particular victorious candidate or party receives an overwhelming mass or majority of votes] ex. Opinion polls forecast a Conservative landslide. 民意測驗預示保守黨有獲得壓倒性多數票的可能. n. [any overwhelming victory] ps.1 landslide victory ps.2 美國用landslide, 英國用landslip 關於slide與slip的比較可以看p.222 slide有快、輕易 rapid and easy; slip較有accidental的意味 langu.or n.倦怠 [lack of energy or vitality] langu.ish v.變得無生氣 [to lose vigor and vitality] langu.id adj.無精打采的 [lacking in vigor or vitality] (諧音:懶鬼) language n.語言 linguistics n.語言學 ---------------------------------------- languish langu(lax)-ish v.變得無生氣,衰弱 [To be or become weak or feeble; lose strength or vigor.] ex. We all languished in the failure of our experiment. v.憔悴, 苦思 [To become downcast or pine away in longing] ex. languish for love, company, sympathy ex. They languish for their friends and family. v.長期受苦 [To exist or continue in miserable or disheartening conditions] ex. No one knows for certain how many refugees wander the world today, or languish in camps without a permanent place of settlement. 字源:L. langue-re ; akin to L.laxus lax adj.鬆的 languid langu(lax)-id adj.沒有活力的 [ lacking in vigor or vitality; slack(鬆的、馬虎的) or slow] ex. The illness made him feel languid. 疾病使他感到倦怠乏力。 adj.無精打采的 [lacking in spirit or interest; listless] ex. speaking with a languid tone languid:stir=arrogant:defer languor langu(lax)-or n.無氣力、無精打采 [Lack of physical or mental energy; sluggishness.] ex. Jazz music induce a delightful languor. c.f. language 字源:ME. langue "tongue". ex. lingua adj.舌;似舌的器官 lank adj.過度長的 [unduly(過度地) long and slender] ex. lank grass; lank leafless trees. ex. the horses are lean and lank. /* lean adj.傾斜的、瘦的*/ adj.(頭髮)平直的,不鬈曲的 [of hair, straight and limp(n/v.跛行 a.柔弱的); without spring or curl.] ps. 在聖誕節的歌中..就是中文有「叮叮噹,叮叮噹,鈴聲多響亮」,歌詞中就有"The horse was lean and lank". lap v.(波浪)輕輕拍打 [(of water) to wash against or beat upon (something) with a light, slapping or splashing sound] ex. wave laps on a beach v.舐食 [to take in (liquid) with the tongue; lick in] ex. dog laps water n.膝部 [the front part of the human body from the waist to the knees when in a sitting position.] n.(衣,裙等的)下襬 [the part of the clothing that lies on the front portion of the body from the waist to the knees when one sits.] v.摺疊 [to fold over or around something; wrap or wind around something] ex. to lap a bandage around one's finger. ps. overlap n.(競賽場的)一圈 -- ※ 發信站: 批踢踢實業坊(ptt.cc) ◆ From:
sovereignty :首推!!! 11/14 17:50