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http://xination.pixnet.net/blog/post/23864627 這是289回 -------------------- ledger n.總帳 [ a book to which the record of accounts is transferred as final entry from original postings.] 聯想: l + edge +r 旁邊放了一本帳本 leer v.送秋波 or 惡意的瞥視 [To look with a sidelong glance, indicative especially of sexual desire or sly and malicious intent.] ex. He is leering at his neighbor's wife. 他正色迷迷地斜著眼看鄰居的太太。 聯想:ee跟眼睛有關 leery leer-y adj. [ wary; suspicious] ex. I'm leery of his financial advice. 字構:leery概念借用當你 leer sth, 斜眼看者某東西,表示你似乎不太相信他,所有有懷疑的概念。 c.f wary adj.小心翼翼的;警惕的 = leery = chary weary [wear-y] adj.疲倦的,疲勞的 ex. I'm so weary of political commercials that I cut the TV off every time one comes on. brief review ---------------------------------------- 字根leg特輯 **leg == law 法律 L. lex-, leg- = law legal adj.合法的 legitimate adj.合法的 (可以用在繼承權上) legisl-ate v.制定法律 [enact laws] legisl-ation n.制定法律 legisl-ature n.立法機關 al-legi-ance n.忠誠 [lawful-->faithful] [特] litigation n.訴訟 lit + ig + ation. (lawsuit) (do) n. ---------------------------------------- **leg == appoint, send L. legare = send legate n.使節(羅馬教皇的使節) delegate n.代表、會議代表 v.委派...為代表 [de- = dis-] relegate v.貶謫、放逐 [re-做back解] leg-acy n.遺產 [前人所send之物] ---------------------------------------- 主型式lect,變化型為leg ** lect 1號 == choose leg-->lig elect v.選出 // election n.選舉 select v.選擇 intellect n.智力 [intel + lect選] legion n.古羅馬軍團 adj.眾多的,大量的 [被選出來的士兵] ** lect 2號 == gather leg-->lig collect v.收集 sacr-i-lege n.褻瀆、褻瀆聖物 [從聖地收集來的-->盜取-->褻瀆] ** lect 3號 == read leg-->lig lectern n.教堂中的讀經臺 lecture n.演講 legible adj.(字清晰)易讀的 ---------------------------------------- legacy leg(send)-acy n.遺產 [Something handed down from an ancestor or a predecessor or from the past] ex. He' s gambled away all his father' s legacy. 字源:ME legacie office of a deputy or legate,本來是是當作代理官的意思,他是源於 L. legare, send as a deputy. 後來概念轉成 send money. legacy:predecessor=gift:donor legend n.傳說 [ a nonhistorical or unverifiable story handed down by tradition from earlier times and popularly accepted as historical.] ps. legend是沒有被歷史證實的,卻傳統上一直流傳下來,於是就被廣泛接受成歷史的部份,比方說三皇五帝是否真的存在等等... n.圖例 [ a table on a map, chart, or the like, listing and explaining the symbols used.] c.f pronunciation key =就是字典的音表介紹表 glossary:text=legend:map legerdemain leger-de-main n.手的戲法 [Sleight(n. =skill) of hand] ex. Magic is not only legerdemain, but also a performing art, trying to break the our common sense. n.欺騙 [ trickery; deception.] 字源: 法文 leger de mayne = light of hand 為什麼mayne跟hand有關呢,因為 字根man就是手的意思 還記得manuscript, manumit都是跟手有關唷 "超強" ["movie":"http://www.youtube.com/v/g-mqqfA6Kb0&hl=zh_TW&fs=1&","allowfullscreen":"true","allowscriptaccess":"always","src":"http://www.youtube.com/v/g-mqqfA6Kb0&hl=zh_TW&fs=1&","type":"application/x-shockwave-flash"] legion leg(choose)-ion n.古羅馬軍團 [a division of the Roman army, usually comprising 3000 to 6000 soldiers.] ps. 原指古羅馬軍團(3000~6000人) n.外籍軍團 [foreign legion --- a specialized military unit of the French army, consisting of volunteers of all nationalities assigned to military operations and duties outside France.] ps. 特別指的法國的外籍傭兵團,志願服務於他國軍隊的特殊軍團。(台灣有個竹科新貴跑去當外籍傭兵--小吳) adj.大量的 [very great in number] legion <> lack in number legislate legisl(leg的變化)-ate v.制定法律 [ to exercise the function of legislation; make or enact laws.] ex. to legislate against racial discrimination. legislation legisl-ation n.制定法律 [the act of making or enacting laws.] n.法律 [a law or a body of laws enacted.] ex. The new legislation does not go far enough towards solving the problem. 新的法規對解決該問題並無多大幫助. legislature legisl-ature n.立法機關, 立法院 [a deliberative body of persons, usually elective, who are empowered to make, change, or repeal the laws of a country or state; the branch of government having the power to make laws] legitimate legitim-ate adj.婚生的 [born in wedlock or of legally married parents] ex. He is the legitimate heir to the property. 他是這宗財產的合法繼承人。 adj.合法的 [ according to law; lawful] v. 使合法 [ To give legal force or status to; make lawful.] 字源:legitim來自 L. legitima legi=law, -tima是個suffix claim:legitimated=hypothesis:confirmed review p.245 illegitimate in-legitim-ate adj.私生的 [ born of parents who are not married to each other] ex. an illegitimate child 私生子 adj.不合法的;違法的 [ unlawful; illegal] ex. illegitimate use of public funds. leisureliness leisurely-ness n.悠閒 [an unhurried manner] leisureliness <> dispatch lenient adj.寬大的;仁慈的 [Inclined not to be harsh or strict; merciful, generous, or indulgent] ex. lenient policy ex. lenient parents 字源(看看就好):L. le-nie-ns, le-nient-, p.p of le-ni-re, to pacify, from le-nis, soft leniency n.寬大;仁慈 [he quality or state of being lenient.] ex. He said he would show no leniency towards those who stirred up trouble between Muslims and Christians. ps.如果有接觸過社會心理學的話,可能會見過「leniency effect」仁慈效應。社會心理學家研究人知覺時發現,一般人對別人的評價,如以從最壞到最好的七點量表為根據,最後所得總結果,總是在中點(四點)以上。換言之,一般人總是認為別人好的方面比壞的方面多,此一社會心理傾向,稱為仁慈效應。 -- ※ 發信站: 批踢踢實業坊(ptt.cc) ◆ From:
jane050177 :耶耶感謝 :) 11/27 15:11
melian :大推 11/27 16:22
sovereignty :推 11/27 17:14